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A Socio-Economic Survey of Canadians of Origins in India In and Around the Greater Montreal Area. Montreal: National Association of Canadians of Origins in India, Montreal Chapter, 1983.
Chapman, Mary. “A ’Revolution in Ink’ : Sui Sin Far and Chinese Reform Discourse.” American Quarterly Vol. 60, no. no 4 (December 2008): 975–1001.
Hiebert, Daniel. “A New Residential Order?: The Social Geography of Visible Minority and Religious Groups in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver in 2031.” Last modified April 12, 2017.
Insaf, Zeenat S. “A Neighborhood That Empowers Women : In Search of Housing Sustainability.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1999.
Iino, Masako. “A History of Japanese Canadians: Swayed by Canada-Japan Relations.” International Review of Canadian Studies/Revue internationale d’études canadiennes Vol. 33-34 (2006): 223–237.
Leighton, Joy M. “‘A Chinese Ishmael’: Sui Sin Far, Writing, and Exile.” Melus Vol. 26, no. 3 (Autumn 2001): 3–29.
Jansen, Catholyn K. “A Case Study of a Learning Practitioner’s Processes in an English Language Acquisition Program.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1992.
Chandrasekhar, S. “A Bibliography on Immigration from India to Canada and the Asian Indian Immigrant Communities in Canada.” In From India to Canada: A Brief History of Immigration, Problems of Discrimination, Admission and Assimilation, edited by S. Chandrasekhar, 175–205. LaJolla, CA: Population Review Books, 1986.
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