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Laudy, Danielle. “Les politiques coloniales britanniques et le maintien de l’Ancien Régime au Bas-Canada (1791-1832).” Histoire, Economie et Société Vol. 14, no. 1 (1er trimestre 1995): 71–88.
Neatby, Hilda. “Servitude de l’église catholique : A Reconsideration.” The Canadian Catholic Historical Association Session 1969 (n.d.): 9–25.
Nicol, Jean. “The Expulsion of the Canadians.” The Canadian Historical Association Annual Report 1925 (n.d.): 34–39.
The Trial of Daniel Disney, Esq., Captain of a Company in His Majesty’s 44th Regiment of Foot, and Town-Major of the Garrison of Montreal: At the Session of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Holden at Montreal, on Saturday the 28th Day of February, and Thence Continued by Adjournments to Wednesday the 11th Day of March, 1767 ... Upon an Indictment Containing Two Charges, the One for a Burglary and Felony, in Breaking and Entering Mr. Thomas Walker’s House, at Montreal ... Quebec: Brown and Gilmore, 1767.
Maseres, Francis. An Account of the Proceedings of the British, and Other Protestant Inhabitants, of the Province of Quebeck, in North America, in Order to Obtain an House of Assembly in That Province. London, England: Sold by B. White, 1775.
Maseres, Francis. Additional Papers Concerning the Province of Quebeck: Being an Appendix to the Book Entitled, “An Account of the Proceedings of the British and Other Inhabitants of the Province of Quebeck in North America in Order to Obtain an House of Assembly...” London, England: Sold by W. White, 1776.
Mackay, Hugh. The Directory for the City and Suburbs of Quebec... Quebec: Printed by William Moore at the Herald Printing Office, 1790.
The Trial of David McLane for High Treason , at the City of Quebec, in the Province of Lower-Canada on Friday, the Seventh Day of July, A.D. 1797 :Taken in Short-Hand, at the Trial. Quebec: Printed by W. Vondenvelden, Law Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1797.
Christie, Robert. A Brief Review of the Political State of Lower Canada, Since the Conquest of the Colony to the Present Day. To Which Are Added Memoirs of the Administrations of the Colonial Government of Lower Canada by Sir Gordon Drummond and Sir John Coape Sherbrooke. New York, NY: Printed and published by W.A Mercein, 1818.
Cushing, Elmer. An Appeal, Addressed to a Candid Public: And to the Feeling of Those Whose Upright Sentiments and Discerning Minds, Enable Them to “Weigh It in the Balance of the Sanctuary.” Stanstead, QC: Printed for the author by S.H. Dickerson, 1826.
Fleming, John. Political Annals of Lower Canada: Being a Review of the Political and Legislative History of That Province Under the Act of the Imperial Parliament, 3 Geo. III., Cap. 31, Which Established the House of Assembly and Legislative Council; Showing the Defects of This Constitutional Act and Particularly Its Practical Discouragement of British Colonization.. By a British Settler. Montreal: Office of the Montreal Herald and New Montreal Gazette, 1828.
Martin, Robert Montgomery. History of Upper and Lower Canada. London, England: J. Mortimer, 1836.
An Account of the Endowments for Education in Lower Canada, and of the Legislative and Other Public Acts for the Advancement Thereof, from the Cession of the Country in 1763 to the Present Time. London, England: Norman and Skeen, 1838.
Wright, John. Debates of the House of Commons in the Year 1774 On the Bill For Making More Effectual Provision For the Government of the Province of Quebec Drawn Up From the Notes of the Right Honourable Sir Henry Cavendish. London, England: Ridgway, 1839.
“A Brief Account of the Several Houses of Assembly in Lower Canada with Remarks Tending to Show the Rise and Progress of Parliamentary Privileges Claimed and Exercised by That Body.” The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository Vol. 11, no. 9 (March 1842): 241–266.
Bibaud, Michel. Histoire du Canada, et des canadiens, sous la domination anglaise. Montréal: Lovell & Gibson, 1844.
Christie, Robert. A History of the Late Province of Lower Canada: Parliamentary and Political, from the Commencement to the Close of Its Existence as a Separate Province:.. 6 vols. Quebec: T. Cary & Company, 1848.
Christie, Robert. Interesting Public Documents and Official Correspondence, Illustrative of, and Supplementary to the History of Lower Canada. Montreal: R. Christie, 1855.
Boucher de la Bruère, Pierre. Canada sous la domination anglaise : analyse historique. St. Hyacinthe, QC: Imprimé par Lussier et frères, propriétaires du “Courrier de St. Hyacinthe,” 1863.
Christie, Robert. A History of the Late Province of Lower Canada, Parliamentary and Political, From the Commencement to the Close of Its Existence as a Separate Province, In Six Volumes. 2nd ed. 6 vols. Montreal: Richard Worthington, 1866.
Bédard, T. P. Histoire de cinquante ans (1791-1841), annales parlementaires et politiques du Bas-Canada depuis la constitution jusqu’à l’union. Québec: Des presses à vapeur de L. Brousseau, 1869.
Thomas, Cyrus. The History of Shefford, Civil, Ecclesiastical, Biographical and Statistical. Montreal: Lovell Printing and Publishing, 1877.
List of Provincial Land Surveyors for Lower-Canada. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1878.
Bois, Louis-Édouard. Le juge A. Mabane : (étude historique). Québec: A. Coté, 1881.
“General Murray’s Recall.” Public Archives of Canada Report (1888): 14–23.
“The Walker Outrage, 1764.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1888 (1888): 1–14.
“Administration of Justice, 1769-1770.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1890 (1890): 1–9.
Leblond de Brumath, A. Histoire populaire de Montréal depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours. Montréal: Granger Frères, 1890.
List of Lands Granted by the Crown in the Province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December 1890. Quebec: C.F. Langlois, Queen’s Printer, 1891.
Langelier, J. C. List of the Land Grants by the Crown in the Province of Quebec, 1763 to December 31st, 1890: Printed by Order of the Legislature. 8 vols. Quebec: Charles-François Langlois, Printer to Her Most Excellent Majesty the Queen, 1891.
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