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Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 3 (April 1897): 235–252.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 2 (January 1897): 129–144.
Borthwick, John D. History of Montreal, Including the Streets of Montreal, Their Origin and History. Montreal: D. Gallagher, 1897.
Shortt, Adam. “The Early History of Canadian Banking.” Journal of the Canadian Bankers’ Association Vol. 4, no. 1 (October 1896): 1–19.
Ontario, Province of Minister of Education. The Universities of Canada, Their History and Organization: With an Outline of British and American University Systems. Toronto, ON: Warwick Bros. & Rutter, 1896.
“The Dental Profession and Bishop’s College.” Canada Medical Record Vol. 24 (1896): 241–245.
Germano, Joseph. “L’auberge de Joe Beef.” La revue nationale Vol. 1 (1895): 634–638.
Colquhoun, A. H. U. “The Man Who Made the Montreal Star: Hugh Graham, Esq.” Printer and Publisher Vol. 4, no. 4 (1895): 6–7.
Chambers, Ernest J. Suburban Montreal As Seen From The Routes Of The Park And Island Railway Co.: A Descriptive Guide to the Outremont and Sault-Au-Recollet Lines of the Road. Montreal: Published by the Park & Island Railway Co. by Desbarats, 1895.
Visitor. Reminiscences Connected with the General Hospital of Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1894.
Dawson, John William. In Memoriam, Peter Redpath, Governor and Benefactor of McGill University and Founder of the Museum, Library and Chair of Mathematics Which Bears His Name; With Historical Notice of the Peter Redpath Museum. Montreal: Published for the University by the Witness Printing House, 1894.
Canadian Wheelmen’s Association. Our City and Our Sports: Souvenir and Official Programme of the 12th Annual Meet of the Canadian Wheelmen’s Association, Montreal, July 1894. Montreal: Montreal Bicycle Club, 1894.
Opening of the New Library: McGill University, Montreal. Containing the Addresses Delivered on the Occasion with a Description of the Building: Some Points in the History of the University: In Memoriam. October 31st, 1893. Montreal: Bishop Press, 1894.
Roman Catholic Board of School Commissioners (Montreal). An Account of the Schools Controlled by the Roman Catholic Board of School Commissioners of Montreal. Montreal: [s.n.], 1893.
Montreal Board of Trade. Semi-Centennial Report: Sketches of the Growth of the City of Montreal from Its Foundation, Statistics of Progress and Report of the Council for 1892. Montreal: Gazette Printing Company, 1893.
Dawson, John William. Thirty-Eight Years of McGill: Being the Annual University Lecture of McGill University, Montreal, for the Session 1893-94. Montreal: Gazette Printing Company, 1893.
Semi-Centennial Report of the Montreal Board of Trade: Sketches of the Growth of the City of Montreal from Its Foundation, Statistics of Progress and Report of the Council for the Year Ending 31st December 1892. Montreal: The Gazette Printing Company, 1893.
Pharmacopõia of the Montreal General Hospital. 2nd edition. Montreal: Published by the Authority of the Medical Board, 1893.
“Nurses’ Life in the Montreal General Hospital.” The Dominion Illustrated Monthly Vol. 1, no. 9 (October 1892): 541–550.
Reid, Helen R. Y. “Women’s Work in McGill University.” The Dominion Illustrated Monthly Vol. 1, no. 4 (May 1892): 212–219.
Ogilvy, Maud. “Sir J.J.C. Abbott.” In Men of the Day: A Canadian Portrait Gallery (Eleventh Series), edited by Louis-H. Taché, 160–176. Montreal: The Montreal Paper Mills Company, 1892.
Lighthall, W. D. Sights and Shrines of Montreal: A Topographical, Romantic and Historical Description of the City and Environs. Montreal: F.E. Grafton, 1892.
Borthwick, John Douglas. History and Biographical Gazetteer of Montreal. Montreal: John Lovell, 1892.
Special Number of the Dominion Illustrated Devoted to Montreal, the Commercial Metropolis of Canada. Montreal: Sabiston Lithographic & Publishing Co, 1891.
Shanly, Walter. “Jottings From Tombstones in the Old ‘English’ Burying Ground, Dorchester Street, Montreal, 1866.” In Report on Canadian Archives by Douglas Brymner, Archivist, 1889 -- Sessional Papers of the Parliament of Canada 1890, No. 6(B):xv–xix. Ottawa, ON: Printed by Brown Chamberlin, 1890.
Mott, Henry. Jubilee History of Trinity Church, Montreal, 1840-1890. Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1890.
Leblond de Brumath, A. Histoire populaire de Montréal depuis son origine jusqu’à nos jours. Montréal: Granger Frères, 1890.
Goad, Charles E. Atlas of the City of Montreal: From Special Survey and Official Plans, Showing All Buildings and Names of Owners. 2 vols. Montreal: Charles E. Goad, 1890.
Farnham, C. H. “Montreal.” Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, June 1889.
Huttemeyer, K. G. C. Les intérêts commerciaux de Montréal et Québec et leurs manufactures. Montréal: Imprimerie de la Gazette, 1889.
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