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Vellathottam, T. George, and Kevin G. Jones. “Highlights in the Development of Canadian Lacrosse to 1931.” Canadian Journal of Sport and Physical Education Vol. 5, no. 2 (December 1974): 31–47.
Usher, Peter J. Joey Jacobson’s War : A Jewish-Canadian Airman in the Second World War. Waterloo, ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2018.
Ulmer, Michael. Canadiens Captains: Nine Great Montreal Canadiens. Toronto, ON: Macmillan Canada, 1996.
Truchon, Caroline. “Passage obligé: les réseaux de correspondance dans la constitution de collections particulières à Montréal, 1870-1910.” Cahiers d’histoire Vol. 31, no. 1 (Hiver 2012): 81–90.
Troper, Harold. The Defining Decade. ; The Canadian Jewish Community During The 1960’s. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2010.
Tremblay, Serge. “Rugby in the Chateauguay Valley and Ormstown Saracens 50th Anniversary.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal / Revue annuelle de la Société Historique de la Vallée de la Châteauguay, 2022.
Tremblay, Guy. “Le vénérable Yacht-Club.” Cap-aux-Diamants Vol. 2, no. 4 (Hiver 1987): 31–33.
Tremblay, Elyse, Francine Bouchard, and Maureen McIntyre. Historique du Manoir Ogilvie, l’ancien Club du golf : étude historique et architecturale. LaSalle, QC: Société historique de LaSalle, 1981.
Tremblay Lamarche, Alex. “Le Maison Nivard-de-Saint-Dizier au temps de John Crawford, haut lieu de chasse à courre.” Cap-aux-Diamants, t 2020.
Tremblay Lamarche, Alex. “La création du premier club de crosse francophone de Québec: Reflet des tensions ethniques?” Cap-aux-Diamants No. 121 (Printemps 2015): 35–36.
Tolfrey, Frederic. Tolfrey : un aristocrate au Bas-Canada. Translated by Paul-Louis Martin. Montréal: Boréal Express, 1979.
Thériault, Olivier. “Entre raison et passion : les discours sur les jeux de hasard au Québec/Bas-Canada (1764-1810), société et culture.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 2013.
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Stewart, Robert. “The Crazy Canucks of ’33.” The Beaver Vol. 81, no. 6 (January 2001): 20–24.
Stewart, Robert. The Trail Breakers: The Red Birds Ski Club. Westmount, QC: Price Patterson, 2000.
Stark, Julia. “Battle of the Books : Coaching an English High School Literacy Trivia Competition in Montreal, Quebec.” Education Libraries Vol. 41, no. 1 (2018): 1–7.
Stack, Eileen. “‘Very Picturesque and Very Canadian’: The Blanket Coat and Anglo-Canadian Identity in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century.” In Fashion: A Canadian Perspective, edited by Alexandra Palmer, 17–40. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2004.
Spadari, Luigi. “Le processus identitaire dans le soccer chez les Italiens de Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1999.
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Simpson, Robert Wayne. “The Influences of the Montreal Curling Club on the Development of Curling in the Canadas, 1807-1857.” North American Society for Sport History - Proceedings and Newsletter (1981): 14.
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