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Glass, Gerald. Academic and General Book Shop (Montreal), Librairie Académique: A Brief History with Additional Notes on the Life and Ideas of “Mr. Academic.” Montreal: [s.n.], 1990.
Glass, Gerald. Essays on Various Subjects, A Short Story, A Short Play, Short Poems (with Translations), and Part Two of the History of the Academic and General Book Shop (1963) Montreal, Librairie Academique & Generale: With Autobiographical Notes. Montreal: G. Glass, 1990.
Lovelace, Arthur Bourne. Memories of an Outport Son. Lennoxville, QC: Townships Sun, 1990.
Matthews, Winona Lawrence. The Story of West Shefford (Bromont), 1792-1966: An Anecdotal History. Richmond, QC: W.L. Matthews, 1990.
Sheets-Pyenson, Susan. “New Direction for Scientific Biography: The Case of Sir William Dawson.” History of Science Vol. 28, no. 4 (1990): 399–410.
Témoins d’une Église... : Diocèse de Valleyfield, 1892-1992. Valleyfield, Qué: Évêché de Valleyfield, 1991.
Galarneau, Claude. “Les Desbarats: une dynastie d’imprimeurs-éditeurs (1794-1893).” Les Cahiers des dix No. 46 (1991): 125–149.
Henderson, Helen. Diary of a Life with Teddy Bears. Montreal: [s.n.], 1991.
Kingsmill, Suzanne. Francis Scrimger: Beyond the Call of Duty. Toronto, ON: Hannah Institute for the History of Medicine & Dundurn Press, 1991.
Rome, David. The Education Legend of the Migration. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress, 1991.
Smythe, Karen. “To Be (Or Not To Be) Continued : Closure and Consolation in Gallant’s ‘Linnett Muir Sequence.’” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 129 (1991): 74–86.
White-Parks, Annette. “Sui Sin Far: Writer on the Chinese-Anglo Borders of North America, 1865-1914.” PhD dissertation, Washington State University, 1991.
Yardley, M. Jeanne. “‘The Bitterness and the Greatness’: Reading F. G. Scott’s War.” Studies in Canadian Literature / Études en littérature Canadienne Vol. 16, no. 1 (Winter 1991): 82–101.
Stewart, J. Douglas. “Great Princes Affected Great Monuments : George Browne’s Molson Mausoleum and Its Antecedents.” Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada Bulletin / Bulletin de la Société pour l’étude de l’architecture au Canada Vol. 16, no. 4 (December 1991): 98–110.
Dunham, 1867-1992. Sherbrooke, QC: Éditions L. Bilodeau, 1992.
Adria, Marco L. “Leonard Cohen and the Word Made Flesh.” Master’s Thesis, Trent University, 1992.
Bodman, Richard, and Deirdre Gillies. Harold Griffith : The Evolution of Modern Anaesthesia. Toronto, ON: Hannah Institute & Dundurn Press, 1992.
Faribault-Beauregard, Marthe. Montréal : ses gouverneurs, ses maires, 1642-1992 : généalogie et histoire. Montréal: La Société généalogique canadienne-française, 1992.
Graham, Ron. The French Quarter: The Epic Struggle of a Family and a Nation Divided. Toronto. ON: Macfarlane Walter & Ross, 1992.
Hutcheon, Linda. “Leonard Cohen and His Works.” In Canadian Writers and Their Works, edited by Robert Lecker, Jack David, and Ellen Quigley, 21–65. Toronto: ECW, 1992.
Meadowcroft, Barbara. “A Feminist Methodology for a Biography of the Beaver Hall Group.” Simone de Beauvoir Newsletter Vol. 12, no. 2 (1992): 8–17.
Miller, Pamela, Moira McCaffrey, Brian Young, Donald Fyson, and Donald Wright. La Famille McCord : Une Vision Passionnée / The McCord Family : A Passionate Vision. Montreal: McCord Museum of Canadian History, 1992.
Morgan, David. The Morgans of Montreal. Toronto: D. Morgan, 1992.
Puchalski, Irene. “John S. Archibald, Architect (1872–1934).” Journal of Canadian Art History/Annales d’histoire de l’art Vol. 14, no. 2 (1992): 94–113.
Solomon, Michel. Aaron Hart, sieur de Bécancour : la vie mouvementée du premier juif établi au Québec au XVIIIe siècle. Montréal: Humanitas nouvelle optique, 1992.
Tapper, Lawrence. A Biographic Dictionary of Canadian Jewry, 1909-1914: From the Canadian Jewish Times. Teaneck, NJ: Avotaynu, 1992.
Whitney, Patricia. “First Person Feminine: Margaret Day Surrey.” Canadian Poetry: Studies, Documents, Reviews Vol. 31 (1992): 86–92.
Millar, Joyce. “The Beaver Hall Group: Painting in Montreal, 1920-1940.” Woman’s Art Journal Vol. 13, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 1992): 3–9.
Bercuson, David Jay. True Patriot : The Life of Brooke Claxton, 1898-1960. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Bibliothèque de l’Assemblée nationale. Dictionnaire des parlementaires du Québec, 1792-1992. Sainte-Foy, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1993.
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