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McDougall, David J. “A Outline of the Patterns of Non-French Speaking Settlement in Quebec in the 18th and 19th Centuries.” Connections Vol. 7, no. 1–2 (December 1984): 4-11-4–10.
Lawson, Bill. “Emigrants to Ontario and Quebec from the Western Isles.” In The Yankees Are Coming, Proceedings of the Ontario Genealogical Society Seminar ’84, edited by Trudy Man and Jan Speers, 125–134. Toronto, ON: Ontario Genealogical Society, 1984.
Brochu, Pierre. Les Anglophones dans les Cantons de l’Est, 1982.
Bélisle, Jacinthe. “The Arrival of the French Canadians in the Eastern Townships.” Bishop’s Historical Review Vol. 4 (1983 1982): 20–37.
Robitaille, Norbert, and Robert R. Bourbeau. “Présentation de la recherche ‘Migration des groupes linguistiques’ et de ses préoccupations actuelles.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 9, no. 2 (Août 1980): 185–209.
Miller, Harry. “Potash from Wood Ashes: Frontier Technology in Canada and the United States.” Technology and Culture Vol. 21, no. 2 (April 1980): 187–208.
Loken, Gulbrand. From Fjord to Frontier: A History of the Norwegians in Canada. Toronto, ON: McClelland and Stewart, 1980.
Little, J. I. Colonizing an Eastern Frontier : Compton County, Quebec/Colonisation d’une Région Frontalière de l’est, Comté de Compton (Québec). Canada`s Visual History. Ottawa, ON: National Film Board of Canada: National Museums of Canada, 1980.
Prattis, J. I. Ethnic Succession in the Eastern Townships. Ottawa, ON: Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Carleton University, 1979.
Barry, Gwen. Pioneers of Inverness Township, Quebec : A Genealogical and Historical Story, 1800-1978. Cheltenham, ON: Boston Mills Press, 1979.
Dialogue entre le Gouvernement du Québec et des représentants des communautés ethniques et de la communauté anglophone des Cantons de l’Est : rapport final. Sherbrooke QC: Communication-Québec, Région de l’Estrie, 1979.
Little, J. I. “The Parish and French Canadian Migrants to Compton County, Quebec, 1851-1891.” Histoire sociale/Social History Vol. 11, no. 2 (May 1978): 134–143.
Kesteman, Jean-Pierre. “Les travailleurs à la construction du chemin de fer dans la région de Sherbrooke (1851-1853).” Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française Vol. 31, no. 4 (March 1978): 525–545.
Little, J. I. “Missionary Priests in Quebec’s Eastern Townships: The Years of Hardship and Discontent, 1825-1853.” Canadian Catholic Historical Association, Study Sessions Vol. 45 (1978): 21–35.
Goldring, Philip. “British Colonists and Imperial Interests in Lower Canada, 1820-1841.” PhD dissertation, Queen Mary College, University of London, 1978.
Little, J. I. “The Peaceful Conquest: French Canadian Colonization in the Eastern Townships During the Nineteenth Century.” PhD dissertation, University of Ottawa, 1977.
Bourque, Michel, and Jean-Pierre Thouez. L’évolution historique et spatiale de Sherbrooke, 1794-1950. Bulletin de recherche, no. 25. Sherbrooke, QC: Université de Sherbrooke, Département de géographie, 1976.
Pigot, Louise Caroline. “The Geographical Aspects of Population Change in Five Counties of Quebec’s Eastern Townships.” B.A. thesis, Bishop’s University, 1975.
Cruickshank, Ethel Reid. Leeds and St. Sylvester: Historical Sketches. Cookshire, QC: Heritage Communications Reg’d, 1975.
Atto, Kathleen H., and Greham Patriquin and Committee. Lennoxville. 2 vols. Lennoxville, QC: Lennoxville-Ascot Historical and Museum Society, 1975.
Walker, Bruce D. “The County of Missisquoi in the Eastern Townships of the Province of Quebec (1770s-1867).” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1974.
Smith, Charles David. “The Role of Land Alienation, Colonization and the British American Land Company on Quebec’s Development 1800-1850.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1974.
Struthers, Edward J. The Early Settlement of the Eastern Townships. Lennoxville, QC: Bishop’s University, 1972.
Lysons, Heather M. “Christopher Dunkin’s Contribution to Education in Lower Canada, 1838-1841.” Master’s Thesis, University of Toronto, 1972.
Hoekstra, Anna E., and W. Gillies Ross. “The Craig and Gosford Roads, Early Colonization Routes in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.” Canadian Geographical Journal Vol. 79, no. 2 (August 1969): 52–57.
Gravel, Albert. “La convoitise des terres dans les Townships du Bas-Canada (1792-1799).” Pages d’histoire régionale Cahier No. 16 (1966): 23p.
Bailey, Patrick. “Pioneer Settlers: East Anglia and Quebec.” Amateur Historian Vol. 4, no. 1 (1958): 9–11.
Hills, Theo L. “The St. Francis to the Chaudière, 1830: A Study in the Historical Geography of Southeastern Quebec.” Canadian Geographer/Le Géographe canadien Vol. 2, no. 6 (December 1955): 25–36.
Pochopien, Kazimierz Marian. “The District of Brome : A Regional Study of Physical and Human Geography.” Master’s Thesis, McGill University, 1952.
Brome County Historical Society. Index of Books and Pamphlets, Containing Information Concerning the Early History and Settlers of the Eastern Townships. Publication no. 2. Knowlton, QC: The Society, 1949.
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