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Molson, Karen. Hartland de Montarville Molson: Man of Honour. Richmond Hill, ON: Firefly Books, 2006.
Lee, David. Lumber Kings and Shantymen: Logging and Lumbering in the Ottawa Valley. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer & Company, 2006.
Konigsberg, Max. Max and Shirmax: More Than a Love Affair. Town of Mount Royal, QC: Shirly K. Holdings, 2006.
Harris, Jane. Stars Appearing: The Galts’ Vision of Canada. Lethbridge, AB: J. Harris, 2006.
Faith, Nicholas. The Bronfmans: The Rise and Fall of the House of Seagram. New York, NY: St. Martin’s Press, 2006.
Dalgleish, George R. “Aspects of Scottish-Canadian Material Culture: Heart Brooches and Scottish Pottery.” In A Kingdom of the Mind: How the Scots Helped Make Canada, edited by Peter E. Rider and Heather McNabb, 122–136. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006.
Crawford, George W. Remember All The Way: The History of Chalmers-Wesley United Church, Quebec City. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 2006.
Comeau, Michelle. “Étalages, vitrines, services et nouveaux espaces : Trois grands magasins de Montréal durant les années 1920.” In Vivre en ville: Bruxelles et Montréal aux XIXe et XXe siècles, edited by Serge Jaumain and Paul-André Linteau, 259–285. Bruxelles, Belgique: P.I.E. Peter Lang, 2006.
Charbonneau, Daniel. “L’émergence d’une artère commerciale : la rue Sainte-Catherine de Montréal, 1870-1913.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2006.
Campbell, Patrick J. At The End Of The Final Line: A Brief History of Aircraft Manufacturing at Canadian Vickers and Canadair from 1923 to 1984. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Shoreline, 2006.
Bumsted, J. M. “The Curious Tale of the Scots and the Fur Trade: An Historiographical Account.” In A Kingdom of the Mind: How the Scots Helped Make Canada, edited by Peter E. Rider and Heather McNabb, 60–75. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006.
Booth, J. Derek. Quebec Central Railway: From the St. Francis to the Chaudière. Pickering, ON: Railfare DC Books, 2006.
Blais, Ghislain. “Le Drummond County Railway: 1886-1900.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 2006.
Arkéos Inc. & Archéocène Inc. La scierie Brewster. Fouille archaéologique au site de la scierie Brewster, BiFj-11, Montréal 2001. Montréal: Ville de Montréal, 2006.
Guitard, Michelle. “Premier site industriel de l’Outaouais.” Histoire Québec, Juin 2005.
Armsworthy, Cassandra. “Offering Opportunity: Sir William C. Macdonald and Prince Edward Island.” Island Magazine Vol. 57 (2005): 34–40.
Polèse, Mario, and Richard Shearmur. “Culture, Language and the Location of High-Order Service Functions: The Case of Montreal and Toronto.” Economic Geography Vol. 80, no. 4 (October 2004): 329–350.
Radforth, Ian. Royal Spectacle: The 1860 Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada and the United States. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Noel, Jan. “Defrocking Dad: Masculinity and Dress in Montreal, 1760-1867.” In Fashion: A Canadian Perspective, edited by Alexandra Palmer, 68–89. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Mimeault, Mario. Les pionniers de l’entrepreneurship gaspésien. Québec: Éditions de la Fondation de l’entrepreneurship, 2004.
McIntosh, Dave, and Clark McIntosh. The History of the English Community at Kenogami, Quebec : With the Emphasis on the Period 1912-1952. [Austin, TX]: Epic Press, 2004.
Manson, Jimmy W. From Isolation to Integration : The Changing Face of the Eastern Townships, 1830-1867. Knowlton, QC: Brome County Historical Society, 2004.
MacLeod, Patrice Lambert. Peter McLeod : un homme, un héritage. Longueuil, QC: Éditions Skyelander, 2004.
Lauzon, Gilles, and Alan M. Stewart. “The Bourgeois Town: The New Face of the Expanding City, 1800-1850.” In Old Montreal History Through Heritage, edited by Gilles Lauzon and Madeleine Forget, 107–150. Québec: Les Publications du Québec, 2004.
Henchey, Agnes Braceland (Patty). Travelling Light. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Shoreline, 2004.
Hardy, René, and Normand Séguin. Histoire de la Mauricie. Sainte-Foy, QC: Institut québécois de la recherche sur la culture, 2004.
Guttman, Frank Myron. “The Hebrew Free Loan Association of Montreal.” Canadian Jewish Studies/Études juives canadiennes Vol. 12 (2004): 45–72.
Gilliland, Jason. “Muddy Shore to Modern Port: Redimensioning the Montréal Waterfront Time-Space.” The Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien Vol. 48, no. 4 (2004): 448–472.
Constant, Jean-François. “Les expositions agricoles et industrielles à Montréal entre 1880 et 1884.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2004.
Clark-Jones, Melissa, and JoAnn McDonald. Globalization and the Single-Industry Town: An Annotated Bibliography. Lennoxville, QC: Eastern Townships Research Centre, Bishop’s University, 2004.
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