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A French Canadian. “Municipal Reform in Montreal.” The Canadian Magazine, March 1899.
Weir, Robert Stanley. The Education Act of the Province of Quebec (62 Victoria, Cap. 28) : With All the Relevant Decisions of the Courts, and the Regulations of the Protestant and Catholic Committees of the Council of Public Instruction. Montreal: C. Theoret, 1899.
LeMoine, James MacPherson. “Québec en 1837-38.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoire de la Société Royale du Canada 2nd Series, Vol. 4 (1898): 119–130.
David, L.-O. L’union des deux Canadas, 1841-1867. Montréal: E. Senécal, 1898.
Brown, Thomas Storrow. 1837: My Connection With It. Quebec: Raoul Renault, Publisher, 1898.
Borthwick, John Douglas. Rebellion de 37-38 : jubilé de diamant ; précis complet de cette période, rôle d’honneur ou liste complète des patriotes détenus dans les prisons de Montréal en 1837-1838-1839, date et lieux des arrestations et autres détails intéressants... Montréal: Imprimerie du “Cultivateur,” 1898.
Audet, Francis-J. “Les gouverneurs anglais de Trois-Rivières.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 4, no. 9 (1898): 275–277.
Roy, J.-Edmond. Histoire de la Seigneurie de Lauzon. 5 vols. Lévis, QC: J.-E. Roy, 1897.
“Proposed Union Between Upper and Lower Canada.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1897): 1–46.
Shortis, Valentine. Documents relatifs à la commutation de la sentence de mort dans la cause de Valentine F.C. Shortis. Ottawa, ON: S.E. Dawson, 1896.
Read, D. B. The Canadian Rebellion of 1837. Toronto, ON: C. Blackett Robinson, 1896.
Lysons, Daniel. Early Reminiscences. London, England: John Murray, 1896.
Deschamps, C. E. Municipalités et Paroisses Dans La Province de Québec/Municipalities and Parishes in the Province of Quebec. Québec: Impr. L. Brousseau, 1896.
Coffin, Victor. The Province of Quebec and the Early American Revolution. A Study in English-American Colonial History. Vol. 1, no. 3 of the Economics, Political Science, and History series of the University of Wisconsin, 1896. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 1896.
Coté, N. Omer, ed. Political Appointments, Parliaments and the Judicial Bench in the Dominiom of Canada, 1867-1895. Ottawa, ON: Thoburn, 1896.
David, L. O. Mes contemporaines. Montréal: Eusèbe Séncal & Fils, 1894.
Thompson, F. C. “Sherbrooke, The Metropolis of the Eastern Townships.” In Sherbrooke City Directory for 1892-93, 13–22. Royer: J.-P., 1893.
Stuart, H. C. The Church of England in Canada, 1759-1793: From the Conquest to the Establishment of the See of Quebec. Montreal: Published for the author by John Lovell & Son, 1893.
Fortier, Louis. Index général des Journaux de l’Assemblée législative de la province de Québec, par ordre alphabétique des noms des députés, contenant les différents sujets et matières qui les concernent, depuis la session 1867-68 à la 2ième session de 1890. Québec: Langlais, 1893.
Ogilvy, Maud. “Sir J.J.C. Abbott.” In Men of the Day: A Canadian Portrait Gallery (Eleventh Series), edited by Louis-H. Taché, 160–176. Montreal: The Montreal Paper Mills Company, 1892.
Trois scandales : l’affaire Lockwood, l’affaire Whelan, l’affaire Langlais. Québec: [s.n.], 1892.
The Eastern Townships Business and Farmers Directory 1892: Containing a Complete and Accurate List of All the Mercantile, Professional Men, Public Officials and Farmers in the Counties of Arthabaska, Beauce, Brome, Compton, Drummond, Megantic, Missisquoi, Richmond, Shefford, Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Wolfe, Including the Cities of Iberville, Levis, Montreal, Quebec, St. Hyacinthe, St. John’s, Sorel and Three Rivers. Toronto, ON: Might’s Directory Company, 1892.
“Lower Canada in 1800.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1892 (1892): 9–15.
“Ecclesiastical Affairs in Lower Canada.” Public Archives of Canada, Report (1892): 16–31.
Langelier, J. C. List of the Land Grants by the Crown in the Province of Quebec, 1763 to December 31st, 1890: Printed by Order of the Legislature. 8 vols. Quebec: Charles-François Langlois, Printer to Her Most Excellent Majesty the Queen, 1891.
Fairclough, H. Rushton. “The Private Correspondence of Lieut. Col. Coffin, During the Rebellion of 1837.” Transactions of the Canadian Institute Vol. 3 (1892 1891): 281–302.
Rev. Cochrane, William, ed. The Canadian Album, Men of Canada; or Success by Example, in Religion, Patriotism, Business, Law, Medicine, Education and Agriculture; Containing Portraits of Some of Canada’s Chief Businessmen, Statesmen, Farmers, Men of Learned Professions, and Others. 5 vols. Brantford, ON: Bradley, Garretson, 1891.
List of Lands Granted by the Crown in the Province of Quebec from 1763 to 31st December 1890. Quebec: C.F. Langlois, Queen’s Printer, 1891.
Sellar, Robert. Letters Relative to the Rights and Present Position of the Quebec Minority. Huntingdon, QC: The Gleaner, 1890.
Leblond de Brumath, A. Histoire populaire de Montréal depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours. Montréal: Granger Frères, 1890.
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