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Kelly, Erica. “‘The Art of Making Artists’: Canadian Modernism, F.R. Scott, and the New Deal.” Canadian Literature : A Quarterly of Criticism and Review No. 209 (Summer 2011): 31–46.
Povitz, Lana. “‘It Used to Be about the Kids’: Nutrition Reform and the Montreal Protestant School Board.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 92, no. 2 (June 2011): 323–347.
Bélanger, Alain, Patrick Sabourin, and Réjean Lachapelle. “Une analyse des déterminants de la mobilité linguistique intergénérationnelle des immigrants allophones au Québec.” Cahiers québécois de démographie Vol. 40, no. 1 (Printemps 2011): 113–138.
Graham, Joseph. “Parliament in Flames.” Canada’s History, March 2011.
“Diversité montréalaise et mouvements sociaux dans les années 1960.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 19, no. 2 (Hiver 2011): 72–77.
Wong, Alan. “The Disquieting Revolution: A Genealogy of Reason and Racism in the Québec Press.” Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition Vol. 4, no. 1 (2011): 145–162.
Wilson, David A. Thomas D’Arcy McGee: Vol. II, The Extreme Moderate, 1857-1868. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011.
Vaugeois, Denis. Les premiers juifs d’Amérique, 1760-1860 : l’extraordinaire histoire de la famille Hart. Sillery, Qué: Septentrion, 2011.
Thornton, Patricia, and Sherry Olson. “Mortality in Late Nineteenth-Century Montreal: Geographic Pathways of Contagion.” Population Studies Vol. 65, no. 2 (2011): 157–181.
Robinson, Ira. “The Bouchard-Taylor Commission and the Jewish Community of Quebec in Historical Perspective.” In Religion, Culture and the State: Reflections on the Bouchard-Taylor Report, edited by Howard Adelman and Pierre Anctil, 58–68. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2011.
Préaux, Céline. “Le déclin d’une élite. L’évolution du discours communautaire public des francophones d’Anvers et des anglophones de Montréal.” PhD dissertation, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 2011.
Mills, Jessica J. “What’s The Point?: The Meaning of Place, Memory, and Community in Point Saint Charles, Quebec.” Master’s Thesis, Concordia University, 2011.
Mercier-Tremblay, Samuel. “Des nouvelles de l’ennemi : la réception des romans de Mordecai Richler au Québec francophone.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 2011.
Levy, David. Stalin’s Man in Canada: Fred Rose and Soviet Espionage. New York, NY: Enigma Books, 2011.
Lang, Jonathan. “Shalom Québec: Reappraising the Role of Language in the Integration of Jewish Communities in Montréal.” Policy inAction: Diversity, Politics and Policy Dynamics in the Contemporary Period Vol. 1 (2012 2011): 98–129.
Jolivet, Simon. “Le Québec, les Irlandais et la politique au début du XXe siècle.” Histoire Québec, 2011.
Ingram, Darcy. “Horses, Hedges, and Hegemony: Foxhunting in the Countryside.” In Metropolitan Natures: Environmental Histories of Montreal, edited by Stéphane Castonguay and Michèle Dagenais, 211–227. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011.
Heller, Monica S. “Brewing Trouble : Language, the State, and Modernity in Industrial Beer Production (Montreal, 1978-1980).” In Paths to Post-Nationalism : A Critical Ethnography of Language and Identity, 74–93. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Harvey, Louis-Georges. “’L’exception irlandaise’ : La représentation de l’Irlande et des Irlandais dans la presse anglophone du Bas-Canada, 1823-1836.” Les Cahiers des Dix No. 65 (2011): 117–139.
Gitersos, Terry. “"Ça Devient Une Question d’être Maîtres Chez Nous”: The Canadiens, Nordiques, and the Politics of Québécois Nationalism, 1979-1984.” PhD dissertation, University of Western Ontario, 2011.
Fahrni, Magda. “Influenza and the Urban Environment, 1918-1920.” In Metropolitan Natures: Environmental Histories of Montreal, edited by Stéphane Castonguay and Michèle Dagenais, 68–81. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011.
Deschamps, François. “Le radicalisme Tory à travers le prisme du Montreal Herald et la mobilisation du milices dans le district de Montréal (1834-1837).” Master’s Thesis, Université du Québec à Montréal, 2011.
Dagenais, Michèle. Montréal et l’eau. Une histoire environnementale. Montréal: Boréal, 2011.
Dagenais, Michèle. “At the Source of a New Urbanity: Water Networks and Power Relations in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century.” In Metropolitan Natures: Environmental Histories of Montreal, edited by Stéphane Castonguay and Michèle Dagenais, 101–114. Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011.
Dagenais, Michèle. “An Entangled History: Montreal and Its Waters.” RCC Perspectives Vol. 4 (2011): 44–59.
Connors, Linda E., and Mary Lu MacDonald. National Identity in Great Britain and British North America, 1815-1851: The Role of Nineteenth-Century Periodicals. Farnham, Surrey, England & Burlington VT: Ashgate, 2011.
Burton, Samantha. “Canadian Girls in London: Negotiating Home and Away in the British World at the Turn of the Twentieth Century.” PhD dissertation, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=107634&silo_library=GEN01.
Brodeur, Magaly. Vice et corruption à Montréal, 1892-1970. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec, 2011.
Bélisle, Michel. Elle s’appellera Kirkland, 1961-2011 / It Will Be Called Kirkland, 1961-2011. Kirkland, QC: Ville de Kirkland, 2011.
Beitel, David, Jill Lance, and Lisa Bornstein. Westmount Baseline Study 2010. Research Report Series. RR11-01E. Montreal: CURA Making Megaprojects Work for Communities - Mégaprojets au service des communautés, 2011.
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