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Saint-Pierre, Henri Césaire. Affaire Shortis : plaidoyer de mtre H. C. Saint-Pierre, c.r. pour la défense de Valentine Shortis accusé de meutre : audiences des 29, 30 et 31 octobre 1895. Montréal: C. O. Beauchemin & fils, 1896.
Coffin, Victor. The Province of Quebec and the Early American Revolution. A Study in English-American Colonial History. Vol. 1, no. 3 of the Economics, Political Science, and History series of the University of Wisconsin, 1896. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, 1896.
Shortis, Valentine. The Queen vs. F.V.C. Shortis : English Addresses of Counsel and the Charge of the Hon. Mr. Justice Mathieu to the Jury, as Taken by John J. Lomax and A.A. Urquhart, Official Stenographers to the Court. Montreal: W. Drysdale, 1895.
“Administration of Justice, 1769-1770.” Public Archives of Canada, Report 1890 (1890): 1–9.
Bois, Louis-Édouard. Le juge A. Mabane : (étude historique). Québec: A. Coté, 1881.
Montreal Temperance Society. A Few Facts Bearing on the Social and Civil Character of Montreal. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1880.
McGibbon, Robert D. A Complete Synopsis of the Great Pew Case: From the Institution to the Final Decree of the Supreme Court of Canada: James Johnston (Plaintiff), Appellant and the Minister and Trustees of St. Andrew’s Church, Montreal (Defendants) Respondents. Montreal: Dawson Brothers, 1877.
Spaight, George. Trial of Patrick J. Whelan for the Murder of the Hon. Thos. D’Arcy MaGee, with a Photograph of the Accused. Ottawa, ON: G. E. Desbarets, 1868.
Benjamin, L. N. The St. Albans Raid, or, Investigation into the Charges against Lieut. Bennett H. Young and Command, for Their Acts at St. Albans, Vt., on the 19th October, 1864. : Being a Complete and Authentic Report of All the Proceedings on the Demand of the United States for Their Extradition, under the Ashburton Treaty. Before Judge Coursol, J.S.P., and the Hon. Mr. Justice Smith, J.S.C. With the Arguments of Counsel and the Opinions of the Judges Revised by Themselves. Montreal: Printed by J. Lovell, 1865.
Kelly, Richard. The True Particulars of the Awful Death of Mr. R. Corrigan, Farmer in St. Sylvester, at the Cattle Show Held October 17, 1855, as Revealed at the Trial of Richard Kelly, Francis Donaghue, Patrick Donaghue, George Monaghan, Patrick O’Neill, John McCaffrey, and George Bannon, Charged with the Crime of Murder, Before the Court of Queen’s Bench, Quebec. Quebec: R. Middleton, 1856.;view=1up;seq=6.
Marsden, William. Facts and Observations Connected with the Management of the Marine and Emigrant Hospital, Quebec: Including a Report of the Trial and Acquittal of Thomas Burke for the Manslaughter of William Lawson, Who Died from Neglect and Improper Treatment in the Hospital. Quebec: John Lovell, 1852.
Jalbert, François. La Reine vs Jalbert, accusé du meurtre du lieutenant Weir du 82e Régiment de Sa Majesté: procès politique. Montréal: F. Cinq-Mars, 1839.
A. R.C. La Reine vs Jalbert, accusé du meurtre du Lieutenant Weir du 32e Régiment de sa Majesté : procès politique. Montréal: F. Cinq-Mars, 1839.
Report on the State Trials Before a General Court Martial Held at Montreal in 1838-1839: Exhibiting a Complete History of the Late Rebellion in Lower Canada. 2 vols. Montreal: Armour & Ramsay, 1839.
Intolerance: Or Civil Rights Denied. On Account of Religious Beliefs: In the Case of John Ryan, of Quebec, Lower Canada. Boston, MA: Investigator Office, 1832.
Cushing, Elmer. An Appeal, Addressed to a Candid Public: And to the Feeling of Those Whose Upright Sentiments and Discerning Minds, Enable Them to “Weigh It in the Balance of the Sanctuary.” Stanstead, QC: Printed for the author by S.H. Dickerson, 1826.
Bentom, Clark. A Statement of Facts and Law, Relative to the Prosecution of the Rev. Clark Bentom, Protestant Missionary from the London Missionary Society, for the Assumption of the Office of a Dissenting Minister of the Gospel, in Quebec, by the King’s Attorney General of Lower Canada. Troy, NY: Printed for the author by O. Penniman & Co., 1804.
The Trial of David McLane for High Treason , at the City of Quebec, in the Province of Lower-Canada on Friday, the Seventh Day of July, A.D. 1797 :Taken in Short-Hand, at the Trial. Quebec: Printed by W. Vondenvelden, Law Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1797.
The Trial of Daniel Disney, Esq., Captain of a Company in His Majesty’s 44th Regiment of Foot, and Town-Major of the Garrison of Montreal: At the Session of the Supreme Court of Judicature, Holden at Montreal, on Saturday the 28th Day of February, and Thence Continued by Adjournments to Wednesday the 11th Day of March, 1767 ... Upon an Indictment Containing Two Charges, the One for a Burglary and Felony, in Breaking and Entering Mr. Thomas Walker’s House, at Montreal ... Quebec: Brown and Gilmore, 1767.
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