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Wing, Emily. “On Different Sides of the Studio: Chinese Male and Female Sitters in Montreal’s Photographic Portraiture, Pre Exclusion Era (1885-1923).” Chrysalis: A Critical Student Journal of Transformative Art History Vol. 1, no. 1 (Fall 2014): 77–90.
Marquis, Greg. “A War Within a War : Canadian Reactions to D. W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation.” Histoire sociale / Social History Vol. 47, no. 94 (June 2014): 421–442.
Debien, Léon. “Antisémitisme et collèges, 1825-1910.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 22, no. 2 (Hiver 2014): 151–175.
Jamil, Uzma. “The Impact of Securitization on South Asian Muslims in Montreal.” In Religious Radicalization and Securitization in Canada and Beyond, edited by Paul Bramadat and Lorne L. Dawson, 145–163. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014.
Anctil, Pierre. À Chacun Ses Juifs : 60 éditoriaux pour comprendre la position du Devoir à l’égard des Juifs, 1910-1947. Québec: Septentrion, 2014.
Dubé, Sandra. “Les leçons de l’histoire : le Québec et l’immigration juive pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.” Histoire Engagee. Last modified décembre 2013.
Small, Charles Asher. Social Theory. An Historical Analysis of Canadian Socio-Cultural Policies, “Race” and the ’Other’ : A Case Study of Social and Spatial Segregation in Montreal. Utrecht, Netherlands: Eleven International Publishing, 2013.
Robinson, Ira. “Reflections on Antisemitism in French Canada.” Canadian Jewish Studies / Études juives canadiennes Vol. 21 (2013): 90–122.
Frager, Ruth. “Communities and Conflicts: East European Jewish Immigrants in Ontario and Quebec from the Late 1800s through the 1930s.” In Canada’s Jews: In Time, Space and Spirit, edited by Ira Robinson, 52–74. Boston, MA: Academic Studies Press, 2013.
Bayne, Clarence S., and Raafat George Saadé. “Informing Minority Communities: The English Speaking Black Community of Montreal. Towards a Deployable Model.” In Proceedings of the Informing Science and Information Technology Education Conference 2013, edited by E. Cohen and E. Boyd, 315a–315o. [S.l.]: Informing Science Institute, 2013.
MacLeod, Roderick, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Little Fists for Social Justice: Anti-Semitism, Community, and Montreal’s Aberdeen School Strike, 1913.” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 70, no. 1 (December 2012): 61–99.
Théorêt, Hugues. Les chemises bleues. Adrian Arcand, journaliste antisémite canadien-français. Québec: Septentrion, 2012.
Desforges, Josée. “Entre création et destruction : les comportements des types du juif et du canadien français dans les caricatures antisémites publiées par Adrien Arcand à Montréal entre 1929 et 1939.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2012.
Shahar, Charles. “A Profile of English‐speaking Mature Workers Residing in the Greater Montreal Area.” CEDEC (Community Economic Development and Employability Corporation). Last modified November 2011.
Samson, Christian. “Les représentations des travailleurs migrants : L’exemple des Chinois à Québec dans la presse quotidienne (1891-1926).” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 68 (Automne 2011): 117–137.
Robinson, Ira. “‘The Other Side of the Coin’: The Anatomy of a Public Controversy in the Montreal Jewish Community, 1931.” Studies in Religion/Sciences religieuses Vol. 40, no. 3 (September 2011): 271–282.
Lynch, Gerald. “Satiric Lament for a City: Mordecai Richler’s Oh Canada! Oh Quebec!, Bill 101 and Montreal.” British Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 24, no. 1 (May 2011): 49–67.
Wong, Alan. “The Disquieting Revolution: A Genealogy of Reason and Racism in the Québec Press.” Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition Vol. 4, no. 1 (2011): 145–162.
Vaugeois, Denis. Les premiers juifs d’Amérique, 1760-1860 : l’extraordinaire histoire de la famille Hart. Sillery, Qué: Septentrion, 2011.
Hampton, Rosalind. “Family Photos: Digital Photography as Emancipatory Art Education in Montreal’s Black Community.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2011.
Glean, Jodie. “Where Is My History? An Examination of the Representation of African Canadians in the Montréal High School History Textbook, Panoramas, Volumes One and Two.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2011.
Anctil, Pierre. “Le judaïsme montréalais depuis 1860.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 105 (2011): 10–14.
Sheftel, Anna, and Stacey Zembrzycki. “Only Human: A Reflection on the Ethical and Methodological Challenges of Working with ‘Difficult’ Stories.” Oral History Review Vol. 37, no. 2 (Summer/Fall 2010): 191–214.
Rackham, Michèle. “Romantic Recognition in Gwethalyn Graham’s Earth and High Heaven.” ESC: English Studies in Canada Vol. 36, no. 2–3 (September 2010): 121–140.
Nadeau, Serge. “Another Look at the Francophone Wage Gap in Canada: Public and Private Sectors, Quebec and Outside Quebec.” Canadian Public Policy/Alalyse de politiques Vol. 36, no. 2 (June 2010): 159–179.
Bourhis, Richard Y., and Nicole Carignan. “Linguicism in Quebec and Canada.” Our Diverse Cities No. 7 (Spring 2010): 156–162.
Mills, Sean. The Empire Within : Postcolonial Thought and Political Activism in Sixties Montreal. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2010.
Mathieu, Sarah-Jane. North of the Color Line: Migration and Black Resistance in Canada, 1870-1955. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2010.
Flore, Anna Maria. “La communauté sud-asiatique de Montréal : urbanité et multiplicité des formes de capital social immigrant.” PhD dissertation, Université de Québec à Montréal et Institut national de la recherche scentifique centre - urbanisation culture société, 2010.
Cartier, Geneviève. “The Legacy of Roncarelli v. Duplessis, 1959–2009.” McGill Law Journal Revue de droit de McGill Vol. 55 (2010): 375–399.
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