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11 resources
Walkington, Douglas. “‘To Prevent the Heatening of Christians’: The Memoirs of Rev. Ammi James Parker.” Bulletin of Congregational History Vol. 31, no. 2 (1980): 4–13.
Walkington, Douglas. “A History of the Congregational Church in Quebec and Eastern Ontario.” [S.l.], n.d. McGill University, Humanities and Social Sciences Library (McLennan/Redpath).
Walkington, Douglas. Statistical Survey of the Montreal Conference of the Methodist Church of Canada, 1881-1925. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1980.
Walkington, Douglas. Methodist Ministers in Canada, 1903-1925. Toronto, ON: United Church of Canada Archives, 1983.
Walkington, Douglas. Presbyterian Ministers in Upper & Lower Canada (Ontario & Quebec) Prior to Formation in 1875 of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Toronto, ON: United Church of Canada Archives, 1984.
Walkington, Douglas. A Goodly Heritage: The History of the Cote St. Charles and Wyman Memorial Churches of the United Church of Canada, Hudson, Quebec. Hudson, QC: [s.n.], 1967.
Walkington, Douglas. United Church Ministers, 1925-1980. Toronto, ON: United Church Archives, 1983.
Walkington, Douglas. Methodist Episcopal Church, 1835-1884. Toronto, ON: United Church of Canada, 1985.
Walkington, Douglas. “The Congregational Churches of Canada : A Statistical and a Historical Summary.” [S.l.], 1979.
Walkington, Douglas. Ministers of the United Church of Canada, 1981-1985. Toronto, ON: United Church of Canada Archives, 1985.
Walkington, Douglas. Ministers of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1875-1925. Toronto, ON: United Church of Canada Archives, 1987.