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Lacelle, Claudette. Urban Domestic Servants in 19th Century Canada. Ottawa, ON: National Historic Parks and Sites Branch, Environment Canada - Parks, 1987.
Hoskins, Ralph F. H. “A Study of the Point St. Charles Shops of the Grand Trunk Railway in Montreal, 1880-1917.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1987.
Calliste, Agnes. “Sleeping Car Porters in Canada: An Ethnically Submerged Split Labour Market.” Canadian Ethnic Studies/Études ethniques au Canada Vol. 19, no. 1 (1987): 1–20.
Ramirez, Bruno. “Brief Encounters: Italian Immigrant Workers and the CPR 1900-30.” Labour/Le Travail Vol. 17 (Spring 1986): 9–27.
Payette-Daoust, Michelle. “The Montreal Garment Industry, 1871-1901.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1986.
Olson, Sherry. Occupations as Clues to Social Structure in Nineteenth-Century Montreal / Les Professions, Indices de La Structure Sociale de Montréal, 1861 à 1901. Shared Spaces / Partage de l’espace no. 4. Montreal: Department of Geography, McGill University, 1986.
Centre populaire de documentation de Montréal, ed. Le Choc du passé : les années trente et les sans-travail : bibliographie sélective annotée. Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1986.
Gadoury, Lorraine, and Jean-François Leclerc. “Profil de quelques bourgeois de Montréal, 1820-1825.” Cahiers d’histoire Vol. 5, no. 2 (Printemps 1985): 7–23.
Linteau, Paul-André, and Jean-Claude Robert. “Montréal au 19e siècle : bilan d’une recherche.” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 13, no. 3 (Février 1985): 207–223.
Thach, Quoc Thuy. Classe Sociale et Mobilité Résidentielle : Les Cas Des Irlandais à Montréal de 1851 à 1871 / Social Class and Residential Mobility : The Case of the Irish in Montreal 1851 to 1871. Shared Spaces/Partage de l’espace No. 1. Montreal: Department of Geography, McGill University, 1985.
Teal, Gregory L. “The Organization of Production and the Heterogeneity of the Working Class: Occupation, Gender and Ethnicity among Clothing Workers in Quebec.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1985.
Poutanen, Mary Anne. “For the Benefit of the Master: The Montreal Needle Trades During the Transition 1820-1842.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1985.
Lewis, Robert D. “The Segregated City: Residential Differentiation, Rent and Income in Montreal, 1861-1901.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1985.
Gendron, Jean-Denis. “Defining Language Policy in a Nationalistic Milieu and in a Complex Industrialized Region: The Quebec Case.” In Language Policy in Canada: Current Issues: A Selection of the Proceedings of the Papers Dealing with Language Policy Issues in Canada at the Conference “Language Policy and Social Problems” Held in Curaçao, December, 1983, edited by Juan Cobarrubias, 28–36. Québec: International Center for Research on Bilingualism/Centre international de recherche sur le bilinguisme, Université Laval, 1985.
Dofny, Jacques. “Ethnic Cleavages, Labour Aristocracy, and Nationalism in Quebec.” In New Nationalisms in the Developed West, edited by E. A. Tiryakian and Ronald Rogowski, 353–373. Boston, MA: Allen and Unwin, 1985.
Caron, Jean-François. “Les apprentis à Québec de 1830 à 1849.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 1985.
Naylor, R. T. “The Rise and Decline of the Trustee Savings Bank in British North America.” Canadian Historical Review Vol. 64, no. 1 (December 1984): 511–541.
Bradbury, Bettina. “Women and Wage Labour in a Period of Transition: Montreal, 1861-1881.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 17, no. 33 (May 1984): 115–131.
Renaud, Jean, and Paul Bernard. “Places et agents : les divisions ethnique et sexuelle du travail au Québec de 1931 à 1981.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 13, no. 1 (Avril 1984): 87–100.
Thach, Quoc Thuy. “The Occupational Structure and Residential Pattern of Irish-Born Heads of Households in Montreal in 1861.” Undergraduate Research Paper, McGill University, 1984.
Jooste, Johan K. “The Montreal Villa: 1830 to 1930.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1984.
Hertzog, Stephen. “A Stake in the System: Domestic Property Ownership and Social Class in Montreal, 1847-1881.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1984.
Guardia, Raymond, and David Schulze. Community Activism in Notre-Dame-de-Grâce Since World War II -- An Analysis Based on Oral History. Montreal: [s.n.], 1984.
Bradbury, Bettina. “The Working Class Family Economy: Montreal, 1861-1881.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 1984.
Bradbury, Bettina. “Pigs, Cows, and Boarders : Non-Wage Forms of Survival among Montreal Families, 1861-91.” Labour / Le Travail Vol. 14 (1984): 9–48.
Painchaud, Claude, and Richard Poulin. “Italianité, conflit linguistiques et structure du pouvoir dans la communauté italo-québécoise.” Sociologie et Société Vol. 15, no. 2 (October 1983): 89–104.
Veltman, Calvin. “L’évolution de la ségrégation linguistique à Montréal, 1961-1981.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 24, no. 3 (September 1983): 379–390.
Germain, Annick. “L’émergence d’une scène politique : mouvement ouvrier et mouvements de réforme urbaine à Montréal au tournant du siècle - Essai d’interprétation.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 27, no. 2 (September 1983): 185–199.
Lundgren, J.O.J. “The Market Area of the Turn of the Century Hotel: The Château Frontenac in Québec City.” Recreation Research Review Vol. 10, no. 3 (1983): 11–21.
Hanna, David, and Sherry Olson. “Métiers, loyers et bout de rue : l’armature de la société montréalaise, 1881 à 1901.” Cahiers de géographie de Québec Vol. 27, no. 71 (1983): 255–275.
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