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Margolis, Rebecca. “Montreal: Yerushalayim de Kanada.” In Yiddish Cities: Montreal, Tel Aviv, Melbourne, edited by Shlomo Berger, 6–39. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam Yiddish Symposium 8, 2014.
Margolis, Rebecca. “A Review of the Yiddish Media: Responses of the Jewish Immigrant Community in Canada.” In Nazi Germany, Canadian Responses: Confronting Antisemitism in the Shadow of War, edited by Ruth Klein, 114–143. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012.
Margolis, Rebecca. “Holocaust and Post-Holocaust Yiddish Theatre in Montreal: A Canadian Response to Catastrophe.” In Leket: Yidishe Shtudyes Haynt/Leket: Jiddistik Heute/Leket: Yiddish Studies Today, edited by Marion Aptroot, 525–540. Düsseldorf, Germany: Düsseldorf University Press, 2012.
Margolis, Rebecca. “Yiddishism in Canadian Garb.” In Czernowitz at 100: The First Yiddish Language Conference in Historical Perspective, edited by Joshua Fogel and Keith Weiser, 265–277. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2010.
Margolis, Rebecca. “Le Montréal yiddish, un siècle d’évolution.” In Les communautés juives de Montréal: Histoire et enjeux contemporains, edited by Pierre Anctil and Ira Robinson, 92–115. Québec: Septentrion, 2010.
Margolis, Rebecca. “Ken Men Tantsn Af Tsvey Khasenes? A.M. Klein and Yiddish.” In Failure’s Opposite : Listening to A.M. Klein, edited by Norman Ravvin and Sherry Simon, 79–97. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011.
Margolis, Rebecca. “Les écrivains yiddish de Montréal et leur ville.” In Juifs et Canadiens français dans la société québécoise, edited by Pierre Anctil, Ira Robinson, and Gérard Bouchard, 85–106. Québec: Septentrion, 2000.
Margolis, Rebecca. “Yiddish at a Crossroads: The Jewish Public Library in 1954.” In The Future of the Past: The Jewish Public Library of Montreal, 1914-2014, edited by Ira Robinson, Rivka Augenfeld, and Karen Biskin, 26–42. Montreal: Hungry I Books/Concordia Institute for Jewish Studies, 2015.
Margolis, Rebecca E. “Sholem Shtern: Bridging the Gap.” In New Readings of Yiddish Montreal/Traduire Le Montréal Yiddish/Taytshn Un Ibertaytshn Yiddish in Montreol, edited by Pierre Anctil, Norman Ravvin, and Sherry Simon, 93–102. Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa Press, 2007.
Margolis, Rebecca. “Choosing Yiddish in the Classroom: Montreal’s Secular Jewish Schools, 1910-50.” In Choosing Yiddish: New Frontiers of Language and Culture, edited by Shiri T. Goren, Hannah Pressman, and Lara Rabinovitch, 103–122. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press, 2012.