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Worthington, E. D. Reminiscences of Student Life and Pratice. Sherbrooke, QC: Printed for Sherbrooke Protestant Hospital by Walton & Co., 1897.
Wright, John. Debates of the House of Commons in the Year 1774 On the Bill For Making More Effectual Provision For the Government of the Province of Quebec Drawn Up From the Notes of the Right Honourable Sir Henry Cavendish. London, England: Ridgway, 1839.
Wright, Philemon. “An Account of the First Settlement of the Township of Hull, on the Ottawa River, Lower Canada.” The Canadian Magazine and Literary Repository Vol. 3, no. 15 (September 1824): 234–236.
Wurtele, A. G. G. The Non-Professional Notes of the Cadets’ Tour of Instruction to Montreal, Quebec, Halifax and Minor Places: A Work Written for the Information of the Canadian Public and Forming an Interesting Supplement to the Published Official Reports. Quebec: Printed at the Morning Chronicle Office, 1881.
Würtele, Fred C. Index of Lectures, Papers and Historical Documents Published by the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec, and Also the Names of Their Authors, Together with a List of the Unpublished Papers Read Before the Society, 1829 to 1891. Quebec: Morning Chronicle Office, 1891.
Würtele, Fred C. The English Cathedral of Quebec. Quebec: Printed at the Morning Chronicle Office, 1891.
Würtele, Frederick C. “Our Library: A Monograph.” Transactions of the Literary and Historical Society of Quebec Vol. 19 (1889): 23–73.
Young, John. Correspondence, Etc Concerning a Recent Difficulty between Messrs. Irvine and Pope. Quebec: Bureau & Marcotte, 1854.
Young, John. The Origin of the Victoria Bridge. Montreal: D. Bentley & Co., 1876.
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