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Upton, L. F. S. “The Quebec Schools Question, 1784-1790.” In Documentary Problems in Canadian History: Pre-Confederation, edited by J. M. Bumsted, 97–116. Georgetown, ON: Irwin-Dorsey Ltd., 1969.
Richardson, Dorothy N. “Expectations Held by Teachers, Principals and Superintendents for the Role of the Elementary and the High School Principal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1969.
Lewis, David Sclater. Royal Victoria Hospital, 1887-1947. Montreal: McGill University Press, 1969.
Cook, H. George. “Career Contingencies of English-Montreal Physicians.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1969.
Brunet, Michel. “Quebec’s French-Speaking Universities and the Law of Double Imbalance.” Queen’s Quarterly Vol. 75, no. 4 (Winter 1968): 613–631.
Nyiti, Raphael Majala. “A Study Comparing Factors Associated with the Selection or Rejection of Teaching by English-Speaking Catholic and Protestant High School Students in the Montreal Area.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1968.
Wright, Barry Richard. “Vocational Education: Opportunities in the Montreal Area for English Protestant Students of High School Age.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1967.
Chicanot, Dunstan P. “Factors Associated with the Selection or Rejection of Teaching by English Speaking Grade Eleven Students in the Province of Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1967.
Aellen, Ailene Carol. “Second Generation Effects of Mixed French-English Marriages.” Master’s thesis, McGill University, 1967.
Wellwood, John Edwin. “A Historical Study of the Influence of Various Cultural Groups on the Development of Educational Theory in the Province of Quebec, 1760-1846.” Master’s Thesis, University of Manitoba, 1966.
Wilson, W. R. T. A History of the English Catholic Public Schools in Quebec. A Study Undertaken for the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism (Research Studies Div. VI, no. 25). Ottawa, ON: s.n., 1965.
Hébert, Gérard. “Commentaire: L’Université McGiIl et le Canada français.” Relations, January 1964.
Scott, Gertrude Alice. “The Contribution of the Sisters of Saint Anne to English Catholic Education in Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1964.
Haworth, Lorna Helen. “A History of the Mackay School for the Deaf.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1960.
Blain, Robert. “A Comparison between French and English Canadian Students in Terms of Social and Personal Desirability Perceptions.” Université de Montréal, 1960.
Finley, Eric Gault. “The Bi-Religious Basis of Quebec’s Public School System: Its Origins and Subsequent Development.” PhD dissertation, Teachers College, Columbia University, 1959.
Andreasen, Vera Kate. “The Sacred and the Secular Value Systems as Reflected in the French-Canadian and English-Canadian Elementary School Readers, Town of Beaconsfield, Quebec, 1952-1959.” Master’s Thesis, University of Maryland, 1959.
Milley, Chesley Boyd. “The Education of Non-Catholic English-Speaking Physically Handicapped Children in Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1957.
Gallagher, Paul. “A History of Public Education for English-Speaking Catholics in the Province of Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, Bishop’s University, 1957.
Rosevear, John Newton. “Chambly County Protestant Central School Board, 1945 to 1955 : The Problems of a Central School Board in the Province of Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1956.
Burke, Louis. “The Problems and Achievements of the English Catholics in the Field of Education.” Master’s Thesis, Institut pédagogique Saint-Georges, Université de Montréal, 1956.
Le Page, Jean-Marie. “Étude sur l’enseignement de l’anglais à l’aide d’une enquête chez les professeurs d’anglais de la commission des écoles catholiques de la ville de Québec.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 1955.
Armstrong, Stephen. “A Survey of Boys’ Physical Education in the English-Speaking Public High Schools of the City of Montreal and District.” Master’s Thesis, Springfield College, 1954.
Audet, Louis-Philippe. Le système scolaire de la Province de Québec. 6 vols. Québec: Les Presses de l’Université Laval, 1950.
Welbourne, Arthur J. “A Study of Educational Practices in the Schools on the Island of Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1946.
Woodley, E. C. “Quebec’s Education System.” Saturday Night, October 30, 1943.
Magee, Arch W. “The Work of the Baptists in Canadian Education.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1943.
Sister St. Brendan. “The English Language in the Congrégation de Notre Dame of Montreal from the 17th Century.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1939.
Jamieson, Stuart Marshall. “French and English in the Institutional Structure of Montreal: A Study for the Social and Economic Division of Labour.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1938.
Woodley, Elsie Caroline. “The History of Education in the Province of Quebec: A Bibliographical Guide.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1932.
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