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Martin, Michael. Working Class Culture and the Development of Hull, Quebec, 1800-1929. Gatineau, QC: J. Bernier, 2006.
Ramirez, Bruno. “Workers Without a Cause: Italian Immigrant Labour in Montreal, 1880-1930.” In Arrangiarsi: The Italian Immigration Experience in Canada, edited by Roberto Perin and Franc Sturino, 119–134. Montreal: Guernica, 1989.
Bradbury, Bettina. “Women and Wage Labour in a Period of Transition: Montreal, 1861-1881.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 17, no. 33 (May 1984): 115–131.
Mills, Jessica J. “What’s The Point?: The Meaning of Place, Memory, and Community in Point Saint Charles, Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2011.
MacLeod, Rod. “Wee Kiddies on Picket Duty.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2013.
Hogg, Grace Laing, and Gwen Shulman. “Wage Disputes and the Courts in Montreal, 1816-1835.” In Class, Gender and the Law in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Quebec: Sources and Perspectives, edited by Donald Fyson, Colin M. Coates, and Kathryn Harvey, 127–143. Montreal: Montreal History Group, 1993.
Wakeling, Faye. “Voices in the Struggle: The Source of Hope in a Methodology of Feminist Liberative Ethics.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 1997.
Stack, Eileen. “‘Very Picturesque and Very Canadian’: The Blanket Coat and Anglo-Canadian Identity in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century.” In Fashion: A Canadian Perspective, edited by Alexandra Palmer, 17–40. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Bérubé, Harold. “Vendre la banlieue aux Montréalais : discours et stratégies publicitaires, 1950-1970.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 71, no. 1–2 (té-automne 2017): 83–112.
Lacelle, Claudette. Urban Domestic Servants in 19th Century Canada. Ottawa, ON: National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Environment Canada - Parks, 1987.
MacLeod, Rod. “Uptown Business.” Quebec Heritage News, Summer 2024.
Harvey, Janice. “Upper Class Reaction to Poverty in Mid-Nineteenth Century Montreal: A Protestant Example.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1978.
Bleasdale, Ruth Elisabeth. “Unskilled Labourers on the Public Works of Canada, 1840-1880.” PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 1983.
Podruchny, Carolyn. “Unfair Masters and Rascally Servants? Labour Relations Among Bourgeois, Clerks and Voyageurs in the Montréal Fur Trade, 1780-1821.” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 43 (Spring 1999): 43–70.
Shlakman, Vera. “Unemployment in the Men’s Clothing Industry of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1931.
Houle-Courcelles, Mathieu. “’Une Grande Union pour tous les travailleurs’ : La One Big Union au Québec (1919-1929).” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 2013.
Wakeling, Faye. “Une cité à bâtir : des femmes dans la lutte pour le changement social.” In Société, culture et religion à Montréal: XIXe-XXe siècle, edited by Guy Lapointe, 245–253. Montréal: VLB, 1994.
Roy, Sonya. “Une catégorie de chômeurs à part : Les cols blancs de Montréal, 1930-1935.” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 84 (Automne 2019): 107–140.
Bliek, Desmond, and Pierre Gauthier. “Understanding the Built Form of Industrialization Along the Lachine Canal in Montreal.” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 35, no. 1 (October 2006): 1–17.
Vigliano, Chiara. “Una gatta da pelare: Vies publiques et vies privées des Italiennes récemment arrivées à Montréal.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2021.
Couvrette, Sébastien. “Un discours masculin sur la société : la publicité dans les quotidiens québécois des années 1920 aux années 1960.” PhD dissertation, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2009.
Pouliot, Léon. “Un conflit ouvrier au canal de Beauharnois en 1843.” Bulletin de recherches historiques Vol. 62, no. 3 (September 1956): 149–155.
Tremblay, Robert. “Un aspect de la consolidation du pouvoir d’État de la bourgeoisie coloniale : la législation anti-ouvrière dans le Bas-Canada, 1800-50.” Labour/Le Travail Vols. 8 and 9 (Autumn/Spring -82 1981): 243–252.
Lauzon, Gilles. Trois familles à Pointe-Saint-Charles de 1850 à 1900 : visite patrimoniale autoguidée. Montréal: SHPSC, Société d’histoire de Pointe-Saint-Charles, 2013.
Ramirez, Bruno. Trois Comrades de Montréal. DVD, Documentary. Héros fragiles, 2019.
Paré, Hélène. “Trésor d’archives : le livre de paye d’une chapellerie montréalaise au début du XIXe siècle.” Material History Review/Revue d’histoire de la culture matérielle Vol. 56 (2002): 7-20The aut.
Bischoff, Peter. “‘Traveling the country ‘round’: Migrations et syndicalisme chez les mouleurs de l’Ontario et du Québec membres de l’Iron Molders Union of North America, 1860 à 1892.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association/Revue de la Société historique du Canada Vol. 1 (1990): 37–71.
Frost, Harris. “‘Towards a Working Ideology’: Left-Wing Thought within the NCC.” Quebec Heritage News Vol. 12, no. 1 (Winter 2018): 22–23.
Pilarczyk, Ian C. “‘Too Well Used by His Master’: Judicial Enforcement of Servants’ Rights in Montreal, 1830-1845.” McGill Law Journal/Revue de droit de McGill Vol. 46 (2001): 491–529.
Cross, Michael S. The Workingman in the Nineteenth Century. Toronto, ON: Oxford University Press (Canadian Branch), 1974.
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