Full bibliography
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Duchesne, Raymond. “1863. William Logan: The Geology of Canada.” In Monuments Intellectuels de La Nouvelle-France et Du Québec Ancien, edited by Claude Corbo, 205–218. Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université Montréal, 2014.
Elliott, Bruce S. 1861 Census of Eardley Township, C.E. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1975.
Arundel 150 Book Committee. 1856, Arundel, 2006 : 150th Anniversary : Family Histories / 1856, Arundel, 2006 : 150e Anniversaire : Historiques Familiaux. Arundel, QC: [Arundel 150 Book Committee], 2007.
Edwards, Reginald. “1854 Revisited: McGill College Seeks a New Principal.” McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill Vol. 33, no. 2 (1998): 127–176. http://mje.mcgill.ca/article/view/8420.
Saffin, Russell E., and Gary Schroder. 1851 Census Transcription & Index , Townships of Shipton & Windsor, Richmond County, Quebec. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1994.
Mackey, Frank. “1848, 1861, 1926 - Which Came First?” Connections: Journal of The Quebec Family History Society, July 2018.
Charbonneau, André, and André Sévigny. 1847, Grosse Île: A Record of Daily Events. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1997.
Audet, Francis-J. “1842.” Les Cahiers des Dix Vol. 7 (1942): 215–254. http://contentdm.ucalgary.ca/digital/collection/p22007coll8/id/411611/rec/924.
Brown, Thomas Storrow. 1837: My Connection With It. Quebec: Raoul Renault, Publisher, 1898. http://archive.org/stream/cihm_00318#page/n3/mode/2up.
1836-1986: A Tribute to Canada’s First Railway on Its Sesquincentenial. St-Constant , QC: Canadian Railroad Historical Association, 1986.
Corupe, Linda. 1825 and 1831 Censuses of Stanbridge Twp., Eastern Townships, Quebec. Bolton, ON: L. Corupe, 2003.
Corupe, Linda. 1825 and 1831 Censuses of St. Armand Twp., Eastern Townships, Quebec. Bolton, ON: L. Corupe, 1998.
Janson, Gilles. “1810-1895, l’entrée des femmes dans l’arène sportive.” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 113 (Printemps 2013): 11–16. https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/cd/2013-n113-cd0535/68940ac.pdf.
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1786-1936: One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of Molson’s Brewery. Montreal: Molson’s Brewery, 1936.
Ruch, John E. “1779: Montreal and the Loyalists.” Loyalist Gazette Vol. 17, no. 1 (Autumn 1979): 4–5.
Curtis, Arthur E. “175th Anniversary of Centenary United Church, Stanstead, Quebec.” Stanstead Historical Society Journal Vol. 9 (1981): 12–14.
Meune, Manuel. “1664-2008 : de l’oubli du fait Allemand à l’émergence d’une mémoire germano-québécoise.” Zeitschrift für Kanada-Studien Vol. 28, no. 2 (2008): 9–27.
Potton Heritage Association. “150th ANNIVERSARY – 150e ANNIVERSAIRE St. John’s Lodge No. 27 A.F. & A.M., G.R.Q. Mansonville 1865 - 2015.” Histoire Potton History Vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall 2015): 2–44.
Standish, Marion. 150 Years of Faith: A History of St. Thomas’ Anglican Church and the English Community of Rougemont, Quebec. Rougemont, QC: Société d’histoire des Quatre-Lieux, 2003.
“125th Anniversary, Christ Church, St. Andrews East, P.Q., 1819-1944.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 32, no. 10–11 (November 1944): 10–13, 12.
Choinière, Alain. 125e Cowansville. Société d’histoire de Cowansville/Cowansville Historical Society, 2001.
“100th Anniversary of St. Thomas’ Church, Montreal.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 29, no. 11 (November 1941): 16–19.
“100th Anniversary of St. Stephen’s Church, Quebec, 1845-1945.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 33, no. 7–8 (November 1944): 9–12.
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Estey, Ralph H. “100 Years with the Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants/Les 100 Ans de La Société de Protection Des Plantes Du Québec.” Phytoprotection Vol. 89, no. 2–3 (December 2008): 51–65.
Sherwood, Anthony. 100 Years of Faith. Anthony Sherwood Productions, 2007.
Forsey, R. Roy. “100 Years of Dermatology at the Montreal General Hospital.” Canadian Society for the History of Medicine Newsletter/Société canadienne d’histoire de la médecine, Nouvelles (Autumn 1982): 12.
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