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Rossignol, Léo, Pierre-Louis Lapointe, and Gaston Carrière, eds. Hull, 1800-1975: Histoire Illustrée/Hull, 1800-1975: Illustrated History. Hull, QC: [s.n.], 1975.
Brault, Lucien. Hull, 1800-1950. Ottawa, ON: Éditions de l’Université d’Ottawa, 1950.
Cherrier, A. B. History of the Quebec Directory Since Its First Issue In 1844 Up The Present Day. Containing Also Lists of Our Municipal and Local Government as Presently Constituted, A Calendar for 1879, Carter’s Tariff, Fire Alarm Signal Boxes, and a Tabular Statement of Our Past and Present Population : The Whole Respectfully Dedicated to the Present Supporters of the Work. Quebec: Dawson & Co., 1879.
Sandham, Alfred. History of the Montreal Young Men’s Christian Association (the First Formed on the Continent): Also an Account of the Origin of Young Men’s Christian Associations and Subsequent Progress of the Work in America. Montreal: D. Bentley, 1873.
Borthwick, John D. History of Montreal, Including the Streets of Montreal, Their Origin and History. Montreal: D. Gallagher, 1897.
O’Donnell, Lorraine. “Histoire populaire du Québec d’expression anglaise: un projet pour la vitalité de la communauté anglophone du Québec.” Histoire Québec, 2022.
Laurin, J. E. Histoire économique de Montréal et des cités et villes du Québec. [Ottawa, ON]: Les Éditions J.E. Laurin, 1942.
Rumilly, Robert. Histoire d’Outremont 1875-1975. Montreal: Leméac, 1975.
Brunelle-Lavoie, Louise. Histoire de Sherbrooke/The Story of Sherbrooke. Sherbrooke, QC: Société d’histoire des Cantons de l’Est, 1988.
Rumilly, Robert. Histoire de Montréal. 5 vols. Montréal: Fides, 1970.
Linteau, Paul-André. “Histoire de la Ville de Maisonneuve, 1883-1918.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1975.
Klopfer, Nadine. “‘High above Them All’: Raum Und Gesellschaftsordnung in Montreal, 1880-1930.” PhD dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2008.
Milot, Maurice. “Hemming, Edward John, 1823-1905.” Les Cahiers nicolétains Vol. 9, no. 1 (March 1987): 3–21.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. Guide historique du vieux Sherbrooke. 2nd ed. Sherbrooke, QC: Société d’histoire de Sherbrooke, 2001.
Williams, Dorothy W. “Growing Up Black in Montreal.” Quebec Heritage News, February 2009.
MacLeod, G. Scott. Griffintown Tour: The Death and Life of Griffintown: 21 Stories, 2017.
Barlow, Matthew. Griffintown: Identity and Memory in an Irish Diaspora Neighbourhood. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press, 2017.
Hanna, David B. Griffintown : son histoire et son cadre bâti. Montréal: Ville de Montréal, Service de la mise en valeur du territoire et du patrimoine, 2007.
National Famine Museum at Strokestown Park, Ireland; and Irish Heritage Trust. “Great Famine Voices Roadshow Montreal.” Documentary. Great Famine Voices Roadshow. Last modified 2018.
Demchinsky, Bryan. Grassroots, Greystones, and Glass Towers : Montreal Urban Issues and Architecture. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1989.
Dagenais, Michèle. “Gouverner Montréal, gouverner les Montréalais : taxation de l’eau et qualification électorale, 1860-1920.” In Pouvoir et territoire au Québec depuis 1850, edited by Harold Bérubé and Stéphane Savard, 61–89. Québec: Septentrion, 2017.
Riel-Salvatore, Gabriel. “Gouvernance locale et démocratie participative : le projet de réaménagement Benny Farm à Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2006.
Portolese, Marisa, and Vincent Bonin. Goose Village. Montreal: Marisa Portolese, 2023.
MacLeod, Rod. “Going to the Top.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2024.
Trigger, Rosalyn. “God’s Mobile Mansions: Protestant Church Relocation and Extension in Montreal, 1850-1914.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2004.
Clark-Jones, Melissa, and JoAnn McDonald. Globalization and the Single-Industry Town: An Annotated Bibliography. Lennoxville, QC: Eastern Townships Research Centre, Bishop’s University, 2004.
Gabaccia, Donna R. “Global Geography of ‘Little Italy’: Italian Neighbourhoods in Comparative Perspective.” Modern Italy Vol. 11, no. 1 (February 2006): 9–24.
Mugabo, Délice Igicari. “Geographies and Futurities of Being: Radical Black Activism in a Context of Anti-Black Islamophobia in 1990s Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2016.
Parise, Robert. “Géants de la Côte-Nord. Robert McCormick, 1880-1955.” Saguenayensia Vol. 14, no. 1 (January 1972): 13–16.
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