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Aitken, John. Conversations: The Diary of a Worried Journalist’s Trek Across a Divided & Threatened Canada. Scarborough, ON: Prentice-Hall of Canada, 1978.
Ajzenstat, Janet. The Political Thought of Lord Durham. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1988.
Albert, Madeleine. La Revue électorale, 1792-1992 : 200 ans d’élections au Québec : synthèses et documents. Sainte-Foy, QC: Directeur général des élections du Québec, 1992.
Alexander, Edith Reid. “Canada Land Grant Policies, 1791-1837, as Illustrated in the Lower Canadian Land Tenures and Problems.” Master’s thesis, Columbia University, 1929.
Allaire, Benoît Guy. “Les enjeux de la question linguistique au Québec : analyse du débat autour de la charte de la langue française au Québec et du projet de loi 101.” Master’s Thesis, Université d’Ottawa, 1979.
Allaire, Yvan, and Roger E. Miller. Canadian Business Response to the Legislation on Francization in the Workplace. Montreal: C.D. Howe Research Institute, 1980.
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Allen, Howard C. “The Organization and Administration of the Educational Systems of the Canadian Provinces of Quebec and Ontario.” PhD dissertation, Syracuse University, 1937.
Allen, Luther A. “Thinking as a Quebec Canadian: Charles Taylor and the 1995 Referendum.” Québec Studies Vol. 24 (Autumn 1997): 55–73.
Allen, Robert S. Loyalist Literature: An Annotated Bibliographic Guide to the Writings on the Loyalists of the American Revolution. Toronto, ON and Charlottetown, PEI: Dundurn Press, 1982.
Alliance Quebec. The Evolution of the Language Issue in Quebec, 1977-1983. Montreal: Alliance Quebec, 1983.
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Alliance Quebec. Mémoire Présenté à La Commission Sur l’avenir Politique et Constitutionnel Du Québec (Bélanger-Campeau)/Brief Presented to the Commission on the Political and Constitutional Future of Quebec (Bélanger-Campeau). Montreal: Alliance Quebec, 1990.
Alliance Quebec. Mémoire Présenté Au Comité Parlementaire Sur Le Budget Publique, L.R.Q. c. F-3.1.1/Brief Presented to the Parliamentary Committee on the Budget and Administration Regarding the Public Service Act, R.S.Q. c. F-3.1.1. Montreal: Alliance Quebec, 1990.
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Alliance Quebec. Discussion of Amendments to Bill 101 - the Charter of the French Language - in Areas Dealing with the Question of Access to English Schooling in Quebec. Montreal: Alliance Quebec, 1993.
Alliance Quebec. Discussion of Amendments to Bill 101 - the Charter of the French Language - in Areas Dealing with the Question of Francization of the Workplace. Montreal: Alliance Quebec, 1993.
Alliance Quebec. Discussion of Amendments to Bill 101: The Charter of the French Language, in Areas Dealing with the Question of Public Signs. Montreal: Alliance Quebec, 1993.
Alliance Quebec. Linguistic School Boards: A Guide to Understanding the Changes to Quebec’s Public School System. Montreal: Alliance Quebec, 1994.
Allison, Sam. “A Comparative Study of the Process of Curriculum Decision Making in Three Areas: Burlington, Vermont, U.S.A.; Oxford, England; and the South Shore, Quebec, Canada.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1974.
Allison, Sam, and Jon G. Bradley. “Fake and Foul: Quebec’s New History Textbook.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2019.
Allnut, David. “The Quebec Public Service.” In The English of Québec: From Majority to Minority Status, edited by Gary Caldwell and Éric Waddell, 225–236. Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1982.
Allsopp, Francis-J. “L’Honorable George Allsopp.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 21 (1925): 490–492.
Almond, Margot M. “Economic and Linguistic Factors in Interprovincial Migration To and From Quebec, 1976-1982.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1987.
Aloisio, Anita. “The Transmemoric Process: The Journey of Italian-Québécois Artists.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2016.
Aloisio, Anita. Les enfants de la loi 101. Documentary. Productions Virage, 2007.
Altfest, Karen C. “Canadian Literary Nationalism, 1836-1914.” PhD dissertation, City University of New York, 1979.
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