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Beauclerk, Charles. Lithographic Views of Military Operations in Canada Under His Excellency Sir John Colborne, G.C.B., Etc, During the Late Insurrection. From Sketches by Lord Charles Beauclerk, Captain, Royal Regiment. Accompanied by Notes Historical and Descriptive. London, England: Published by A. Flint, 1840.
Henry, Walter. Trifles From My Port-Folio, or, Recollections of Scenes and Small Adventures During Twenty-Nine Years’ Military Service in the Peninsular War and Invasion of France...and Upper and Lower Canada by a Staff Surgeon. 2 vols. Quebec: William Neilson, 1839.
A. R.C. La Reine vs Jalbert, accusé du meurtre du Lieutenant Weir du 32e Régiment de sa Majesté : procès politique. Montréal: F. Cinq-Mars, 1839.
The Trial of Daniel Disney, Esq., Captain of a Company in His Majesty’s 44th Regiment of Foot, and Town-Major of the Garrison of Montreal: At the Session of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Holden at Montreal, on Saturday the 28th Day of February, and Thence Continued by Adjournments to Wednesday the 11th Day of March, 1767 ... Upon an Indictment Containing Two Charges, the One for a Burglary and Felony, in Breaking and Entering Mr. Thomas Walker’s House, at Montreal ... Quebec: Brown and Gilmore, 1767.
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