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3 resources
Tunis, Barbara R. “Vaccination in Lower Canada, 1815-1823: Controversy and a Dilemma.” Historical Reflections/Réflexions historiques Vol. 9, no. 1–2 (Spring-Summer 1982): 264–278.
Bensley, E. H., and Barbara R. Tunis. “The Caldwell-O’Sullivan Duel: A Prelude to the Founding of the Montreal General Hospital.” The Canadian Medical Association Journal Vol. 106, no. 23 (June 21, 1969): 1092–1095.
Tunis, Barbara R., and Edward H. Bensley. “William Leslie Logie: McGill University’s First Graduate and Canada’s First Medical Graduate.” Canadian Medical Association Journal/Journal de l’Association médicale canadienne Vol. 105, no. 11 (December 4, 1971): 1259–1263.