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Antonelli, Claudio, Giuseppe Di Stefano, Sergio Maria Gilardino, Filippo Salvatore, Donat Taddeo, Bruno Villata, Sylvana Micillo Villata, and Pietro Raffaelli. I Protagonisti Italiani di Montreal. Montreal: Basilio Giordans, 1998.
Kerr, Linda. “Creation of Empire: James Murray in Quebec.” In Hanoverian Britain and Empire: Essays in Memory of Philip Lawson, edited by Stephen Taylor, Richard Connors, and Clyve Jones, 229–247. Woodbridge, Suffolk, UK.; Rochester, N.Y: Boydell Press, 1998.
Young, Brian. “The Volunteer Militia in Lower Canada, 1837-50.” In Power, Place and Identity: Studies of Social and Legal Regulation in Quebec, edited by Tamara Myers, Kate Boyer, Mary Anne Poutanen, and Steven Watt, 37–54. Montreal: Montreal History Group, 1998.
Lahaise, Robert, and Noël Vallerand. Le Québec sous le régime anglaise : les Canadiens français, la colonisation britannique et la formation du Canada continental. Outremont, QC: Lanctôt, 1999.
Bertrand, France. “Les Patriotes et les événements de 1838 à Lachine.” Histoire Québec, November 1999.
Cauchy, Clairandrée. “Les Loyalistes et les Rébellions de 1837-1838.” Histoire Québec, November 1999.
Pollock, Carolee Ruth. “Thomas Walker’s Severed Ear: Political Legitimacy in Post-Conquest Quebec.” Lumen: The Canadian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies/La Société canadienne d’étude du dix-huitième siècle Vol. 19 (2000): 203–214.
Lacasse, Chantal. “Le nationalisme anglo-québécois à travers ‘The Gazette’ et le ‘Montreal Daily Star’ pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2001.
Boileau, Gilles. “Le 21 mai 1832, sur la Rue du Sang.” Histoire Québec, March 2001.
Laporte, Gilles. Patriotes et Loyaux : leadership régional et mobilisation politique en 1837 et 1838. Sillery, QC: Septentrion, 2004.
Blair, Louisa. “Pure laine et tartan : James Murray et les jacobites.” Cap-aux-Diamants (Hors Série 2005): 28–32.
Cyr, Bruno. “La radicalisation et la militarisation des Loyaux et des Patriotes à Montréal en 1837.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2005.
Blair, Louisa. “Tartan and Pure Laine: James Murray and the Fate of Quebec.” The Beaver, March 2005.
Kinsey, Darin. “Fashioning a Freshwater Eden: Elite Anglers, Fish Culture, and State Development of Québec’s ‘Sport’ Fishery.” PhD dissertation, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2008.
Little, J. I. Loyalties in Conflict: A Canadian Borderland in War and Rebellion, 1812-1840. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2008.
Donovan, Patrick. “Spirit of the Plains : How Quebec City’s Literary & Historical Society Saved Famous Battlefield.” Quebec Heritage News, April 2008.
Brookfield, Tarah. “Divided by the Ballot Box: The Montreal Council of Women and the 1917 Election.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 89, no. 4 (December 2008): 473–501.
Jackson, James. The Riot That Never Was: The Military Shooting of Three Montrealers in 1832 and the Official Cover-Up. Montreal: Baraka Books, 2009.
Jacob, François. “La perception de la Guerre de Sécession dans la presse québécoise, 1861-1865.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Wilkins, Robert N. “The Gavazzi Riot: Sectarian Violence on the Haymarket, 1853.” Quebec Heritage News, April 2010.
Boisvert, Jacques. “The Role of the People of Stanstead in the Rebellion of 1837–1838.” Stanstead Historical Journal Vol. 24 (2011): 317–324.
Deschamps, François. “Le radicalisme Tory à travers le prisme du Montreal Herald et la mobilisation du milices dans le district de Montréal (1834-1837).” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2011.
Turcot, Laurent. “The Surrender of Montreal to General Amherst de Francis Hayman et l’identité impériale britannique.” Mens: Revue d’histoire intellectuelle et culturelle Vol. 12, no. 1 (Automne 2011): 91–135.
Coutu, Frédérik. “La gouvernance de James Murray pendant le régime militaire dans le gouvernement de Québec, 1760-1764.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2012.
Perrone, Julie. “An Examination of the Coverage of the War of 1812 in the Montreal Gazette, 1812-1815.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes canadiens (Fall 2012): 29–32.
Rudy, Jarrett. “Do You Have the Time?: Modernity, Democracy, and the Beginnings of Daylight Saving Time in Montreal, 1907–1928.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 93, no. 4 (December 2012): 531–554.
Fyson, Donald. “La réconciliation des élites britanniques et canadiennes (1759-1775) : reconnaissance mutuelle ou rhétorique intéressée?” In 1763. Le traité de Paris bouleverse l’Amérique, edited by Laurent Veyssière, Sophie Imbeault, and Denis Vaugeois, 262–271. Québec: Septentrion, 2013.
Christie, Nancy. “‘He Is the Master of His House’: Families and Political Authority in Counterrevolutionary Montreal.” The William and Mary Quarterly Vol. 70, no. 2 (April 2013): 341–370.
Perron, Mathieu. “Le ’Parlement du peuple’ : enjeux politiques et sociaux des tavernes, auberges et coffeehouses du district de Québec (1759-1775).” Master’s Thesis, Université de Sherbrooke, 2014.
Alston, Sandra, and C.M. Blackstock, eds. ‘Another World’: William Ord Mackenzie’s Sojourn in the Canadas, 1839-1843. Vol. 76b. Toronto, ON: The Champlain Society, 2015.
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