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Blondeau, Hélène, and Naomi Nagy. “Subordinate Clause Marking in Montreal Anglophone French and English.” In Social Lives in Language - -Sociolinguistics and Multilingual Speech Communities: Celebrating the Work of Gillian Sankoff, edited by Miriam Meyerhoff and Naomi Nagy, 273–313. Amsterdam, Netherlands & Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins, 2008.
Nagy, Naomi, Hélène Blondeau, and Julie Auger. “Second Language Acquisition and ‘Real’ French: An Investigation of Subject Doubling in the French of Montreal Anglophones.” Language Variation and Change Vol. 15, no. 1 (2003): 73–103.
Blondeau, Hélène, Naomi Nagy, Gillian Sankoff, and Pierrette Thibault. “La couleur du français L2 des anglo-montréalais.” Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Vol. 17 (2002): 73–100.
Sankoff, Gillian, Pierrette Thibault, Naomi Nagy, Hélène Blondeau, Marie-Odile Fonollosa, and Lucie Gagnon. “Variation in the Use of Discourse Markers in a Language Contact Situation.” Language Variation and Change Vol. 9, no. 2 (1997): 191–217.