Full bibliography
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Weiser, Kalman. “Vilna on the Saint Lawrence: Montreal as the Would-Be Haven for Yiddish Culture.” In No Better Home?: Canada, Its Jews, and the Question of Home, edited by David H. Koffman, 56–69. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2021.
Williams, Dorothy W. “Unintended Consequences : Bill 101 and the English-Speaking Black Community.” In La Charte : La Loi 101 et Les Québécois d’expression Anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 387–395. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021. https://www.pulaval.com/libreacces/9782763754369.pdf.
Williams, Dorothy W., and James W. St. G. Walker. “Black History in Canada until 1900.” The Canadian Encyclopedia. Historica Canada, 2021. https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/black-history-until-1900.
Zanazanian, Paul, and Raphaël Gani. “L’histoire des communautés québécoises d’expression anglaise telle que racontée par quarante leaders communautaires anglophone : une mémoire historique en tension.” In La Charte : La loi 101 et les Québécois d’expression anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 323–362. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021. https://www.pulaval.com/libreacces/9782763754369.pdf.
Zschalich, Florian. “Le cadrage des débats linguistiques dans la presse anglophone et francophone au Québec : un clivage médiatique? : analyse de la couverture du projet de loi 14.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2021. https://papyrus.bib.umontreal.ca/xmlui/handle/1866/25431.
Béland, Daniel, André Lecours, and Peggy Schmeiser. “Nationalism, Secularism, and Ethno-Cultural Diversity in Quebec.” Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 55, no. 1 (Winter 2021): 177–202.
Darch, Heather. “Let’s Talk of Graves : Released from All His Earthly Cares...” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2021.
Darch, Heather. “The Scandal Makers : The Cogniacers, Part 2.” Documentary. Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network. Last modified January 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t63kohnbrdQ.
Fournier, Marcel. “Les communautés anglicanes et presbytériennes à Montréal au lendemain de la Conquête de 1760.” Mémoires de la Société généalogique canadienne-française, Hiver 2021.
Jenson, Jane. “A Sundry Place : George Bonnallie and the Settlement of Orford Township.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2021.
Luchak, Milla. Digital Outreach to Post-Secondary Students During Covid-19. Montreal: Y4Y Quebec, 2021. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a83a61c64b05f9176dcedc5/t/5ffeffdf24e70e02f3ed63c5/1610547212581/Y4Y+Qu%C3%A9bec-Policy+Brief+Digital+Outreach+to+Post-Secondary+Students+During+Covid-19.pdf.
Pépin, Karine. “‘Les Canadiennes se sont éprises des Anglais’? Les alliances mixtes chez la noblesse canadienne après la Conquête (1760-1800).” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 74, no. 3 (Hiver 2021): 31–53. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/haf/2021-v74-n3-haf06187/1079245ar.pdf.
Roy, Alain. From Vitality to Vitality of Memory : Conceptual Foundations of the Role of Memory and Heritage in the Vitality of Official Language Minority Communities. [Concept Paper]. Ottawa, ON: Library and Archives Canada, January 2021. https://archivesclosm-olmc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Vitality-of-Memory_Concept-paper_final.pdf.
Roy, Julie. “Our gentle, darling, good, unselfish brother.” À rayons ouverts: Bulletin de la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec, Hiver 2021.
Talbot, Robert, François Dumaine, Nicholas Borodenko, Jeannette Yameogo, Stéphanie Jolette, and Véronique Boudreau. Linguistic (In)Security at Work : Exploratory Survey on Official Languages among Federal Government Employees in Canada. Ottawa, ON: Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, 2021. https://www.clo-ocol.gc.ca/sites/default/files/linguistic-insecurity.pdf.
Cameron, Christina. “The Goode House: A Special Place.” The Westmount Historian, February 2021. https://westmounthistorical.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/2021_02_text.pdf.
Darch, Heather. “The Scandal Makers : The Cogniacers, Part 3.” Documentary. Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network. Last modified February 2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OofvoIZNra0.
Fournier, Marcel. “Martin Sheppard: premier notaire de la Gaspésie.” Magazine Gaspésie, March 2021.
Lemyre, Étienne. “Portrait of English-Speaking Workers in Quebec’s Agriculture and Agri-Food Industries, 2006 and 2016.” Statistics Canada (Ethnicity, Language and Immigration Thematic Series). Last modified March 1, 2021. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-657-x/89-657-x2021002-eng.pdf.
Glazer, Aubrey L. “Third Solitudes Without Separation, Oneness Torn from the Other: On Tearing Through the Shroud of the Solitude of Montreal Jewish Mystics.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 32 (Spring 2021): 115–134. https://cjs.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cjs/article/view/40213/36394.
Mackey, Frank. “An Afro-Irish Landmark in Quebec City: The Jacquet House.” Connections: Journal of The Quebec Family History Society, Spring 2021.
McGuire, Susan. “A Park For All Montreal.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
McGuire, Susan. “Aldis Bernard : Montreal’s Dentist Mayor.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
McGuire, Susan. “Alexander Stevenson : The Colonel with the Cannons.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
O’Donnell, Brendan. “Montreal’s Most Popular Irishman : The Forgotten Life of J.J. Curran.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
Ravvin, Norman. “Placed Upon the Landscape, Casting Shadows: Jewish Canadian Monuments and Other Forms of Memory.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 31 (Spring 2021): 104–114. https://cjs.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cjs/article/view/40212/36393.
Toufexis, Jesse. “‘Westmount’s Sinai’: Projecting a Jewish Landscape onto Montreal through Fiction.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 31 (Spring 2021): 148–158. https://cjs.journals.yorku.ca/index.php/cjs/article/view/40216/36396.
Wilkin, Dwane. “Consolations of the Marsh : Henry Mousley and the Natural History of Southern Quebec.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2021.
Crossland, Constance, and Douglas Brown. Factors in the Regional Retention of Graduates from Health and Social Services Program : Results of the 2019 and 2020 Surveys of Health and Social Services Career Program Students at English Colleges in Quebec. (Survey). Sainte Anne de Bellevue, QC: John Abbott College, April 27, 2021. https://departments.johnabbott.qc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Retention-Survey-Final-Report-April-27-2021.pdf.
Hurley, Erin. “Le théâtre de langue anglaise au Québec : de la majorité à la minorité.” Revue d’historiographie du théâtre Vol. 6, no. 1 (Mai 2021).
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