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Genesee, Fred. “Bilingual First Language Acquisition: Evidence from Montreal.” Diversité urbaine Hors série (Automne 2008): 9–26.
Genesee, Fred. “Bilingual Education: Social Psychological Consequences.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 1974.
Cleghorn, Ailie, and Fred Genesee. “Languages in Contact: An Ethnographic Study of Interaction in an Immersion School.” TESOL Quarterly Vol. 18, no. 4 (December 1984): 595–625.
Genesee, Fred, and Naomi E. Holobow. “Change and Stability in Intergroup Perceptions.” Journal of Language and Social Psychology Vol. 8, no. 1 (March 1989): 17–38.
Lambert, Wallace E., Fred Genesee, Naomi Holobow, and Louise Chartrand. “Bilingual Education for Majority English-Speaking Children.” European Journal of Psychology of Education Vol. 8, no. 1 (1993): 3–22.
Genesee, Fred, Naomi Holobow, Wallace E. Lambert, and Louis Chartrand. “Three Elementary School Alternatives for Learning Through a Second Language.” Modern Language Journal Vol. 73, no. 3 (Fall 1989): 250–262.