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Long, Dorothy Elizabeth. “The Elusive Mr. Ellice.” The Canadian Historical Review Vol. 23, no. 1 (March 1942): 42–57.
Long, Dorothy Elizabeth. “Edward Ellice.” PhD dissertation, University of Toronto, 1941.
Lanctôt, Gustave. “Un régionaliste anglais de Québec, Robert Sellar.” Bulletin de recherches historiques Vol. 41, no. 3 (March 1935): 172–174.
Auclair, Élie-J. Histoire de Châteauguay (1735-1935). Montréal: Librairie Beauchemin, 1935.
Pollard, James Richard Alton. “Luther Hamilton Holton, 1817-1880.” Master’s Thesis, University of Toronto, 1928.
Rev. Whillans, G. Historical Sketch of Georgetown Presbyterian Church, County of Chateauguay, Quebec, 1823-1923. Huntington, QC: Huntington Gleaner, 1923.
Woods, Stuart A. The History of the English River and Howick Congregations: 1845-1915. Huntingdon, QC: The Huntingdon Gleaner, 1915.
Campbell, Wilfrid. Report on Manuscript Lists in the Archives Relating to the United Empire Loyalists, With Reference to Other Sources. Ottawa, ON: Printed for the use of the Archives Branch, 1909.
Campbell, Francis Wayland. The Fenian Invasions of Canada of 1866 and 1870 and the Operations of the Montreal Militia Brigade in Connection Therewith: A Lecture Delivered Before the Montreal Military Institute, April 23rd, 1898. [S.l.]: John Lovell & Son, 1904.
Dafoe, John W. “The Fenian Invasion of Quebec, 1866.” The Canadian Magazine Vol. 10, no. 4 (February 1898): 339–347.
Shortis, Valentine. Documents relatifs à la commutation de la sentence de mort dans la cause de Valentine F.C. Shortis. Ottawa, ON: S.E. Dawson, 1896.
Saint-Pierre, Henri Césaire. Affaire Shortis : plaidoyer de mtre H. C. Saint-Pierre, c.r. pour la défense de Valentine Shortis accusé de meutre : audiences des 29, 30 et 31 octobre 1895. Montréal: C. O. Beauchemin & fils, 1896.
Shortis, Valentine. The Queen vs. F.V.C. Shortis : English Addresses of Counsel and the Charge of the Hon. Mr. Justice Mathieu to the Jury, as Taken by John J. Lomax and A.A. Urquhart, Official Stenographers to the Court. Montreal: W. Drysdale, 1895.
Sellar, Robert. In Defence of the Quebec Minority: (A Letter to the Hon. H.G. Joly). Huntingdon, QC: [s.n.], 1894.
David, L. O. Mes contemporaines. Montréal: Eusèbe Séncal & Fils, 1894.
Constitution and By-Laws of the Chateauguay Literary and Historical Society, Ormstown, P.Q., Organized October 26th, 1888. Montreal: W. Drysdale, 1889.
Sellar, Robert. The History of the County of Huntingdon and of the Seignories of Chateauguay and Beauharnois From Their First Settlement to the Year 1839. Huntingdon, QC: The Canadian Gleaner, 1888.
Prospectus of Lovell’s Gazetteer and History: Of Every County, District, Parish, City, Township, Town, Village, Island, Lake and River in the Eight Provinces of the Dominion of Canada. In Nine Volumes. 9 vols. Montreal: John Lovell, 1888.
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