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Dolphin, Ken. “Mary and Ralph: From Blackburn, Lancashire, to Valleyfield, Quebec.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay No. 51 (2018): 18–19.
Noël, Françoise. “The Legacy of the Christie Family’s Seigneurial Estate: Management in the Upper Richelieu Valley.” Histoire Québec Vol. 22, no. 1 (2016): 5–7.
LaRose, André. “Objectif : commutation de tenure. Edward Ellice et le régime seigneurial (1820-1840).” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 66, no. 3–4 (Hiver-printemps 2013): 365–393.
Lewandoski, Julia. “Property and Ambiguity on Missisquoi Bay: 1760-1812.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 2013.
Labelle, Marcel. Beauharnois, 150 ans ensemble. L’histoire de la Ville de Beauharnois. Beauharnois, QC: Comité des fêtes du 150e de Beauharnois, 2013.
Durham, Louisa Elizabeth (Gray) Lambton, and Jane Ellice. Dans le sillage des Patriotes : 1838. Québec: Septentrion, 2013.
McGee, Robert. A Young Person’s Introduction to the Chateauguay Valley: Settlement of the Valley. Huntingdon, QC: The Innismacsaint Press, 2009.
Paradis, Matthieu. “La présence militaire britannique et les réseaux d’affaires dans le Haut-Richelieu (1812-1836).” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2007.
Thompson, John. Hudson: The Early Years, Up to 1867. Hudson, QC: Hudson Historical Society, 2004.
Roy, Louis, Gérald Domon, and Sylvain Paquette. “Settlement Pattern, Environmental Factors and Ethnic Background on a Southwestern Quebec Frontier (1795-1842).” The Canadian Geographer/Le géographe canadien Vol. 46, no. 2 (Summer 2002): 144–159.
Laviolette, Luc. “L’organisation sociale dans la seigneurie de Beauharnois sous l’impulsion des Ellice (1795-1845).” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay Vol. 29 (1996): 52–58.
Ménard, Alain. “Le major Campbell, promoteur d’une agriculture moderne au Bas-Canada au milieu du XIXe siècle.” Les cahiers d’histoire de la Société d’histoire de Beloeil-Mont-Saint-Hilaire Vol. 15, no. 45 (October 1994): 31–38.
Mackey, Frank. “The Ellices and the Rebellion of 1838.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal / Revue annuelle de la Société Historique de la Vallée de la Châteauguay, 1988.
LaRose, André. “La seigneurie de Beauharnois, 1729-1854 : les seigneurs, l’espace et l’argent.” PhD dissertation, Université d’Ottawa, 1988.
Noël, Françoise. “Seigneurial Survey and Land Granting Policies.” In Canadian Papers in Rural History, edited by Donald H. Akenson, 5:150–197. Gananoque, ON: Langdale Press, 1986.
Currie, Stanley. “Village of Huntingdon, Its Beginnings.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Journal/Société historique de la Vallée de la Châteauguay Revue Vol. 8 (1975): 1–14.
Walker, Bruce D. “The County of Missisquoi in the Eastern Townships of the Province of Quebec (1770s-1867).” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1974.
Stephenson, Lois I. Glimpses of Old St. Henry. Hudson, QC: Hudson Historical Society, 1973.
Colthart, James Myron. “Edward Ellice and North America: A Study in Canadian-American Relations.” PhD dissertation, Princeton University, 1971.
McGibbon, Grace D. Glimpses of the Life and Work of the Reverend Richard Bradford as Scholar, School Principal, Chaplain, Priest of the Church of England and S.P.G. Missionary. Calgary, AB: Printed at Macleod Letter and Printing Services, 1970.
Manning, Helen Taft. “E.G. Wakefield and the Beauharnois Canal.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 48, no. 1 (March 1967): 1–25.
Thompson, John Beswarick. “The Evolution of an English-Speaking Community in Rural French Canada, 1820-1867.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1967. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=147707&silo_library=GEN01.
Cobban, Aileen Anne, and Robert Morrison Lithgow. “A Regional Study of the Richelieu Valley.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1952.
Ballabon, Maurice Bernard. “A Regional Study of the Richelieu Valley: The Urban Centres.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1952.
Long, Dorothy Elizabeth. “The Elusive Mr. Ellice.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 23, no. 1 (March 1942): 42–57.
Long, Dorothy Elizabeth. “Edward Ellice.” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 1941.
Millman, Thomas R. “Edward Parkin, First S.P.G. Missionary at Chambly, 1819-1828.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 27, no. 6–7 (July 1939).
Brome County Historical Society. Catalogue of Documents: Bibliography of the Eastern Townships: Birth of the Eastern Townships. Knowlton, QC: The Society, 1937.
Audet, Francis-J. “John Simpson (1788-1873) : les députés de la vallée de l’Ottawa.” The Canadian Historical Association Annual Report Vol. 15, no. 1 (1936): 32–39.
Audet, Francis-J., and E. F. Surveyer. “Député au premier parlement canadien : John Barnes.” La Presse. Montreal, January 8, 1927.