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Donovan, Patrick. “Quebec’s English-Speaking Communities: Current Issues and Future Trends. Conference Report.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies / Revue d’études des Cantons-de-l’Est No. 36 (Spring 2011): 137–145.
Detellier, Élise. “’They Always Remain Girls’ : la re/production des rapports de genre dans les sports feminins au Quebec, 1919-1961.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 2011.
de Guerre, Donald W., Rachel Garber, and Daniel Séguin. “Eastern Townships Community Search Conference.” Journal of Eastern Townships Studies/Revue d’etudes des Cantons de l’Est No. 36 (2011): 97–118.
Kuntz, Harry. “Science Culture in English-Speaking Montreal, 1815-1842.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 2010.
Harvey, Janice. “The Montreal Ladies’ Benevolent Society Industrial School: An Interface of Public and Private.” In Modernidad, ciudadanía, desviaciones y desigualdades: por un análisis comparativo de las dificultades del paso a la modernidad ciudadana, edited by Fernando López Mora, 309–327. Cordoba, Spain: Universidad de Córdoba, Servicio de Publicaciones, 2010.
Boutillier, Alicia, and Paul Maréchal, eds. William Brymner: Artist, Teacher, Colleague. Kingston, ON: Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 2010.
Eamon, Michael. “The Quebec Clerk Controversy: A Study in Sociability, the Public Sphere, and the Eighteenth-Century Spirit of Enlightenment.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 90, no. 4 (December 2009): 609–638.
McGuire, Susan. “Early Jewish Families Active in Montreal’s Mechanic’s Institute.” Quebec Heritage News, August 2009.
Estey, Ralph H. “100 Years with the Quebec Society for the Protection of Plants/Les 100 Ans de La Société de Protection Des Plantes Du Québec.” Phytoprotection Vol. 89, no. 2–3 (December 2008): 51–65.
Heft, Riva. Evolution Through Outreach and Partnerships : A History of the Quebec Association for Adult Learning. Montreal: Quebec Association for Adult Learning, 2007.
Berzon, Corinne. “Anti-Israeli Activity at Concordia University 2000-2003.” In Academics against Israel and the Jews, edited by Manfred Gerstenfeld, 169–171. Jersualem: Jersualem Center for Public Affairs, 2007.
Chartrand Copti, Huguette, ed. Saint-Lambert Au Fil Des Ans, 1857-2007 / Saint-Lambert Through the Years, 1857-2007. Saint-Lambert, QC: Société d’histoire Mouillepied, 2007.
Macquarrie, Jennifer. “CIV/n: Not a One [Wo]Man Job - The Significance of Aileen Collins as Editor.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 2006.
Donovan, Patrick. Citadel Foundation: Honouring the Past, Building for the Future. Quebec: Citadel Foundation, 2006.
Shea, Anna, and Suzanne Morton. “Keeping Men Out of ‘Public or Semi-Public’ Places: The Montreal Day Shelter for Unemployed Men, 1931-34.” In Negotiating Identities in 19th- and 20th-Century Montreal, edited by Bettina Bradbury and Tamara Myers, 77–98. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2005.
Malins, Fiona. Royal Commonwealth Society, Montreal Branch : 75 Years, 1930 to 2005. Montreal: Published by the Royal Commonwealth Society, Montreal, 2005.
Addelman, Ben, and Samir Mallal. Discordia: When Netanyahu Came to Town. National Film Board of Canada, 2004.
Guerrera, Marco. “Histoire comparée de l’action politique au sein des communautés italiennes au Québec et en Suisse de 1945 à 1985.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2003.
Croteau, Jean-Philippe. “L’héritage de l’Institut du Baron Hirsch : entre la commission protestante et l’école Peretz (1880-1920).” Bulletin du Regroupement des chercheurs-chercheuses en histoire des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec Vol. 28, no. 1 (Printemps 2002): 55–65.
Arnaudin, Margaret Pye. A Bird in the Bush: The Story of the Province of Quebec Society for the Protection of Birds, 1917-2002. Westmount, QC: Price-Patterson, 2002.
Groen, Frances K. “Margaret Ridley Charlton: Medical Librarian and Historian: An Evaluation of Her Career.” Bibliotheca Medica Canadiana Vol. 22, no. 3 (Spring 2001): 108–112.
Stewart, Robert. “The Crazy Canucks of ’33.” The Beaver Vol. 81, no. 6 (January 2001): 20–24.
Winlo, Andrea. “Montreal Sportswomen and the Penguin Ski Club.” In Framing Our Past : Constructing Canadian Women’s History in the Twentieth Century, edited by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean, and Kathryn O’Rourke, 193. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001.
Stewart, Robert. The Trail Breakers: The Red Birds Ski Club. Westmount, QC: Price Patterson, 2000.
Winlo, Andrea. “Avid Skiers or Sports Feminists?: The Women Skiers of the Penguin Ski Club and Their Relationship to Canadian Ski Clubs and Ski Organizations, 1932-1972.” Research Paper, Concordia University, 1999.
McGraw, Cathy. “Montreal Association for the Blind: User Satisfaction Survey.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1997.
Groen, Frances K. “Three Who Made an Association: I. Sir William Osler, 1849-1919, II. George Milbry Gould, 1848-1922, Ill. Margaret Ridley Charlton, 1858-1931, and the Founding of the Medical Library Association, Philadelphia, 1898.” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association Vol. 83, no. 3 (July 1996): 311–319.
Vigneault, Michel, and Annick Poussart. “Hockey in Montreal since the 19th Century.” Musée McCord Museum. Last modified 1996.
Schmidt, Sarah. “Domesticating Parks and Mastering Playgrounds: Sexuality, Power and Place in Montreal, 1870-1930.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1996.
Zweig, Eric. “Playing Football the Canadian Way: When McGill Met Harvard in 1874 an Old Game Took a New Direction.” The Beaver Vol. 75, no. 5 (November 1995): 24–29.
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