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5 resources
Laferrière, Michel. “L’école et l’intégration des communautés ethno-culturelles au Québec : une étude des perceptions des leaders ethniques.” Canadian and International Education/Éducation canadienne et internationale Vol. 14, no. 1 (1985): 93–107.
Laferrière, Michel. “The Adjustment of Immigrant Students : A Comparison of Anglophone and Francophone Black Students in Montreal (Canada).” In International Migration and Immigrant Adaptation, 12p. Uppsala, Sweden, 1978.
Laferrière, Michel. “Language and Cultural Programs for Ethnic Minorities in Quebec: A Critical View.” Multiculturalism Vol. 4, no. 2 (1980): 12–17.
Laferrière, Michel. “Blacks in Quebec: Minorities Among Minorities.” In Research in Race and Ethnic Relations, Vol. 3, edited by Cora Bagley Marrett, 3–27. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press, 1982.
Brédimas-Assimopoulos, Nadia, and Michel Laferrière. Législation et perception ethniques. Une étude du contenu de la presse anglaise de Montréal au vote de la Loi 101. Québec: Office de la langue française, 1980.