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4 resources
Pedersen, Diana. “‘Building Today for the Womanhood of Tomorrow’: Businessmen, Boosters, and the YWCA, 1890-1930.” Urban History Review / Revue d’histoire urbaine Vol. 15, no. 3 (February 1987): 225–242.
Pedersen, Diana L. “Keeping Our Good Girls Good: The Young Women’s Christian Association of Canada, 1895-1920.” Master’s Thesis, Carleton University, 1981.
Pedersen, Diana Lynn. Changing Women, Changing History: A Bibliography of the History of Women in Canada. 2nd ed. Ottawa, ON: Carleton University Press, 1996.
Pedersen, Diana L. “The Young Women’s Christian Association of Canada, 1870-1920: ‘A Movement to Meet the Spiritual, Civic and National Need.’” PhD dissertation, Carleton University, 1987.