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Olmsted, Frederick Law. Mount Royal, Montreal. New York, NY: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1881.
Mrs. Leprohon. The Poetical Works of Mrs. Leprohon (Miss R.E. Mullins). Montreal: John Lovell & Son, 1881.
McAdam, J. T. Canada: The Country, Its People, Religions, Politics, Rulers and Its Apparent Future. Montreal: [s.n.], 1881.
Dawson, John William. The Future of McGill University; Annual University Lecture, Session 1880-81. Montreal: [s.n.], 1880.
St. George, Percival Walter. “On the Street and Footwalk Pavements of Montreal, Canada from Year 1842 to 1878.” Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers Vol. 58, Part 4, no. 1879 (1879): 287–309.
Norris, John F. The Consolidated Bank of Canada. A Compilation. Montreal: The Montreal Herald Printing and Publishing Company, 1879.
White, Robert S. General Review of the Trade of Montreal: Also a Synopsis of the Commerce of Canada. Montreal: T. and R. White, 1878.
Protestant Public Schools, Montreal, Province of Quebec, Dominion of Canada, 1878. Montreal: [s.n.], 1878.
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal. Condensed Catalogue of Manuscripts, Books and Engravings on Exhibition at the Caxton Celebration, Held Under the Auspices of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Montreal, at the Mechanics’ Hall, on 26th, 27th, 28th and 28th June, 1877,.. Montreal: Printed at the Gazette Printing House, 1877.
Fleming, John C. Orangeism and the 12th of July Riots in Montreal; with the Letter of Sir Francis Hincks, as an Appendix. Montreal: Printed for the author, 1877.
Dawson, Samuel Edward. Christ Church, Montreal : As Parish Church and Cathedral, a Report to the Rector of the Parish, with Appendices, Containing Opinions of Canadian Counsel and Evidence of the Chief Cathedral Authorities in England, Relative to Ecclesiastical Law and Usage in England and Canada. Montreal: The Lovell Printing and Publishing Company, 1875.
Borthwick, John Douglas. Montreal, Its History, To Which Is Added Biographical Sketches, With Photographs Of Many Of Its Principal Citizens. Montreal: Drysdale & Co., 1875.
Wells, George H. Historical Sermon Preached at the Semi-Centennial Celebrations of the American Presbyterian Church of Montreal, May 18, 1873. Montreal: D. Bentley, 1873.
Sandham, Alfred. History of the Montreal Young Men’s Christian Association (the First Formed on the Continent): Also an Account of the Origin of Young Men’s Christian Associations and Subsequent Progress of the Work in America. Montreal: D. Bentley, 1873.
Sandham, Alfred. “A Montreal Club of the Eighteenth Century.” The Canadian Antiquarian and Numismatic Journal Vol. 1, no. 1 (July 1872): 31–33.
Sandham, Alfred. McGill College and Its Medals. Montreal: D. Bentley, 1872.
Oxenden, Ashton. My First Year in Canada. London, England: Hatchards, 1871.
Brown, Thomas Storrow. “Montreal Fifty Years Ago.” New Dominion Monthly (March 1870): 19–29.
Sandham, Alfred. Ville-Marie, or, Sketches of Montreal Past and Present: With Numerous Engravings of Churches, Public Buildings, Street Views, Antiquities, Maps, Costumes, Etc. Montreal: George Bishop & Co., 1870.
Dawson, John William. Plea for the Extension of University Education in Canada, and Especially in Connection with McGill University. Montreal: John C. Becket, 1870.
Croil, James. Life of the Rev. Alex. Mathieson, D.D., Minister of St. Andrew’s Church, Montreal. With a Funeral Sermon by John Jenkins. And Three Discourses Preached by Dr. Mathieson at Different Periods of His Ministry. Montreal: Dawson, 1870.
Whyte, J. K. Scrapbooks on Sports in Montreal. 8 vols. Montreal: [s.n.], 1869.
Beers, William George. Lacrosse - The National Game of Canada. Montreal: Dawson Bros., 1869.
Montreal Illustrated, 1869-70: Christmas and New Year Pictorial Album. Montreal: T.F.S. Kirkpatrick, 1869.
Taylor, Fennings. Thos. D’Arcy McGee: Sketch of His Life and Death. Montreal: John Lovell, 1868.
Spaight, George. Trial of Patrick J. Whelan for the Murder of the Hon. Thos. D’Arcy MaGee, with a Photograph of the Accused. Ottawa, ON: G. E. Desbarets, 1868.
Commercial Sketch of Montreal and Its Superiority as a Wholesale Market. Montreal: Chisholm and Dodd, 1868.
Carpenter, Philip P. “On the Vital Statistics of Montreal.” The Canadian Naturalist and Geologist New Series, Vol. 3 (December 1866): 134–156.
Hall, Archibald. “On the Past, Present, and Future of the Faculty of Medicine of McGill University: An Introductory Lecture Delivered at the Opening of the Session 1866-67.” Canada Medical Journal and Monthly Record of Medical and Surgical Science Vol. 4 (1866): 289–302.
Abstract of Proceedings in Montreal, in Connection with the Interests of the British Protestant Population in Eastern Canada, Under the Proposed Union of the British American Provinces. Montreal: [s.n.], 1866.
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