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Magnan, Marie-Odile. “Identité et rétention chez les anglophones de Québec : un changement générationnel.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 49, no. 1 (2008): 69–86.
Huppé, Isabelle. “Les immeubles à appartements de l’île de Montréal, émergence et évolution d’une typologie, 1880-1914.” Master’s Research Report, Université de Québec à Montréal, 2008.
Gauvreau, Danielle, Sherry Olson, and Patricia A. Thonton. “The Harsh Welcome of an Industrial City: Immigrant Women in Montreal, 1880-1900.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 40, no. 80 (November 2007): 345–380.
Young, Brian. “Patrician Elites and Power in Nineteenth-Century Montreal and Quebec City.” In Who Ran the Cities? City Elites and Urban Power Structures in Europe and North America, 1750-1940, edited by Robert Beachy and Ralf Roth, 229–246. Aldershot, England/Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2007.
Adams, Elise. “The Role of Socio-Economic Strategies in the Childbearing Decisions of Anglophone Women in Montreal, Quebec.” Master’s thesis, McGill University, 2007.
Thornton, Patricia, and Sherry Olson. “The Religious Claim on Babies in Nineteenth-Century Montreal.” In Religion and the Decline of Fertility in the Western World, edited by Renzo Derosas and Frans van Poppel, 207–233. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2006.
Provost, Kathy C. “Blunted Lives: Working Children in East-End Montreal, 1880-1890.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2006.
Fahrni, Magda. Household Politics: Montreal Families and Postwar Reconstruction. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2005.
Hague, Kenneth Gifford. The Round of Sixteen: Two Hundred Years of a Family’s History in Montreal. Ivry-sur-le-Lac, QC: Hague & Hague Inc., 2004.
Harvey, Janice. “The Protestant Orphan Asylum and the Montreal Ladies’ Benevolent Society: A Case Study in Protestant Child Charity in Montreal, 1822-1900.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2001.
Olson, Sherry. “Feathering Her Nest in Nineteenth Century Montreal.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 33, no. 65 (May 2000): 1–35.
Riches, Caroline. “The Development of Mother Tongue and Second Language Reading in Two Bilingual Education Contexts.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2000.
Gilliland, Jason Andrew, and Sherry Olson. “Claims on Housing Space in Nineteenth-Century Montreal.” Urban History Review/Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 26, no. 2 (March 1998): 3–16.
Olson, Sherry. “‘Pour se créer un avenir’ : stratégies de couples montréalais au XIXe siècle.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 51, no. 3 (Hiver 1998): 357–389.
Perry, Ann K. “Manliness, Goodness and God: Poverty, Gender and Social Reform in English-Speaking Montreal, 1890-1929.” Master’s Thesis, Queen’s University, 1998.
Kourgiantakis, Toula. “Group Intervention with English-Speaking Parents of Adolescents in the Greater Quebec City Region.” Master’s Research Essay, Université Laval, 1997.
Tsakanika, Monika Domenica. “Family Influences on the Development of Vocational Interests in Adolescent Children of Immigrants : A Test of Holland’s Propositions Regarding Occupational Type Development.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1994.
Gilliland, Jason Andrew. “Residential Mobility in Montreal, 1861-1901.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1994.
Fox, Michael John. “Time-Distance as a Factor in the Delivery of School Bus Services to Households in the Eastern Townships School Board, Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1992.
Nicolai, Eric. “Portraits of Children in Quebec Art, 1800-1860.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 1991.
Fish, Cynthia S. “Images and Reality of Fatherhood: A Case Study of Montreal’s Protestant Middle-Class, 1870-1914.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1991.
Thornton, Patricia, Sherry Olson, and Quoc Thuy Thach. “Dimensions sociales de la mortalité infantile à Montréal au milieu du XIXe siècle.” Annales de démographie historique (1988): 299–325.
Lamonde, Yvan. “La sociabilité et l’histoire socio-culturelle : le cas de Montréal, 1760-1880.” Historical Papers/Communications historiques 1987 (1987): 86–111.
Hanson, Yvonne. “Parents’ Perception of Their Role in School Governance in Quebec, 1981-1984.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1985.
Fournier, Daniel. “Consanguinité et sociabilité dans la zone de Montréal au début du siècle.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 24, no. 3 (September 1983): 307–323.
Binot-Tessier, Émilie. “Analyse des attitudes parentales sous-jacentes à l’apprentissage d’une langue seconde chez l’adolescent anglophone, âgé de 12 à 18 ans.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1983.
Tetley, William. “Language and Education Rights in Quebec and Canada (A Legislative History and Personal Political Diary).” Law and Contemporary Problems Vol. 45, no. 4 (Autumn 1982): 177–219.
St-Germain, Claude. La situation linguistique dans les écoles primaires et secondaires, 1971-1972 à 1978-1979. (Dossiers du Conseil de la langue française, 3). Québec: Conseil de la langue française, 1980.
Bradbury, Bettina. “The Family Economy and Work in an Industrializing City: Montreal in the 1870s.” The Canadian Historical Association, Historical Papers (1979): 71–96.
Duchesne, Louis. “L’exogamie et les transferts linguistiques au Québec.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 7, no. 1 (Avril 1978): 5–25.
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