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Fraser, Robert J. As Others See Us: Scots of the Seaway Valley. Courtenay, B.C.: A. Fraser, 2001.
Daly, Ruth, Thomas A. G. Daly, and Sylvia Green-Guenette. St. James Anglican Church Cemetery Inscriptions and Memorials, Ormstown, Chateauguay County, Quebec. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 2001.
Lang, Burton. St. Paul’s Presbyterian (United) Church, Ormstown, Quebec: Old Burying Ground, Monument Inscription List. Howick, QC: B. Lang, 2000.
Hayward, Miriam C., and Shirley E. Lancaster. Côteau du Lac (Québec) : Christ Church Register, 1829-1857 (Anglican). Thornhill, ON: S.E.L. Enterprises, 2000.
MacKenzie, Betty McKay. Hemmingford: Two Hundred Years of Hope and Challenge, 1799-1999. Hemmingford, QC: Hemmingford Historical Archives, 1999.
Hill, Robert. Voice of the Vanishing Minority: Robert Sellar and the Huntingdon Gleaner, 1863-1919. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1998.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church: The First 35 Years: A History, 1963-1998. Châteauguay, QC: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, 1998.
Decloître, Philippe. “L’abandon d’un village au XIXe siècle : le cas de Godmanchester dans le Haut-Saint-Laurent, 1820-1850.” Master’s Thesis, Université de Montréal, 1997.
Sarthou, Manon. Three Circuits of Protestant Churches in the Haut-Saint-Laurent MRC: Architectural Heritage. Huntingdon, QC: Haut-Saint-Laurent MRC, 1996.
Laviolette, Luc. “L’organisation sociale dans la seigneurie de Beauharnois sous l’impulsion des Ellice (1795-1845).” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay Vol. 29 (1996): 52–58.
LaRose, André. “Land and Money - The Seigneurie of Beauharnois as an Investment.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay Vol. 29 (1996): 75–77.
Mackey, Frank. “Buyer Beware - Alexander Ellice Acquires the Seigniory of Beauharnois.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay, 1995.
Chateauguay Valley English-Speaking Peoples Association. Presentation to the Commission des États généraux sur l’éducation. Huntingdon, QC: The Association, 1995.
Chateauguay Valley English-Speaking Peoples Association. Essential Issues in the Quebec Referendum Debate of 1995 : A Brief to La Commission de la Montérégie sur l’avenir du Québec. Huntingdon, QC: CVESPA, 1995.
King, Maurice J., and Janet K. Hicks. The Future of Quebec: Essential Issues. Huntingdon, QC: Southwest Quebec Publishing, 1994.
Actes religieux relatifs aux ouvriers et à la période de creusage du vieux canal Beauharnois. Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, QC: Société d’histoire et de généalogie de Salaberry, 1994.
Woodward, Clarence P., and Gary Schroder. Quebec, 1851 Census Transcription and Index: Volume One: Township of Hemmingford. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1992.
Renwick, Walter Herbert, and Gary Schroder. Quebec, 1851 Census Transcription and Index: Volume Two: St. Patrick of Sherrington Parish. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1992.
Pozzobon, Theresa, and Gary Schroder. Quebec, 1851 Census Transcription and Index: Volume Three: Village of Huntingdon. Pointe Claire, QC: Quebec Family History Society, 1992.
Senior, Hereward. The Last Invasion of Canada: The Fenian Raids, 1866-1870. Toronto, ON: Dundurn Press in collaboration with Canadian War Museum, Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1991.
Germain, Robert. “Alcohol and Temperance in the Chateauguay Valley.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay Vol. 24 (1991): 59–62.
Cogswell, Malcolm T. “The Frontier Sunday School Association in Relation to Wine, Women, and War.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay Vol. 24 (1991): 17–18.
Cogswell, Malcolm. Rev. Walter Roach, 1806-1849: Pioneer Minster at Beauharnois, Chateauguay and St. Louis and Clerk, Montreal Presbytery (Church of Scotland), Moderator of the Synod, 1847-1848, Moderator, Montreal Presbytery, 1848-1849. Montreal: [s.n.], 1991.
Cogswell, Malcolm. A History of English-Speaking Churches in the Chateauguay Valley to 1850. Chateauguay, QC: [s.n.], 1991.
Clermont, Norman. Des figures historiques : Jane Ellice et André-Napoléon Montpetit; et une autre page d’histoire Pêcher à la Pointe-du-Buisson au temps des seigneurs. Montréal: Département d’anthropologie, Université de Montréal, 1991.
Chateauguay Valley English-Speaking Peoples Association. Summary of the Brief Submitted to the Commission on the Political and Constitutional Future of Quebec. Huntingdon, QC: The Association, 1991.
Témoins d’une Église... : Diocèse de Valleyfield, 1892-1992. Valleyfield, Qué: Évêché de Valleyfield, 1991.
Regehr, T. D. The Beauharnois Scandal: A Story of Canadian Entrepreneurship and Politics. Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 1990.
Perron, Monique. Bibliographie du Haut-Saint-Laurent (sud-ouest de la Montérégie). Québec: Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture, 1990.
Dickson, John K. “The Barrie Memorial Hospital.” Chateauguay Valley Historical Society Annual Journal/Revue annuelle de la Société historique de la vallée de la Châteauguay Vol. 23 (1990): 1–8.
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