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Noel, Janet. “Women and Social Welfare in the Montreal Region, 1800-1833: Preliminary Findings.” In Changing Roles of Women Within the Christian Church in Canada, edited by Elizabeth Gillian Muir and Marilyn Färdig Whiteley, 261–283. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1995.
Noel, Janet. Canada Dry: Temperance Crusades Before Confederation. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1995.
Mongillo, Anne Mary. “Beyond the Winter Coat: Adjustment Experience of Graduate Students from the People’s Republic of China.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1995.
Melançon, François, and M’hammed Mellouki. Le corps enseignant du Québec de 1845 à 1992 : formation et développement. Montréal: Éditions Logiques, 1995.
Meadowcroft, Barbara. Lilias Torrance Newton, 1896-1980: Retrospective Exhibition, September 9-23 1995 / Lilias Torrance Newton, 1896-1980: Exposition Rétrospective, 6-23 Septembre 1995. Montreal: Galerie Walter Klinkhoff, 1995.
McLeod, Ellen Mary Easton. “Enterprising Women and the Early History of the Canadian Handicrafts Guild, 1905-1936.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 1995.
McCalla, Jane. “Too Small Worlds : Perceptions of Sexual Violence at a Small Canadian University.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 1995.
Marshall, Joan. A Solitary Pillar: Montreal’s Anglican Church and the Quiet Revolution. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995.
Little, J. I. The Child Letters: Public and Private Life in a Canadian Merchant-Politician’s Family, 1841-1845. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995.
Li, Sharon. “Chinese-Canadian Women in Montreal: Case Studies in the Importance of Education.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1995.
Leahy, David. “Classic Realist Ethnic, Gender and Class Fictions in Québec, 1939-1945.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 1995.
Laurence, Dan H. “Katie Samuel: Shaw’s Flameless ‘Old Flame’.” Shaw: The Annual of Bernard Shaw Studies Vol. 15 (1995): 3–19.
Hébert-Saindon, Louise. Projet d’étude et d’intervention : santé maternelle et infantile pour la population d’expression anglaise des régions de Québec et Chaudière-Appalaches. [S.l.]: CLSC de la Jacques-Cartier, 1995.
Hayes, Janet. “A Study of the Effects of Acculturation on Sex-Role Attitudes of Chinese Couples, and the Subsequent Impact of These Sex-Role Attitudes on Couple’s Household Task Sharing & Decision Making.” Research paper, Concordia University, 1995.
Haskins, Heather Victoria. “Bending the Rules: The Montreal Branch of the Women’s Art Association of Canada, 1894-1900.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1995.
Hanlon, Peter. “‘That Best Portion of a Good Woman’s Life’: Gertrude Mudge, 1886–1958.” Fontanus, 1995.
Gosselin, Line. Les journalistes québécoises, 1880-1930. Montréal: Regroupement des chercheurs et chercheuses en histoire des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec, 1995.
Fishbane, Simcha. “A Female Rite of Passage in a Montreal Modern Orthodox Synagogue: The Bat Mitzvah Ceremony.” In Renewing Our Days: Montreal Jews in the Twentieth Century, edited by Ira Robinson and Mervin Butovsky, 119–131. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 1995.
Durflinger, Serge M. The McGill Associates’ Veterans’ Oral History Project: A Collection of Testimony From Canadians on Active Service, 1939-1945. Montreal: Veterans Oral History Project, 1995.
Drummond, Anne. “New Educationists in Quebec Protestant Model and Intermediate Schools, 1881-1926.” PhD dissertation, University of Ottawa, 1995.
Christakos, Margaret. “At Stake : Stutters, Voicings and Intertext of the ‘Self’ in Some Canadian Feminist Writing. A Subject in Process (December).” Master’s Thesis, University of Toronto, 1995.
Bienvenue, Louise. “Le rôle du Victorian Order of Nurses dans la croisade hygiéniste montréalaise, 1897-1925.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1995.
Bendinelli Predelli, Maria. “Il Contributo Della Donna Alla Cultura Italiana Nel Quebec.” Italian Canadiana Vol. 11 (1995): 78–96.
Gaskell, Carol, ed. Women’s Words: Eastern Townships Anglophone Women Remember the Second World War. Lennoxville, QC: [s.n.], 1995.
Gillett, Margaret, and Ann Beer, eds. Our Own Agendas: Autobiographical Essays by Women Associated with McGill University. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1995.
Verduyn, Christl, ed. Dear Marian, Dear Hugh: The MacLennan-Engel Correspondence. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 1995.
Doyle, James. “Sui Sin Far and Onoto Watanna : Two Early Chinese-Canadian Authors.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 140 (Spring 1994): 50–58.
Clement, Lesley D. “Mavis Gallant’s Stories of the 1950s: Learning to Look.” The American Review of Canadian Studies Vol. 24, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 57–73.
Freake, Douglas. “The Multiple Self in the Poetry of P.K. Page.” Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature canadienne Vol. 19, no. 1 (Winter 1994): 94–114.
White-Parks, Annette. “’We Wear the Mask‘: Sui Sin Far as One Example of Trickster Authorship.” In Tricksterism in Turn-of-the-Century American Literature: A Multicultural Perspective, edited by Elizabeth Ammons and Annette White-Parks, 1–20. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England, 1994.
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