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Pedersen, Diana Lynn. Changing Women, Changing History: A Bibliography of the History of Women in Canada. 2nd ed. Ottawa, ON: Carleton University Press, 1996.
Tanguay, Lynda. “Madame James McGill (1747-1818) : Marie-Charlotte Guillimin, ou, La vie d’une femme mondaine à Montréal au dix-huitième siècle.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1993.
Merrett, Robert. “The Politics of Romance in ‘The History of Emily Montague.’” Canadian Literature No. 133 (Summer 1992): 92–108.
Stanzel, Franz K. “Innocent Eyes?: Canadian Landscape As Seen By Frances Brooke, Susanna Moodie And Others.” International Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue internationale d’études canadiennes Vol. 4 (Fall 1991): 97–110.
Gignac, Gilbert. “Elizabeth Frances Hale: 1774-1826.” In La Peinture au Québec 1820-1850: Nouveaux Regards, Nouvelles Perspectives, edited by Mario Béland, 276–282. Québec: Musée du Québec, 1991.
Migneault, Yvon. “La romancière Frances Brooke et l’ermite de l’Île Saint-Barnabé.” Revue d’histoire du Bas-Saint-Laurent Vol. 13, no. 1 (Hiver 1988): 3–11.
Boutelle, Ann Edwards. “Frances Brooke’s Emily Montague (1769): Canada and Women’s Rights.” Women’s Studies : An Interdisciplinary Journal Vol. 12, no. 1 (1986): 7–16.
Shohet, Linda. “An Essay on the History of Emily Montague.” In The Canadian Novel, Volume II. Beginnings. A Critical Anthology, edited by John Moss, 28–34. Toronto, ON: NC Press, 1984.
Edwards, Mary Jane. “Frances Brooke’s Politics and the History of Emily Montague.” In The Canadian Novel, Volume II. Beginnings. A Critical Anthology, edited by John Moss, 19–27. Toronto, ON: NC Press, 1984.
McMullen, Lorraine. An Odd Attempt in a Woman: The Literary Life of Frances Brooke. Vancouver, B.C.: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.
Edwards, Mary Jane. “Frances Brooke’s The History of Emily Montague: A Biographical Context.” English Studies in Canada Vol. 7, no. 2 (Summer 1981): 171–182.
Edwards, Mary Jane. “The History of Emily Montague: A Political Novel.” In The Canadian Novel, Volume II. Beginnings, A Critical Anthology, edited by John Moss, 19–27. Toronto, ON: NC Press, 1980.
Brett, Katharine B. “McCord Museum Costume Display, Montreal.” Costume Society of Ontario Newsletter Vol. 1, no. 2 (Summer 1971): 2–3.
Harper, J. Russell. Early Painters and Engravers in Canada. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1970.
MacDonald, Colin S. A Dictionary of Canadian Artists. 8 vols. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Paperbacks, 1967.
Trudel, Marcel. “Les mariages mixtes sous le régime militaire.” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 7, no. 1 (Juin 1953): 7–31.
Roy, Pierre-Georges. “Le cimetière ‘anglais’ de l’Hôtel-Dieu.” In Les Cimetières de Québec, 122–123. Levis, QC: [s.n.], 1941.
Hart, Arthur Daniel, ed. The Jew in Canada: A Complete Record of Canadian Jewry from the Days of the French Régime to the Present Time. Toronto & Montreal: Jewish Publications Limited, 1926.
Skelton, Isabel (Murphy). The Backwoodswoman: A Chronicle of Pioneer Home Life in Upper and Lower Canada. Toronto, ON: The Ryerson Press, 1924.
Blue, Charles S. “Canada’s First Novelist.” Canadian Magazine (November 1921): 3–12.
Massicotte, É-Z. “Les mariages mixtes à Montréal, dans les temples protestants, au 18e siècle.” Bulletin des Recherches Historiques Vol. 21, no. 3 (March 1915): 84–86.
Barrows, Isabel C. “Lake Memphremagog and Its Wooded Shores.” New England Magazine (August 1901): 626–642.
Miles, Henry H. “Nelson at Quebec: An Episode in the Life of the Great British Admiral.” Rose-Belford’s Canadian Monthly and National Review (March 1879): 257–275.
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