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Edwards, Peter, and Antonio Nicaso. Business or Blood: Mafia Boss Vito Rizzuto’s Last War. Toronto, ON: Random House Canada, 2015.
Egretaud, Henry. L’affaire Saint-Léonard. Montréal: Société d’éducation du Québec, 1970.
Elbourne, Elizabeth, Kimberley Ens Manning, and Zackary Kifell. “The Impact of Law 21 on Québec Students in Law and Education: Executive Summary of Findings.” [Executive Report]. Last modified 2023.
Ellenbogen, Stephen, Rina Gupta, and Jeffrey L. Verevensky. “A Cross-Cultural Study of Gambling Behaviour Among Adolescents.” Journal of Gambling Studies Vol. 23, no. 1 (March 2007): 25–39.
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Gentile, Patrizia. “‘Gli Italiani Non Hanno Paura’: Italian-Language Newspapers and the 1970 October Crisis.” Québec Studies Vol. 55 (Spring/Summer 2013): 135–150.
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Hilton, Anthony, Louise Potvin, and Itesh Sachdev. “Ethnic Relations in Rental Housing: A Social Psychological Approach.” Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement Vol. 21, no. 2 (April 1989): 121–131.
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Jamil, Uzma. “The Impact of Securitization on South Asian Muslims in Montreal.” In Religious Radicalization and Securitization in Canada and Beyond, edited by Paul Bramadat and Lorne L. Dawson, 145–163. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014.
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