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Macdonald, Robert James. “Une Question de Survivance/A Question of Survival: The Struggle for Language Rights in Education in Contemporary Quebec.” PhD dissertation, University of Calgary, 1975.
Macpherson, June. “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?: The Administration of Unemployment Relief in the City of Montreal, 1931-1941.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1975.
Nolte, William M. “The Irish in Canada, 1815-1867.” PhD dissertation, University of Maryland, 1975.
Zinman, Rosalind. “Lachute, Quebec, French-English Frontier: A Case Study in Language and Community.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1975.
Bacchi, Carol Lee. “Liberation Deferred: The Ideas of the English-Canadian Suffragists, 1877-1918.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1976.
Brown, Michael Gary. “Jewish Foundation in Canada: The Jews, the French and the English to 1914.” PhD dissertation, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1976.
Brunskill, Ronald. “A Newspaper Content Analysis Study of Canadain Political Integration, 1845-1875.” PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1976.
Burns, Robin B. “Thomas D’Arcy McGee: A Biography.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1976.
Dever, Alan R. “Economic Development and the Lower Canadian Assembly, 1828-1840.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1976.
Di Paolo, G. P. “Bill 22 and Minority Rights in Quebec: An Independent Study Guide.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1976.
Levinson, Harvey. “Montreal’s Response to the Spanish Civil War.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1976.
Rayside, David Morton. “Linguistic Divisions in the Social Christian Party of Belgium and the Liberal Parties of Canada and Quebec.” PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 1976.
Saint-Onge, Jacques. “L’opinion de la presse anglo-québécoise et l’élection fédérale de 1896.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1976.
Senior, Elinoe Kyte. “An Imperial Garrison in Its Colonial Setting: British Regulars in Montreal, 1832-54.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1976.
Wilson, Paula Marie. “The Quebec Press and the Pacific Scandal.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 1976.
Besnier, Marcel. “Étude comparée des insurrections de 1837-1838 dans le Haut et le Bas-Canada : essai historiographique.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1977.
Bissonnette, Leo Adolphe. “Loyola of Montreal: A Sociological Analysis of an Educational Institution in Transition Between 1969-1974.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1977.
Campbell, Terrence Maxwell. “The Social and Political Thought of F.R. Scott.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 1977.
Korda, Steven. “Le problème de la langue au Québec et au Canada (la loi 22 et l’Acte de l’Amérique du Nord britannique-1867).” Thèse de 3ème cycle, Droit et Économie, Université de Paris II, 1977.
MacKenzie, Frank. “A History of Man’s Utilization of the St. Francis River, Quebec.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 1977.
Moreau, Anne. “La vie politique de F.R. Scott, 1930-1939.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1977.
Morton, David D. “The Development of the Private English Academic Secondary Schools of Quebec, from 1965 to 1975.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1977.
Roy, Roland M. “From the Gendron Commission to Bill 22: A Study of the French-Language Question in Quebec Society.” Research essay, Carleton University, 1977.
Shore, Marlene. “Overtures of an Era Being Born: F. R. Scott, Ideas of Cultural Nationalism and Social Protest, 1920-1939.” Master’s Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1977.
Barlow, I. Max. “Political Fragmentation, Municipal Expenditures, and Public Service Provision in the Montreal Metropolitan Area : A Study in Urban Political Geography.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1978.
Burgess, Donald A. “Education and Social Change: A Quebec Case Study.” PhD dissertation, Harvard University, 1978.
Corbeil, Pierre. “Les députés anglophones et le premier gouvernement du Québec de 1867 à 1871.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1978.
Down, Murray Carl. “Fear, Favor [Sic] and Affection: A Study of Land Problems in Canada East, 1857.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1978.
Drystek, Henry F. “Daily Press and the Beauharnois Power Scandal, 1928-1933.” Master’s Thesis, 1978.
Fenwick, Rudy. “Communal Politics in Quebec : Ethnic Segmentation and Support for Political Independence among French Quebecois.” PhD dissertation, Duke University, 1978.
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