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Blais-Tremblay, Vanessa. “Gorgeous Girlies in Glittering Gyrations! Capital érotique et danse jazz dans l’entre-deux-guerres québécois.” Recherches féministes Vol. 32, no. 1 (2019): 89–109.
Mansbridge, Joanna. “In Search of a Different History : The Remains of Burlesque in Montreal.” Canadian Theatre Review Vol. 158 (Spring 2014): 7–12.
Hornbacher, Marya. “Return of a Virtuoso.” Smithsonian Magazine Vol. 35, no. 10 (January 2005): 56–62.
Bourassa, André-G. “Les visiteurs au pouvoir : Le théâtre au Québec, 1850-1879 (1re partie).” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 13, no. 2 (Hiver 2005): 191–216.
Bourassa, André-G. “Le temps des révoltes. Le théâtre au Québec, 1825-1849.” Bulletin d’histoire politique Vol. 13, no. 1 (Automne 2004): 149–177.
Henry, Jeff. “Black Theatre in Montreal and Toronto in the Sixties and Seventies: The Struggle for Recognition.” Canadian Theatre Review Vol. 118 (Spring 2004): 29–33.
Bayne, Clarence S. “The Origins of Black Theatre in Montreal.” Canadian Theatre Review Vol. 118 (Spring 2004): 34–40.
Reynolds, Mark. “Toot Sweet: When Jazz Ruled Montreal.” The Beaver Vol. 81, no. 3 (July 2001): 26–32.
Bayne, Clarence S. “Le Black Theatre Workshop de Montreal: Un Nouveau Bilan.” L’Annuaire théâtral: Revue québécoise d’études théâtrales Vol. 29 (Printemps 2001): 141–155.
Laplante, Benoît, and Guy Bellevance. “L’évolution de la formation des artistes québécois au xxe siècle.” Recherches sociographiques Vol. 42, no. 3 (2001): 543–584.
Zatzman, Belarie. “Yiddish Theatre in Montreal: Review Essay.” Canadian Jewish Studies/Études juives canadiennes Vol. 6 (1998): 89–97.
Joy, Annamma, and Clarence Bayne. “From Community Workshop to Professional Theatre: Audience Development and the Consumption of Art.” Advances in Non-Profit Marketing No. 4 (1993): 79–113.
Booth, Philip. “Le Montreal Repertory Theatre et les théâtres d’art.” L’Annuaire théâtral: revue québécoise d’études théâtrales No. 13-14 (1993): 59–74.
Larrue, Jean-Marc. “‘Il faut tuer Broadway’: création du Her Majesty’s Theatre et des Soirées de famille du Monument National.” L’Annuaire théâtral No. 4 (Printemps 1988): 47–80.
Breon, Robin. “The Growth and Development of Black Theatre in Canada: A Starting Point.” Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada Vol. 9, no. 2 (1988): 216–228.
Ackerman, Marianne. “A Crisis of Vision: Anglophone Theatre in Montreal.” Canadian Theatre Review No. 46 (Spring 1986): 21–27.
Poteet, Susan. “New Play Development in Quebec: A Matter of Voice.” Canadian Theatre Review No. 46 (1986): 28–35.
Glorioso, Vincent, Marie-Louise Paquette, and Michel Vaïs. “La plus ancienne compagnie anglophone de Montréal : Andrew Johnston -- Youtheatre.” Jeu: Revue de théâtre Vol. 38 (1986): 158–160.
Bains, Yashdip Singh, and Norma Jenckes. “Fanny Kemble and Charles Kemble: As Canadians Saw Them in 1833.” Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada Vol. 5, no. 2 (Fall 1984): 115–131.
Blaise, Clark. “Portrait of the Artist as Young Pup.” Canadian Literature No. 100 (1984): 35–41.
Bains, Yashdip Singh. “Frederick Brown and Montreal’s Doomed Theatre Royal, 1825-26.” Theatre Survey Vol. 24 (November 1983): 65–75.
Lynde, Denyse. “Theatrical Activity in Montreal in the 1830s.” Association for Canadian Theatre History/Association d’histoire du théâtre au Canada Vol. 6, no. 1 (Fall 1982): 15–17.
Garebian, Keith. “Saidye Bronfman Theatre -- English Drama Hits Hard Times in Quebec.” Performing Arts Magazine Vol. 19 (Fall 1982): 47–48, 50.
Rittenhouse, Jonathan. “Herbert Whittaker: A Theatre Life.” Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada Vol. 3, no. 1 (Spring 1982): 51–78.
Ripley, John. “Shakespeare on the Montreal Stage 1805-1826.” Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches Théâtrales Au Canada Vol. 3, no. 1 (Spring 1982): 3–20.
Moy, James S. “The Opening of Montreal’s Theatre Royal.” Theatre History in Canada/Histoire du théâtre au Canada Vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1980): 24–38.
Klein, A. Owen. “The Opening of Montreal’s Theatre Royal, 1825.” Theatre Research in Canada/Recherches théâtrales au Canada Vol. 1, no. 1 (Spring 1980): 24–38.
Fraser, Kathleen D. J. “Theatre Management in the Nineteenth Century: Eugene A. McDowell in Canada, 1874-1891.” Theatre History in Canada/Histoire du théâtre au Canada Vol. 1, no. 1 (1980): 39–54.
Montpetit, Raymond. “Loisir public et société à Montréal au XIXe siècle.” Loisir et Société / Society and Leisure Vol. 2, no. 1 (Avril 1979): 101–126.
Laurin, Camille. “English Theatre and Quebec Culture.” Canadian Theatre Review Vol. 21 (Winter 1979): 124–126.
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