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Belley, Marie-Claude. “Un exemple de prise en charge de l’enfance dépendante au milieu du XIXe siècle : les orphelins irlandais à Québec en 1847 et 1848.” Master’s Thesis, Université Laval, 2003.
Zhongxiao, Chen. “Differing Expectations: A Study of Chinese Children’s Integration into Elementary School in Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2002.
Thornton, Patricia A., and Danielle Gauvreau. “Reconciling Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Measures of Fertility, Quebec 1890-1900.” History & Computing Vol. 14, no. 1–2 (2002): 129–152.
Grigor, Angela Nairne. Arthur Lismer: Visionary Art Educator. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002.
Gordon, Judy. Four Hundred Brothers and Sisters : Two Jewish Orphanages in Montreal, Quebec, 1909-1942. Toronto: Lugus, 2002.
Bosset, Pierre. Charter Conformity of Certain Regulatory Provisions Concerning Access to Education in English for Children Staying Temporarily in Quebec. Montréal: Commission des droits de la personne et des droits de la jeunesse, 2002.
Adams, Annmarie, and David Theodore. “Designing for ‘the Little Convalescents’: Children’s Hospitals in Toronto and Montreal, 1875-2000.” Canadian Bulletin of Medical History/Bulletin canadien d’histoire de la médecine Vol. 19, no. 1 (2002): 201–243.
Les enfants de la Loi 101. Groupes de discussions exploratoires. Québec: Conseil supérieur de la langue française, 2002.
Greenfield, Brian. “The History of Child Psychoanalysis in Anglophone Montreal.” Filigrane Vol. 10, no. 1 (Printemps 2001): 82–86.
Thornton, Patricia, and Sherry Olson. “A Deadly Discrimination Among Montreal Infants, 1860-1900.” Continuity and Change Vol. 16, no. 1 (2001): 95–135.
Harvey, Janice. “The Protestant Orphan Asylum and the Montreal Ladies’ Benevolent Society: A Case Study in Protestant Child Charity in Montreal, 1822-1900.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2001.
Brown, Kathleen H. Schooling in the Clearings: Stanstead, 1800-1850. Guelph, ON: Prism Studios, 2001.
Kelen, Susan. “Maude Abbott: A Biography.” Canadian Journal of Cardiology/Journal canadien de cardologie Vol. 16, no. 7 (July 2000): 893–898.
Ferencz, Charlotte. “Maude E. Abbott - Physician and Scientist of International Fame.” Canadian Journal of Cardiology/Journal canadien de cardiologie Vol. 16, no. 7 (July 2000): 889–892.
Riches, Caroline. “The Development of Mother Tongue and Second Language Reading in Two Bilingual Education Contexts.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2000.
Prochner, Larry. “A History of Early Education and Child Care in Canada, 1820-1966.” In Early Childhood Care and Education in Canada, edited by Larry Prochner and Nina Howe, 11–65. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press, 2000.
Leblanc, Annie. “L’identité ethnique des enfants issus de mariages mixtes entre Arméniens et non-Arméniens à Montréal.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2000.
De Lorimier, Élaine. “Eleanor Moore Ashton (1917 -) : la femme et son œuvre montréalaise.” Master’s thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2000.
Cliche, Marie-Aimée. “‘Qui bene amat bene castigat’ : le débat sur les punitions corporelles dans les revues pédagogiques du Québec, 1857-1964.” Historical Studies in Education/Revue d’histoire de l’éducation Vol. 11, no. 2 (Automne 1999): 147–169.
Yanofsky, Joel. Architect of a Community: The Manny Batshaw Story. A Biography. Montreal: Printing Graphique CDS, 1999.
Hébert, Fernand. “La philanthropie et la violence maritale: le cas de la Montreal Society for the Protection of Women and Children et de la Woman’s Christian Temperance Union of the Province of Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 1999.
Hébert, Fernand. “Le renforcement des normes sur la violence maritale. Le cas de la Montreal Society for the Protection of Women and Children, 1882-1920.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 6, no. 2 (Hiver 1998): 55–63.
Québec (Province). Ministère de l’éducation. A School for the Future : Policy Statement on Educational Integration and Intercultural Education. Québec: Le Ministère de l’éducation., 1998.
Belleau, Bernard. “Avant Walt Disney il y eut Palmer Cox.” Cap-aux-Diamants, Hiver 1997.
Varga, Donna. Constructing the Child: A History of Canadian Day Care. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer, 1997.
Tracey, Lindalee. The Force of Hope: The Legacy of Father McGauran. White Pine Pictures; Distributed in Canada by McNabb & Connolly, 1997.
Thornton, Patricia, and Sherry Olson. “Infant Vulnerability in Three Cultural Settings in Montreal in 1880.” In Infant and Child Mortality in the Past, edited by Alain Bideau, Bernard Desjardins, and Héctor Pérez-Brignoli, 216–241. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.
Sherman, Leah, and Stanley Horner. Children’s Art Classes at the Art Gallery of Montreal, Run by Arthur Lismer. Montreal: Concordia University Libraries, Oral History Montreal Studies, 1997.
Taaffe, Ruth, Mary Maguire, and Ian Pringle. “The Impact of Social Contexts and Educational Policy/Practice on Biliteracy Development: Ethnolinguistic Minority Children in English Primary Schools in Ottawa and Montreal.” Journal of the Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics/Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée Vol. 18, no. 2 (1996): 85–101.
Savard, Réjean, and Cynthia Delisle. “Discours sur la lecture et les bibliothèques enfantines au Québec, 1930–1960.” Cahiers de la recherche en éducation Vol. 3, no. 3 (1996): 411–436.
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