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Simard, Robert, Claire Lapointe, Geneviève Grenier, and Éric Morency. “Inventory of Cemeteries in the MRC d’Argenteuil: Final Report.” [Report]. Translated by Heather Meek. Last modified September 2017.
Simard, Robert, Catherine Lapointe, Geneviève Grenier, and Éric Morency. “Inventaire des cimetières de la MRC d’Argenteuil: Repport final.” [Report]. Last modified September 2017.
McMahon, Terry J. Down to the Gore: The History of the McMahons in Canada. [S.l.]:, 2014.
Adams, Annmarie, and Mary Anne Poutanen. “Architecture, Religion and Tuberculosis in Sainte-Agathe-Des-Monts, Quebec.” Scientia Canadensis: Canadian Journal of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine / Scientia Canadensis: revue canadienne d’histoire des sciences, des techniques et de la médecine Vol. 32, no. 1 (2009): 1–19.
Shulman, Deborah. “From the Pages of Three Ladies: Canadian Women Missionaries in Republician China.” Master’s thesis, Concordia University, 2008.
Broadhurst, Ralph Neil. Tombstone Inscriptions, Rawdon, Quebec. Calgary, AB: Kintracers, 1993.
Stanley, Susan, ed. Guide to the Local Church Records, Montreal/Ottawa Conference, United Church of Canada. 2 vols. Montreal: Montreal/Ottawa Conference, Archives Committee, United Church of Canada, 1986.
Johnston, Louise. Chronicles of a Country Church: Holy Trinity, Lakefield, Québec, With Some Memoirs and Notes on the History of the Gore. Lakefield, QC: Trenmore Printing, 1985.
Laliberté, Serge. Mariages Des Paroisses St-Sauveur-Des-Monts, 1853-1975; Ste-Anne-Des-Lacs (Lac Marois), 1940-1975; St-Eugène (Morin Heights), 1954-1975; St. Francis of the Bird (Church of England), 1954-1975. St-Jérôme, QC: Société de généalogie des Laurentides, 1984.
Goyer, Suzie. “La communauté de la People’s Church de Saint-Eustache-sur-le-Lac.” Cahiers d’histoire de Deux-Montagnes Vol. 6, no. 2 (Décembre 1983): 70–82.
Mott, Jean. Pointe-Au-Chêne Protestant Cemetery. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1983.
Mott, Jean Gunn. Edina Cemetery, Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Province of Quebec, EMR 31G9 & 10. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontario Genealogical Society, 1982.
Lambart, Helen Hyacinthe. St. Matthew’s on the Ottawa, 1832-1982: The Story of St. Matthew’s Church and the Anglican Parish of Grenville, Quebec. Grenville, QC: Corporation of St. Matthew’s Church, 1982.
Laliberté, Yvon, Hélène Laliberté, and Clarence X. Dodd. St. Mungo’s United Church Cemetery: Chatham Township, Argenteuil County, Province of Quebec. Ottawa, ON: Ottawa Branch, Ontarion Genealogical Socirty, 1979.
United Church Women. The Lachute United Church History. Lachute, QC: United Church Women, Lachute United Church, 1975.
Ivany, Ernest Lloyd. St. Mungo’s United Church, Cushing, Quebec: Built in 1836: 135th Anniversary. Cushing, QC: [s.n.], 1971.
Watson, J. Ralph. St. Mungo’s Church, The United Church of Canada, Cushing, P.Q.: A Booklet Giving a Brief Outline of the History of St. Mungo’s Church for 125 Years and More in the Lower Ottawa River Valley. Cushing, QC: The Church, 1958.
“125th Anniversary, Christ Church, St. Andrews East, P.Q., 1819-1944.” Montreal Churchman Vol. 32, no. 10–11 (November 1944): 10–13, 12.
Fraser, J. M. St. Mungo’s Centennial, 1836-1936: The Story of One Hundred Years at Cushing with the Church of Scotland, the Presbyterian Church in Canada, and the United Church of Canada. Cushing, QC: St. Mungo’s United Church, 1936.
Calder, G.F., and P.A. MacEwen. Historical Sketch of Dalesville Baptist Church. [S.l.]: [s.n.], 1925.