Full bibliography
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Roe, Henry. Farewell Sermon, Preached in St. Stephen’s or the 2nd Inverness Church, Megantic, on the 22nd October, 1854. Montreal: J. Lovell, 1854.
Young, John. Correspondence, Etc Concerning a Recent Difficulty between Messrs. Irvine and Pope. Quebec: Bureau & Marcotte, 1854. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_36033.
Narrative of the Proceedings of the St. Andrew’s Society of Montreal: From Its Formation on the 9th March, 1835 Until the 1st January, 1844; To Which Is Appended Lists of the Officers, Members and the Constitution of the Society. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1855.
Christie, Robert. Interesting Public Documents and Official Correspondence, Illustrative of, and Supplementary to the History of Lower Canada. Montreal: R. Christie, 1855.
Mercantile Library Association of Montreal. Charter, Rules and Regulations, and Library Catalogue. Montreal: Wilson and Nolan, 1855.
Rev. Fraser, D. A Narrative of the Rise and Progress of the Free Church, Coté Street, Montreal, Read to the Congregation at Their Annual Meeting on the 25th April, 1855. By Pastor, the Rev. D. Fraser. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1855. https://archive.org/stream/cihm_64090#page/n3/mode/2up.
(Scott, William). Documents & Observations Relating to the Affairs of the Montreal Circuit. Montreal: Printed by Wilson & Nolan, 1855. https://ia600403.us.archive.org/5/items/cihm_47289/cihm_47289.pdf.
Scott, William. Documents and Observations Relating to the Affairs of the Montreal Circuit. Montreal: Wilson & Nolan, 1855.
Montreal in 1856 : A Sketch Prepared for the Celebration of the Opening of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Montreal and Kingston: John Lovell, 1856.
Rules and Regulations for the Guidance and Government of the Congregation of Catholics of Quebec Speaking the English Language. Quebec: Printed at the Colonist Office, 1856. https://ia600504.us.archive.org/31/items/cihm_47734/cihm_47734.pdf.
Cooney, Robert. The Autobiography of a Wesleyan Methodist Missionary (Formerly a Roman Catholic): Containing an Account of His Conversion from Romanism and His Reception into the Wesleyan Ministry: Also Reminiscences of Nearly Twenty-Five Years’ Itinerancy.. Montreal: E. Pickup, 1856. http://www.archive.org/stream/cihm_33336#page/n13/mode/2up.
General Railroad Celebration Committee. Montreal in 1856: A Sketch Prepared for the Celebration of the Opening of the Grand Trunk Railway of Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1856.
Kelly, Richard. The True Particulars of the Awful Death of Mr. R. Corrigan, Farmer in St. Sylvester, at the Cattle Show Held October 17, 1855, as Revealed at the Trial of Richard Kelly, Francis Donaghue, Patrick Donaghue, George Monaghan, Patrick O’Neill, John McCaffrey, and George Bannon, Charged with the Crime of Murder, Before the Court of Queen’s Bench, Quebec. Quebec: R. Middleton, 1856. https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=aeu.ark:/13960/t0rr31c15;view=1up;seq=6.
Ross, Dunbar. The Seat of Government of Canada: Also the Composition and Functions of the Legislative Council and the Double Majority of Canada. Quebec: E.R. Frechette, 1856. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_35396.
Mrs. Mountain, Armine S. H., ed. Memoirs and Letters of the Late Colonel Armine S.H. Mountain, C.B., Aide-de-Camp to the Queen and Adjutant-General of Her Majesty’s Forces in India. London, England: Longman, Brown, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1857. https://archive.org/stream/cihm_38115#page/n5/mode/2up.
Bibaud, François M. Dictionnaire historique des hommes illustres du Canada et de l’Amérique. Montréal: Bibaud et Richer, 1857.
Rogers, Charles. Stadacona Depicta: Or Quebec and Its Environs. Historically, Panoramically, and Locally Exhibited. Quebec: Carey Brothers, 1857.
Russell, Willis. Quebec, as It Was, and as It Is, or, A Brief History of the Oldest City in Canada, from Its Foundation to the Present Time : With a Guide for Strangers to the Different Places of Interest within the City, and Adjacent Thereto. 1st ed. Quebec: Printed for the Proprietor, by P. Lamoureaux, 1857. https://ia600205.us.archive.org/27/items/quebecasitwasasi00russ/quebecasitwasasi00russ.pdf.
University of Bishop’s College. Historical Sketch of the University of Bishop’s College Established at Lennoxville, C.E.: Shewing Its Origin, Progress and Present Condition, with a List of Officers, Course of Reading, Terms, Etc. Montreal: John Lovell, 1857. https://ia600300.us.archive.org/12/items/cihm_36519/cihm_36519.pdf.
Chauveau, Pierre-Joseph-Olivier. “William Evans, l’agronome.” Journal de l’instruction publique Vol. 1, no. 2 (Février 1857): 33–34.
“Inauguration of the Jacques Cartier and McGill Normal Schools.” Journal of Education Vol. 1, no. 2 (March 1857): 35–48.
Bibaud, François M. Le panthéon canadien (choix de biographie), dans lequel on a introduit les hommes le plus célèbres des autres colonies britanniques. Montréal: Cérat et Bourguignon, 1858.
Percy, Gilbert. A Letter to the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Quebec, on Subjects Connected with Tractarianism in the Church. Quebec: P. Lamoureux, 1858. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_49531.
Rev. Cleveland, Edward. A Sketch of the Early Settlement and History of Shipton, Canada East. Richmond, QC: S.C. Smith, Richmond County Advocate, 1858.
Wily, Thomas. Narrative of the Military Excursion of the Montreal Volunteer Militia Rifles to Portland, 18th and 19th August, 1858. Montreal: John Lovell, 1858. https://archive.org/details/cihm_45652.
Carpenter, Philip P. On the Relative Value of Human Life in Different Parts of Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1859.
Dawson, John William. Biographical Sketch of James McGill. Montreal? [s.n.], 1859. http://contentdm.ucalgary.ca/digital/collection/p22007coll8/id/1238658/rec/121.
Norton, John N. Life of Bishop Stewart of Quebec. New York, NY: General Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Union and Church Book Society, 1859. https://ia600503.us.archive.org/15/items/cihm_36446/cihm_36446.pdf.
Willan, John Henry. Thoughts on the Position of the British Inhabitants Composing the Minority in Lower Canada: Brought About by the Maladministration of Justice, and the Tyranny of the Majority in That Province; and the Remedy Thereof. Quebec: Printed at the Mercury Office, 1859. http://ebooks.library.ualberta.ca/local/cihm_22764.
The Church Chronicle of the Diocese of Montreal. 2 vols. Montreal: John Lovell, 1860. http://eco.canadiana.ca/view/oocihm.8_04210.
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