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Fiore, Anna-Maria, and Karin Michnick. Compte rendu de la rencontre d’information entre la ville de Montréal et la Communauté noire anglophone. Montréal: Ville de Montréal, Service de la Planification et de la concertation, Bureau interculturel de Montréal, 1990.
Zinman, Rosalind, and Eric Mansfield. A Multicultural/Multiracial Approach to Education in the Schools of the Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal: Report of the Task Force on Multicultural/Multiracial Education. Montreal: Protestant School Board of Greater Montreal, 1988.
Laferrière, Michel. “The Education of Black Students in Montreal Schools: An Emerging Anglophone Problem, a Non-Existent Francophone Preoccupation.” In Ethnic Canadians: Culture and Education, edited by Martin L. Kovacs, 243–255. Regina, SK: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, 1978.
Handelman, Don. “West Indian Associations in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1964.
Potter, Harold Herbert. “The Occupational Adjustments of Montreal Negroes, 1941-48.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1949.
Lambeck, Hanna Weiss. “Development of Racial Preferences and Self-Consciousness as a Member of a Race.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1949.
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