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Rudin, Ronald. “The Quiet Revolution and the Creation of Concordia University.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation Vol 35, no. 1 (Spring 2023): 49–64.
Adjetey, Wendell Nii Laryea. Cross-Border Cosmopolitans: The Making of a Pan-African North America. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2023.
O’Donnell, Lorraine. The Importance of the University Research Ecosystem for Quebec’s English-Speaking Official Language Minority Community. Montreal: Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network, Concordia University, 2022.
O’Donnell, Lorraine. “Histoire populaire du Québec d’expression anglaise: un projet pour la vitalité de la communauté anglophone du Québec.” Histoire Québec, 2022.
Smith, Michaela Anne. “Occurrence, Determinants and Dynamics of HPV Coinfections in a Cohort of Montreal University Students.” Master’s Thesis, Queen`s University, 2021.
O’Donnell, Brendan. “Searching for English Quebec History : A 40-Year Odyssey.” In La Charte : La Loi 101 et Les Québécois d’expression Anglaise / The Charter : Bill 101 and English-Speaking Quebec, edited by Lorraine O’Donnell, Patrick Donovan, and Brian Lewis, 463–474. Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2021.
Forest, Mariève, and Guillaume Deschênes‑Thériault. “Études postsecondaires dans la langue de la minorité : portrait et analyse des enjeux.” Report. Prepared for the Department of Canadian Heritage. Institut canadien de recherche sur les minorités linguistiques / Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities. Last modified 2021.
Bull, Melissa. “Où les écrivains anglo-montréalais se tiennent (quand on n’est pas en confinement).” Les libraries, November 2020.
Mills, Alexandra, Désirée Rochat, and Steven High. “Telling Stories from Montreal’s Negro Community Centre Fonds : The Archives as Community-Engaged Classroom.” Archivaria: The Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists Vol. 89 (Spring 2020): 34–68.
Fortin, Josiane. “Le rôle des femmes dans le développement des pratiques chorégraphiques expérimentales à Montréal dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle.” Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies Vol. 88 (2020): 269–299.
Coulter, Megan. “Constructing the ‘Dangerous’ Black Radical : The Escalation of State Surveillance and Subversive Actors Within Canadian Consciousness.” McGill Undergraduate Journal of Canadian Studies Vol. 12 (2020): 25–35.
Cummings, Ronald, and Nalini Mohabir, eds. The Fire That Time : Transnational Black Radicalism and the Sir George Williams Occupation. Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press for Black Rose Books, 2020.
Kenneally, Michael. “The Evolution of Irish Studies at Concordia University Montreal.” Estudios Irlandeses No. 13 (February 2018): 165–168.
Little, Geoffrey Robert. “Old Traditions and New Technologies : Creating Concordia University Press.” Journal of Scholarly Publishing Vol. 49, no. 2 (January 2018): 213–230.
High, Steven. “Remembering the Negro Community Centre: An Introduction.” Quebec Heritage News, Winter 2018.
“SGW Poetry Reading Series.” SpokenWeb Montreal. Last modified 2018.
Holley, Paul. “Push-Pull Factors Related to Student Retention and Integration in Québec.” Association of Canadian Studies and Canadian Institute of Identities and Migration. Last modified 2017.
Audette-Longo, Patricia, Mariam Esseghaier, and Marie-Eve Lefebvre. “‘It Won’t Go Viral’: Documenting the Charter of Québec Values and Talking Theory on YouTube.” Canadian Journal of Communication Vol. 42, no. 1 (2017): 121–129.
Esteves, Filipa. “La position historique des artistes issus de l’immigration : le cas de Leopold Plotek.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2016.
Doonan, Natalie. “Cloudberry Connections: Wilderness and Development on the Lower North Shore of Québec.” PhD dissertation, Concordia University, 2016.
Bienvenu, Ashlie. “Walking Black Montreal : The Sir George Williams Affair.” Quebec Heritage News, Spring 2015.
Starkman, Jordana. “In Black and White: The Georgian and the Sir George Williams Affair.” Historiae: Concordia Undergraduate Journal of History Vol. 13 (2015): 77–91.
Shum, Mina. Ninth Floor. National Film Board of Canada, 2015.
Hébert, Paul C. “’A Microcosm of the General Struggle’ : Black Thought and Activism in Montreal, 1960-1969.” PhD dissertation, University of Michigan, 2015.
Humphries, Mark Osborne. “Terry Copp’s Approach to History.” In Canada and the Second World War : Essays in Honour of Terry Copp, edited by Geoffrey Hayes, Mike Bechthold, and Matt Symes, 15–32. Waterloo. ON: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013.
Austin, David. Fear of a Black Nation: Race, Sex, and Security in Sixties Montreal. Toronto, ON: Between the Lines, 2013.
Affan, Samah. “Ethical Gestures: Articulations of Black Life in Montreal’s 1960s.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2013.
Abukhattala, Ibrahim. “What Arab Students Say about Their Linguistic and Educational Experiences in Canadian Universities.” International Education Studies Vol. 6, no. 8 (2013): 31–37.
Camlot, Jason. “The Sound of Canadian Modernisms: The Sir George Williams Poetry Series, 1966-74.” Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’études canadiennes Vol. 46, no. 3 (Fall 2012): 28–59.
Copp, Terry. “Workers and Soldiers: Adventures in History.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 93, no. 3 (September 2012): 463–486.
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