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Dawson, John William. Plea for the Extension of University Education in Canada, and Especially in Connection with McGill University. Montreal: John C. Becket, 1870.
Rodden, William. Montreal Water Works: The Reports of Walter Shanly, Esq., T.C. Keefer, Esq., and James B. Francis Esq., of Lowell, Mass., Reviewed by William Rodden, Alderman, Montreal, March 1869. Montreal: Printed by the Montreal Printing and Publishing Company, 1869.
Bédard, T. P. Histoire de cinquante ans (1791-1841), annales parlementaires et politiques du Bas-Canada depuis la constitution jusqu’à l’union. Québec: Des presses à vapeur de L. Brousseau, 1869.
Taylor, Fennings. Thos. D’Arcy McGee: Sketch of His Life and Death. Montreal: John Lovell, 1868.
Spaight, George. Trial of Patrick J. Whelan for the Murder of the Hon. Thos. D’Arcy MaGee, with a Photograph of the Accused. Ottawa, ON: G. E. Desbarets, 1868.
Clarke, Henry J. O’C. A Short Sketch of the Life of the Hon. Thomas D’Arcy McGee, M.P. for Montreal (West), Late Minister of Agriculture and Immigration for Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1868.
Correspondence Respecting the Recent Fenian Aggression upon Canada. Command Papers / Great Britain. Parliament, C. 3785. London, England: Harrison and Sons, 1867.
Carpenter, Philip P. “On the Vital Statistics of Montreal.” The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist New Series, Vol. 3 (December 1866): 134–156.
Graham, John H. Letters on Public Education in Lower Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1866.
Christie, Robert. A History of the Late Province of Lower Canada, Parliamentary and Political, From the Commencement to the Close of Its Existence as a Separate Province, In Six Volumes. 2nd ed. 6 vols. Montreal: Richard Worthington, 1866.
Coté, J. O., ed. Political Appointments and Elections in the Province of Canada from 1841 to 1865. 2nd ed. Ottawa, ON: G.E. Desbarats, 1866.
Abstract of Proceedings in Montreal, in Connection with the Interests of the British Protestant Population in Eastern Canada, Under the Proposed Union of the British American Provinces. Montreal: [s.n.], 1866.
Observations sur l’assemblée tenue à Montréal pour former une association dans le but de proteger les intérêts des Protestants dans l’instruction publique. Montréal: Imprimé par Eusèbe Senécal, 1865.
Galt, Alexander T. Speech on the Proposed Union of the British North American Provinces: Delivered at Sherbrooke, C.E. by the Hon. A. T. Galt, Minister of Finance, 23rd November, 1864. Montreal: M. Longmoore & Co, 1864.
Ferrie, Adam. Autobiography Late Hon. Adam Ferrie. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1864.
Day, Samuel Phillips. English America: Or, Pictures of Canadian Places and People. 2 vols. London, England: T.C. Newby, 1864.
Dawson, John William. On Some Points in the History and Prospects of Protestant Education in Lower Canada. A Lecture Delivered by Principal Dawson Before the Association of Teachers in Connection with the McGill Normal School. Montreal: J.C. Becket, 1864.
Amendments to the Education Laws of Lower Canada Suggested by the Committee of the Protestant Educational Association of Lower Canada. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1864.
A Few Remarks on the Meeting at Montreal for the Formation of an Association for the Promotion and Protection of the Educational Interests of Protestants in Lower Canada. Montreal: E. Sénécal, 1864.
Boucher de la Bruère, Pierre. Canada sous la domination anglaise : analyse historique. St. Hyacinthe, QC: Imprimé par Lussier et frères, propriétaires du “Courrier de St. Hyacinthe,” 1863.
Galt, Alexander T. Canada: 1849 to 1859. Quebec: Printed at the Canada Gazette Office, 1860.
Willan, John Henry. Thoughts on the Position of the British Inhabitants Composing the Minority in Lower Canada: Brought About by the Maladministration of Justice, and the Tyranny of the Majority in That Province; and the Remedy Thereof. Quebec: Printed at the Mercury Office, 1859.
Carpenter, Philip P. On the Relative Value of Human Life in Different Parts of Canada. Montreal: John Lovell, 1859.
Ross, Dunbar. The Seat of Government of Canada: Also the Composition and Functions of the Legislative Council and the Double Majority of Canada. Quebec: E.R. Frechette, 1856.
Rules and Regulations for the Guidance and Government of the Congregation of Catholics of Quebec Speaking the English Language. Quebec: Printed at the Colonist Office, 1856.
Christie, Robert. Interesting Public Documents and Official Correspondence, Illustrative of, and Supplementary to the History of Lower Canada. Montreal: R. Christie, 1855.
Young, John. Correspondence, Etc Concerning a Recent Difficulty between Messrs. Irvine and Pope. Quebec: Bureau & Marcotte, 1854.
Dessaulles, Louis-A. Six lectures sur l’annexion du Canada aux États-Unis. Montréal: P. Gendron, 1851.
Lachlan, Robert. “Report of a Meeting of the Friends and Admirers of Lord Metcalfe Held at Montreal on 1st February, 1847.” In The Age and Theology: An Address Delivered before the Society for Religious Inquiry of the University of Vermont, edited by Henry Wilkes, 15p. Burlington, VT: Tuttle and Stacy, 1850.
Canada. Province of. Commission on Payment of Damages for Rebellion Losses in Lower Canada. Toronto, ON: Printed by R. Campbell, 1850.
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