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Saint Andrew’s Society of Montreal. A Summary of the First Fifty Years Transactions of the St. Andrew’s Society of Montreal. Montreal: McQueen & Corneil, 1886.
Jaques, G. E. Chronicles of the St. James St. Methodist Church, Montreal, from the First Rise of Methodism in Montreal to the Laying of the Corner-Stone of the New Church on St. Catherine Street. Toronto, ON: William Briggs, 1888.
Catalogue of the Library Belonging to the Grand Trunk Railway Library and Scientific Institute, Pointe St. Charles, with Rules, Titles and Objects of the Institute. Montreal: Canadian Workman Printing Company, 1889.
Dawson, John William. Thoughts on Hospital Sites, By On-Looker. Montreal: [s.n.], 1889.
Jones, Arthur Edward. The Gazette and Mail’s Campaign Against the Jesuits’ Estates Bill, 1888. Montreal: [s.n.], 1889.
LeMoine, James MacPherson. Historical and Sporting Notes on Quebec and Its Environs. 4th ed. Quebec: L.J. Demers & Frères, 1889.
Têtu, Horace. Historique des journaux de Québec. Québec: [s.n.], 1889.
Würtele, Frederick C. “Our Library: A Monograph.” Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Vol. 19 (1889): 23–73.
Souvenir Number of the Montreal Daily Star Reviewing the Various Financial and Commercial Interests Represented in the City of Montreal. Montreal: Henning J. Camp, 1890.
Goad, Charles E. Atlas of the City of Montreal: From Special Survey and Official Plans, Showing All Buildings and Names of Owners. 2 vols. Montreal: Charles E. Goad, 1890.
Würtele, Fred C. Index of Lectures, Papers and Historical Documents Published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, and Also the Names of Their Authors, Together with a List of the Unpublished Papers Read Before the Society, 1829 to 1891. Quebec: Morning Chronicle Office, 1891.
Würtele, Fred C. The English Cathedral of Quebec. Quebec: Printed at the Morning Chronicle Office, 1891.
Lighthall, W. D. Sights and Shrines of Montreal: A Topographical, Romantic and Historical Description of the City and Environs. Montreal: F.E. Grafton, 1892.
Mackay, Angus. Donald Morrison, the Canadian Outlaw: A Tale of the Scottish Oscar Dhu. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1892.
Fairchild, G. M., ed. A Short Account of Ye Quebec Winter Carnival Holden in 1894. Quebec: Printed by F. Carrel, at ye signe for ye Quebec Daily Telegraph, 1894.
Opening of the New Library: McGill University, Montreal. Containing the Addresses Delivered on the Occasion with a Description of the Building: Some Points in the History of the University: In Memoriam. October 31st, 1893. Montreal: Bishop Press, 1894.
Canadian Wheelmen’s Association. Our City and Our Sports: Souvenir and Official Programme of the 12th Annual Meet of the Canadian Wheelmen’s Association, Montreal, July 1894. Montreal: Montreal Bicycle Club, 1894.
Dawson, John William. In Memoriam, Peter Redpath, Governor and Benefactor of McGill University and Founder of the Museum, Library and Chair of Mathematics Which Bears His Name; With Historical Notice of the Peter Redpath Museum. Montreal: Published for the University by the Witness Printing House, 1894.
Colquhoun, A. H. U. “The Man Who Made the Montreal Star: Hugh Graham, Esq.” Printer and Publisher Vol. 4, no. 4 (1895): 6–7.
Montreal Free Library. Analytical and Descriptive Catalogue of the Montreal Free Library. 3rd ed. Montreal: Library Hall, 1895.
Sulte, Benjamin. “Historical and Miscellaneous Literature of Quebec - 1764-1830.” Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada/Mémoires de la Société royale du Canada 2nd Series, Vol. 3 (1897): 269–278.
Gilbert, W. R. Sports of Greater Britain, with a Short History of the Montreal Amateur Athletic Association. Montreal: The Shareholder, 1898.
Gould, C. H. “Description of Important Libraries in Montreal with Remarks Upon Departmental Libraries.” Transactions and Proceedings of the 2nd International Library Conference (London, July 13-16, 1897) (1898): 154–157.
Farrell, Arthur. Hockey: Canada’s Royal Winter Game. Montreal: C.R. Corneil, 1899.
James, C. C. A Bibliography of Canadian Poetry (English). Victoria University Library, Publication No. 1. Toronto, ON: Printed for the Library by William Briggs, 1899.
Reade, John. “English Literature and Journalism in Quebec.” In Canada, An Encyclopaedia of the Country, edited by J. Castell Hopkins, 5:147–165. Toronto, ON: Linscott, 1899.
Committee from the St. James Methodist Church. St. James’ Methodist Church, St. Catherine Street, Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1901.
Graham, Franklin Thomas. Histrionic Montreal: Annals of the Montreal Stage, with Biographical and Critical Notices of the Plays and Players of a Century. 2nd ed. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1902.
The Newspaper Reference Book of Canada: Embracing Facts and Data Regarding Canada and Biographical Sketches of Representative Canadian Men: For Use By Newspapers. Toronto, ON: The Press Publishing Company, 1903.
Carr-Harris, Bertha Wright. The White Chief of the Ottawa. Toronto, ON: William Briggs, 1903.
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