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Rome, David. “Reflections on the History of Jews in Quebec.” Revue Monchanin Journal Vol. 11 (1978): 24–31.
Rome, David. “Réflexion sur l’histoire des Juifs au Québec.” In Qui est Québécois?, 99–110. Montréal: Fides, 1979.
Rome, David. “The Political Consequences of the Jewish School Question, Montreal, 1925-1933.” Jewish Historical Society of Canada Journal Société de l’histoire juive canadienne Vol. 1, no. 1 (April 1977): 3–15.
Rome, David. Clouds in the Thirties: On Antisemitism in Canada. 13 vols. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress, 1977.
Rome, David. Jews in Canadian Literature: A Bibliography to 1964. 2 vols. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress and Jewish Public Library, 1964.
Rome, David. “Jews of Montreal: An Anglophone Ghetto.” Chelsea Journal Vol. 6, no. 2 (1979): 58–62.
Rome, David. The Drama of Our Early Education. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1991.
Rome, David. The Early Jewish Presence in Canada: A Book Lover’s Ramble Through Jewish Canadiana. Montreal: The Bronfman Collection of Jewish Canadiana at the Jewish Public Library, 1971.
Rome, David. The Plamondon Case and S.W. Jacobs. 2 vols. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1982.
Rome, David. Early Anti-Semitism: The Voice of the Media: Part 1. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1984.
Rome, David. The Education Legend of the Migration. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress, 1991.
Rome, David. “Jews in Canadian Literature: A Bibliography.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1961.
Rome, David. The Heroes of Montreal Jewish Education. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1992.
Rome, David. On the Jewish School Question in Montreal, 1903-1931. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1975.
Rome, David. Benjamin Hart and 1829. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress, 1982.
Rome, David. On The Early Harts, Their Contemporaries. 5 vols. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1981.
Rome, David. Samuel Becancour Hart and 1832. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1982.
Rome, David. Men of the Yiddish Press. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1989.
Rome, David. Inventory of Documents on the Jewish School Question, 1903-1922. Montreal: National Archives, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1975.
Rome, David. The Jewish Biography of Henri Bourassa. 2 vols. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress, 1988.
Rome, David. On The Jews of Lower Canada and 1837-38. 3 vols. nos. 28-30. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress, 1983.
Rome, David, and Jacob Grossman. Our Library, 1914-1957. Montreal: The Jewish Public Library, 1957.
Rome, David. “Montreal: The Capital City of Jewish Canada.” In Canadian Jewish Reference Book and Directory, edited by Eli Gottesman, 299–305. [S.l.]: Jewish Institute of Higher Research, Central Rabbinical Seminary of Canada, 1965.
Langlais, Jacques, and David Rome. Juifs et Québécois français : 200 ans d’histoire commune. Montréal: Fides, 1986.
Anctil, Pierre, ed. Through the Eyes of the Eagle: The Early Montreal Yiddish Press (1907-1916). Translated by David Rome. Montreal: Véhicule Press, 2001.
Rome, David, and Jacques Langlais. Les Pierres Qui Parlent : Deux Cents Ans d’enracinement de La Communauté Juive Au Québec/Stones That Speak : Two Centuries of Jewish Life in Quebec. Sillery, QC: Septentrion, 1992.
Rome, David, and Janice Rosen. Seventy Years of Canadian Jewish Life, 1919-1989 / Soixante-Dix Ans d’histoire Juive Au Canada, 1919-1989. Montreal: Canadian Jewish Congress/Congrès juif canadien, 1989.
Figler, Bernard, and David Rome. Hananiah Meir Caiserman: A Biography. Montreal: Northern Printing and Lithographing Co., 1962.
Rome, David. “Remarques préliminaires au sujet de l’immigration juive.” In Juifs et réalités juives au Québec, edited by Pierre Anctil and Gary Caldwell, 83–92. Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1984.
Rome, David. “Jews in Anglophone Quebec.” In The English of Québec: From Majority to Minority Status, edited by Gary Caldwell and Éric Waddell, 159–175. Quebec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1982.
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