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Burgess, Donald M. “The English Language CEGEP in Quebec.” McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill Vol. 6, no. 1 (1971): 90–101.
Shook, Laurence K. Catholic Post-Secondary Education in English-Speaking Canada : A History. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1971.
Aumont, Marcel. “The Relationship between Early Withdrawals and Selected Institutional Factors in Colleges of the Montreal Metropolitan Area.” PhD dissertation, The Catholic University of America, 1974.
Karnani, Ram. “The Role of Communications in Changing Attitude Towards Learning French as a Second Language.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1976.
Miller, Grace Patricia. “From Traditional to Modern: Nursing Education in Transition in Anglophone Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1977.
Burgess, Donald A. “Education and Social Change: A Quebec Case Study.” PhD dissertation, Harvard University, 1978.
Denis, Ann B. “The Relationship Between Ethnicity and Educational Aspirations of Post-Secondary Students in Toronto and Montreal.” In Ethnic Canadians: Culture and Education, edited by Martin L. Kovacs, 231–242. Regina, SK: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, 1978.
MacDonald, Brian. “An Evaluation of Intramural Programs in Selected English and French Community Colleges in the Montreal Area During the 1977-78 School Year.” Master’s Thesis, University of Oregon, 1978.
Goldbloom, Jonathan. “CEGEPs: An Eleven Year Experience of a Unique Experiment in Education.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 1979.
Massot, Alain. “Destins scolaires des étudiants de secondaire V. Une analyse comparative des secteurs français et anglais.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 20, no. 3 (September 1979): 383–401.
Amyot, Michel, Antonio Bisson, and Claude St-Germain. “La clientèle scolaire des écoles anglophones du réseau d’enseignement public au Québec de 1971 à 1976.” In La situation démolinguistique au Québec et la Charte de la langue française, edited by Michel Amyot, 121–123. Documentation du Conseil de la langue française no. 5. Québec: Éditeur officiel du Québec, 1980.
Horwich, Herbert. Drop-Out or Stay-In?: The Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting the Option. Québec & Montréal: Faculté des sciences de l’éducation, Université Laval & Département de sociologie, Université de Montréal, 1980.
Barber, Howard W. “Academic Policy-Making in an Anglophone CEGEP: The Role of the Academic Council.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1981.
Wyder, Patricia. “The Theatre Arts Programmes at the Montreal Anglophone CEGEP: A Study of Their History, Philosophy and Development from 1967 to 1980.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1981.
Caldwell, Gary, P.-P. Chaussé, and Denis Laforte. The Organization of English College Instruction in the Outaouais Region of Quebec: Report by the Committee Appointed by the Minister of Education. Québec: [s.n.], 1982.
Monnier, Daniel, Françoise Morin, and Gilles Sénéchal. La situation linguistique et culturelle de l’Outaouais. Québec: Conseil de la langue française, 1982.
Sylvain, Louise. Les cheminements des jeunes québécois en milieux scolaires francophone et anglophone : synthèse de certaines donnés du projet A.S.O.P.E. [Notes et documents no 14]. Québec: Gouvernment du Québec, Conseil de la langue française, 1982.
Locher, Uli, Mélanie Lange, and Pierre Georgeault. Conscience linguistique des jeunes québécois. Tome III. Le fait français vécu par des élèves étudiant en anglais en 4e et 5e secondaire et en 1re et 2e collégial. Québec: Conseil de la langue française, 1983.
St-Germain, Claude. La progression des élèves au secondaire et au collégial selon la langue maternelle : évolution de 1976 à 1982. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de l’éducation, Direction des études économiques et démographiques, 1984.
Shipton, Victoria. Pilgrims and Puppets: John Abbot College, 1970-1983. Sainte-Anne de Bellevue, QC: CEGEP John Abbott College, 1985.
Silver, Vivian M. “Socialization Factors and Career Aspirations of Female and Male Students: A Comparative Study of Students at Dawson College, Montreal.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1985.
LeBlanc, André E. “Collegial Education in Quebec - A Bibliography.” McGill Journal of Education/Revue des sciences de l’éducation de McGill Vol. 20, no. 3 (Fall 1985): 273–280.
Godmer, Gilles. Oratio Obliqua (Eva Brandl). Montréal: Musée d’art contemporain, 1987.
Moffatt-Roney, Donna. “A Study of Moral Thinking of Students in a CEGEP Nursing Program.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1987.
Sénéchal, Gilles. Les allophones et les anglophones inscrits à l’école française : sondage sur les attitudes et les comportements linguistiques. Québec: Conseil de la langue francaise, 1987.
Stafford Smith, Betty. “An Investigation of Consumer Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour of Quebec English Public CEGEP Students as a Basis for Consumer Education Curriculum Development.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1987.
Sylvain, Louise, Louise Laforce, Claude Trottier, and Pierre Georgeault. “Les cheminements scolaires des francophones, des anglophones et des allophones du Québec au cours des années soixante-dix.” Revue des sciences de l’éducation Vol. 14, no. 2 (1988): 225–244.
Cunanan, Aïda-Alma A. “A Survey of Academic Writing Tasks Required of Students in Anglophone High Schools and Colleges in Québec.” PhD dissertation, Université de Montréal, 1989.
Johnson, Walter. “Factors Affecting the Evolution of Teaching Processes and Teacher Morale at a Quebec Community College.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 1990.
Marciniak, Kathleen. “Perceptions of Multiculturalism in Nursing Programs in Montreal: A Comparison of University and CEGEP Training.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1990.
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