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Harvey, Janice. Their Benevolent Design: Conservative Women and Protestant Child Charities in Montreal. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2024.
Ducharme, Amélie, Jesseca Paquette, and Sonia Daly. Enquête québécoise sur le développement des enfants à la maternelle 2022 : Portrait statistique pour le Québec et ses régions administratives. Québec: Institut de la statistique du Québec, 2023.
Wilkins, Robert N. Montreal Recorder’s Court, 1906. Montreal: Robert N. Wilkins, 2020.
Tu, Mai Thanh, Marianne Bilodeau-Bertrand, and Nathalie Auger. Portrait of Preterm and Small-for-Gestational-Age Births by Linguistic Community in Québec, 1989 to 2010. Québec: Institut national de santé publique du Québec, 2018.
Leblanc, André. Arrivés à bon port: Immigrer en Amérique en 1911. Montréal: Les 400 coups, 2018.
Committee for Anglophone Social Action (CASA); Council for Anglophone Magdalen Islanders (CAMI); Vision Gaspé-Percé Now. Bright Beginnings : Supporting English-Speaking Children and Families in the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands, 2017-2020. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 2017.
Croteau, Jean-Philippe. Les commissions scolaires montréalaises et torontoises et les immigrants (1875-1960). Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2016.
CIUSSS de l’Estrie – Chus. Responding Better to the Needs of Linguistic and Cultural Communities in the Estrie. Sherbrooke, QC: Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Estrie – Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke, 2016.
Pocock, Joanne. Socio-Demographic Profile of the English-Speaking Community of the Historical Eastern Townships: 2011 Census of Canada and National Household Survey: Place of Birth and Mobility. Edited by Rachel Hunting. Lennoxville, QC: Townshippers’ Association, 2015.
Gonsalves, Allison, Russell Kueber, Paule Langevin, and Joanne Pocock. Partnering for the Well-Being of Minority English-Language Youth, Schools & Communities. Quebec: Learning English Education and Resource Network; The Community Learning Centre Initiative; and Community Health and Social Services Network, 2015.
Advisory Board on English Education. “We Are Accountable to the Students”: Success and Retention in English-Language Schools. Québec: Ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2015.
Shahar, Charles. 2011 National Household Survey: The Jewish Community of Montreal. Part 3: Jewish Seniors. Part 4: The Jewish Poor. Montreal: Federation CJA and Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA, 2014.
Saint-Onge, Kathleen. Bilingual Being: My Life as a Hyphen. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013.
Advisory Board on English Education. One Size Does Not Fit All: Distinct Solutions for Distinct Needs. Québec: Ministère de l’Éducation, de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche, 2013.
Donovan, Patrick. Saint Brigid’s l’établissement et la fondation : Un héritage d’entraide depuis 1856. Quebec: Saint Brigid’s Home Foundation, 2012.
Dobson, Kathy. With A Closed Fist: Growing Up In Canada’s Toughest Neighbourhood. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2011.
Connors, Linda E., and Mary Lu MacDonald. National Identity in Great Britain and British North America, 1815-1851: The Role of Nineteenth-Century Periodicals. Farnham, Surrey, England & Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2011.
Clarke, Heather, and Iannick Martin. Programme regional d’acces aux services de santé et aux services sociaux en anglais pour les personnes d’expression anglaise de Montreal : 2011-2014. Montréal: Agence de la santé des services sociaux de Montréal, 2011.
Willms, J. Douglas. Montréal Chassidic and Orthodox Community, Québec. A Community Research Report. Gatineau, QC: Human Resources and Skills Development Canada, 2010.
Gold, Muriel. The Dramatic Legacy of Dorothy Davis and Violet Walters: The Montreal Children’s Theatre, 1933-2009. New York, NY: iUniverse Inc., 2010.
Advisory Board on English Education. Educating Today’s Québec Anglophone: Brief Presernted to the Minister of Education, Recreation and Sports. Québec: Gouvernement du Québec, Ministère de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport, 2010.
Henderson, Bruce. Québec Strays. 2nd ed. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 2008.
Griffin, Bernadette. Scenes of Childhood. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Shoreline, 2007.
Hirst, Elizabeth. Building on a Century of Caring: The Montreal Children’s Hospital, 1904-2004. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 2005.
Epsztein, Maria. Macierzyństwo Za Drutami: Wspomnienia 1940-1980. Montreal: Polish-Jewish Heritage Foundation of Canada, 2005.
Gordon, Judy. Four Hundred Brothers and Sisters: Their Story Continues. Toronto: MJ Publications, 2004.
Szabadi-Gottesman, Anita, and Lesley Reford, eds. 100 Ans d’histoires : Un Recueil d’émouvantes Histoires de l’Hôpital de Montréal Pour Enfants / 100 Years of Stories : A Collection of Heartwarming Stories of Life at the Montreal Children’s Hospital. Montreal: Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants / Montreal Children’s Hospital, 2004.
Sheehan, Sheila Kindellan. Sheila’s Take. Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC: Shoreline, 2003.
Grigor, Angela Nairne. Arthur Lismer: Visionary Art Educator. Montreal-Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002.
Gordon, Judy. Four Hundred Brothers and Sisters : Two Jewish Orphanages in Montreal, Quebec, 1909-1942. Toronto: Lugus, 2002.
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