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Mougeon, Raymond, and John Macnamara. “Language Maintenance, Bilingualism and Religion in Gaspé East.” Cahier de linguistique No. 6 (1976): 171–178.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. “St. Patrick’s, Quebec: The Building of a Church and of a Parish, 1827-1833.” Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa, 1976.
Townsend, Richard G. “Bill 22 vs. ‘the English’ -- A Case of Language Politics.” ED129090:31p. ERIC Clearinghouse Microfiches, 1976.
Horan, Patrick J., and Patrick M. O. Evans. St. Elizabeth Roman Catholic Cemetery, Cantley, Que.: Church Established 1868, off Highway 307, on St. Elisabeth Rd. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1977.
Morton, David D. “The Development of the Private English Academic Secondary Schools of Quebec, from 1965 to 1975.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1977.
Noël Smith, Françoise. “The Establishment of Religious Communities in the Eastern Townships of Lower Canada, 1799 to 1851.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1977.
Noppen, Luc. Les églises du Québec, 1600-1850. Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1977.
Remiggi, Frank W. “Ethnic Diversity and Settler Location on the Eastern Lower North Shore of Quebec.” In The Peopleing of Newfoundland : Essays in Historical Geography, edited by John Mannion, 184–211. St. John’s, NL: Memorial University of Newfoundland, Institute of Social and Economic Research, 1977.
Jaenen, Cornelius. “Thoughts on French and Catholic Anti-Semitism.” Jewish Historical Society of Canada Journal Société de l’histoire juive canadienne Vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1977): 16–23.
Hoy, Agnes Gertrude. “The Political Significance of the Roman Catholic and Anglican Bishops from the Conquest Through the American Revolution (1759-93) in the Writing of Canadian History.” Master’s Thesis, University of Windsor, 1978.
Little, J. I. “Missionary Priests in Quebec’s Eastern Townships: The Years of Hardship and Discontent, 1825-1853.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Study Sessions Vol. 45 (1978): 21–35.
Noel, Janet. “Temperance, Evangelism, Drink, Religion and Reform in the Province of Canada, 1840-1854.” Master’s Thesis, University of Ottawa, 1978.
Marchant, Helen M. “Bureaucratic-Professional Conflict as a Consequence of Social Welfare Legislation: An Organizational Analysis.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1979.
Sylvain, Philippe. “L’affaire Corrigan à Saint-Sylvestre.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 42 (1979): 125–144.
Tétreault, Martin. “L’état de santé des Montréalais, 1880-1914.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1979.
Wright, W. Alan. “Cooperation and Conflict : Relations Among the Teachers’ Association in Quebec, 1959-1969.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1979.
Montreal Chinese Catholic Community Centre /Centre communautaire catholique chinois de Montréal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1980.
St. Stephen’s Roman Catholic Cemetery, Old Chelsea, Qué. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1980.
Castelli, Giuseppe. “Étude sur le rôle de l’Église dans l’intégration des immigrés d’origine italienne dans la société montréalaise.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1980.
Énard, Anne-Marie. “L’Église catholique et la communauté italienne de Montréal.” In Le Facteur religieux en Amérique du Nord, 102–114. Talence, France: Institut d’études politiques de Bordeaux, Centres (sic) d’études canadiennes en sciences sociales, 1980.
Fugolo, Joseph. “The Pre-Baptism Instruction of Italian Immigrants at Our Lady of Pompei Parish in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1980.
Guindon, Hubert. “Le Référendum : une autre décennie d’instabilité politiqué.” L’Action nationale Vol. 70, no. 4 (1980): 271–291.
Remiggi, Frank W. “Quelques origines spatiales du présent conflit francophone-anglophone au Québec : exemple de la Basse Côte-Nord.” Cahiers de géographie du Québec Vol. 24, no. 61 (Avril 1980): 157–166.
Roberts, Barbara. “Sex, Politics and Religion: Controversies in Female Immigration Reform Work in Montreal, 1881-1919.” Atlantis : Critical Studies in Gender, Culture and Social Justice Vol. 6, no. 1 (Fall 1980): 25–38.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. Saint Brigid’s, Quebec: The Irish Care For Their People, 1856 to 1981. Quebec: Carraig Books, 1981.
O’Gallagher, Marianna. Saint Patrick’s, Quebec: The Building of a Church and a Parish 1827 to 1832. Quebec: Carraig Books, 1981.
Watson, Karen. “The Stone Church of St. Stephen.” Up the Gatineau Vol. 7 (1981): 2–7.
Boekema, Cornelius Nicolaas. Histoire Des Cures de La Paroisse de Ste-Elisabeth de Cantley Au Québec / History of the Parish Priests of St-Elizabeth’s Roman Catholic Church, Cantley, Quebec. Cantley, QC: Lenora Chamaillard, 1982.
Québec. Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, Comité catholique. Les anglo-catholiques et la confessionnalité scolaire. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Conseil supérieur de l’éducation, Comité catholique, 1982.
Little, J. I. “The Catholic Church and French-Canadian Colonization of the Eastern Townships, 1821-51.” University of Ottawa Quarterly/Revue de l’Université d’Ottawa Vol. 52, no. 1 (March 1982): 142–165.
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